Zverik / gtfs-proto

GTFS in Protocol Buffers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GTFS to Protobuf Packaging

This library / command-line tool introduces a protocol buffers-based format for packaging GTFS feeds. The reasons for this are:

  1. Decrease the size of a feed to 8-10% of the original.
  2. Allow for even smaller and easy to apply delta files.

The recommended file extension for packaged feeds is gtp.

Differences with GTFS

The main thing missing from the packaged feed is fare information. This is planned to be added, refer to this ticket to track the implementation progress.

Packaged feed does not reflect source tables one to one. This is true for most tables though. Here's what been deliberately skipped from the official format:

  • stops.txt: tts_stop_name, stop_url, stop_timezone, level_id.
  • routes.txt: route_url, route_sort_order.
  • trips.txt: block_id.
  • stop_times.txt: stop_sequence, shape_dist_travelled.
  • shapes.txt: shape_pt_sequence, shape_dist_travelled.

Feed files ignored are all the fare*.txt, timeframes.txt, pathways.txt, levels.txt, translations.txt, feed_info.txt, and attributions.txt. Fares are to be implemented, and for other tables it is recommended to use the original feed.

Binary Format

Note that the format is to have significant changes, including renumbering of fields, until version 1.0 is published.

Inside the file, first thing is a little-endian two-byte size for the header block. Then the header serialized message follows.

The header contains a list of sizes for each block. Blocks follow in the order listed in the Block enum: first identifiers, then strings, then agencies, and so on.

The same enum is used for keys in the IdReference message, that links generated numeric ids from this packed feed with the original string ids.

If the feed is compressed (marked by a flag in the header), each block is compressed using the Zstandard algorithm. It proved to be both fast and efficient, decreasing the size by 70%.

Location Encoding

Floating-point values are stored inefficiently, hence all longitude and latitudes are multiplied by 100000 (10^5) and rounded. This allows for one-meter precision, which is good enough on public transit scales.

In addition, when coordinates become lists, we store only a difference with the last coordinate. This applies to both stops (relative to the previous stop) and shapes: in latter, coordinates are relative to the previous coordinate, or to the last one in the previous shape.

Routes and Trips

The largest file in every GTFS feed is stop_times.txt. Here, it's missing, with the data spread between routes and trips. The format also adds itineraries:

  • An itinerary is a series of stops for a route with the same headsign and shape.
    • Note that there is no specific block for itineraries, instead they are packaged inside corresponding routes. But they still have unique identifiers.
  • Route is the same as in GTFS.
  • Trips reference an itinerary for stops, and add departure and arrival times for each stop (or start and end time when those are specified with frequencies.txt).

So to find a departure time for a given stop, you find itineraries that contain it, and from those, routes and trips. You get a departure times list from the trip, and use addition to get the actual time (since we store just differences with previous times, with 5-second granularity).


Delta files looks the same as the original, but the header size has its last bit set (size & 0x8000, note the unsigned integer). After that, GtfsDeltaHeader follows, which also has version, date, compression fields, and a list of block sizes.

How the blocks are different, is explained in the proto file.

Installation and Usage

Installing is simple:

pip install gtfs-proto

Packaging a feed

See a list of commands the tool provides by running it without arguments:

gtfs_proto pack --help

To package a feed, call:

gtfs_proto pack gtfs.zip --output city.gtp

In a header, a feed stores an URL of a source zip file, and a date on which that feed was built. You should specify those, although if the date is "today", you can skip the argument:

gtfs_proto pack gtfs.zip --url https://mta.org/gtfs/gtfs.zip --date 2024-03-19 -o city.gtp

When setting a pipeline to package feeds regularly, do specify the previous feed file to keep identifiers from altering, and to keep delta file sizes to a minimum:

gtfs_proto pack gtfs.zip --prev city_last.gtp -o city.gtp


Delta, a list of differences between two feeds, is made with this obvious command:

gtfs_proto delta city_last.gtp city.gtp -o city_delta.gtp

Currently it's to be decided whether a delta requires a different file extension. Technically the format is almost the same, using the same protocol buffers definition.

If you lost an even older file and wish to keep your users updated even from very old feeds, you can merge deltas:

gtfs_proto dmerge city_delta_1-2.gtp city_delta_2-3.gtp -o city_delta_1-3.gtp

It is recommended to avoid merging deltas and store old feeds instead to produce delta files with the delta command.

There is no command for applying deltas: it's on end users to read the file and apply it straight to their inner database.


A packaged feed contains a header and an array of blocks, similar but not exactly mirroring the original GTFS files. You can see the list, sizes and counts by running:

gtfs_proto info city.gtp

Any block can be dumped into a series of one-line JSON objects by specifying the block name:

gtfs_proto info city.gtp --block stops

Currently the blocks are ids, strings, agency, calendar, shapes, stops, routes, trips, transfers, networks, areas, and fare_links.

There are two additional "blocks" that print numbers from the header: version and date. Use these to simplify automation. For example, this is how you make a version-named copy of the lastest feed:

cp city-latest.gtp city-$(gtfs_proto info city-latest.gtp -b version).gtp

When applicable, you can print just the line for a given identifier, both for the one from the original GTFS feed, and for a numeric generated one:

gtfs_proto info city.gtp -p stops --id 45

Of course you can view contents of a delta file the same way.

Python Library

Reading GTFS protobuf files is pretty straightforward:

from gtfs_proto import GtfsProto

feed = GtfsProto(open('city.gtp', 'rb'))
print(f'Feed built on {feed.header.date}')
for stop in feed.stops:
    print(f'Stop {stop.stop_id} named "{feed.strings[stop.name]}".')

The GtfsProto (and GtfsDelta) object reads the file header and lazily provides all blocks as lists or dicts. To read all blocks instantly, use the read_now=True argument for the constructor.

Parsing shapes and calendar services is not easy, so there are some service functions, namely parse_shape and parse_calendar. The latter returns a list of CalendarService with all the dates and day lists unpacked, and an operates method to determine whether the line functions on a given date.

All built-in commands use this library, so refer to, for example, delta.py for an extended usage tutorial.

Author and License

The format and the code were written by Ilya Zverev. The code is published under ISC License, the the format is CC0 or in a public domain, whatever applies in your country.


GTFS in Protocol Buffers

License:ISC License


Language:Python 100.0%