Zuzze / xkcd-comics

Fetches latest comics from xkcd API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🤓 xkcd Comics App

This app displays last 10 xkcd comics fetched through API and enlarges them once clicked.


The used API can be found at https://xkcd.com/json.html

  • current comic endpoint: https://xkcd.com/info.0.json
  • endpoint of comic number 614: https://xkcd.com/614/info.0.json

example response body for /614:

   month: "7",
   num: 614,
   link: "",
   year: "2009",
   news: "",
   safe_title: "Woodpecker",
   transcript: "[[A man with a beret and a woman are standing on a boardwalk, leaning on a handrail.]] Man: A woodpecker! <<Pop pop pop>> Woman: Yup. [[The woodpecker is banging its head against a tree.]] Woman: He hatched about this time last year. <<Pop pop pop pop>> [[The woman walks away. The man is still standing at the handrail.]] Man: ... woodpecker? Man: It's your birthday! Man: Did you know? Man: Did... did nobody tell you? [[The man stands, looking.]] [[The man walks away.]] [[There is a tree.]] [[The man approaches the tree with a present in a box, tied up with ribbon.]] [[The man sets the present down at the base of the tree and looks up.]] [[The man walks away.]] [[The present is sitting at the bottom of the tree.]] [[The woodpecker looks down at the present.]] [[The woodpecker sits on the present.]] [[The woodpecker pulls on the ribbon tying the present closed.]] ((full width panel)) [[The woodpecker is flying, with an electric drill dangling from its feet, held by the cord.]] {{Title text: If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too. Because we're friends! Right?}}",
   alt: "If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too. Because we're friends! Right?",
   img: "https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/woodpecker.png",
   title: "Woodpecker",
   day: "24"

Note Current API does not support returning multiple comics at once, only one at a time. If we would own the API and multiple comics would be wanted to fetch at once, it might make sense to add new endpoint to API that returns n last comics at once in one API call instead of concurrently requesting them separately on the client.

To figure out the nums (IDs) of last 10 comics, you have to first request the num (ID) of current comic. After this previous 9 comics can be requested. Comics will be displayed once all 10 comics have been loaded. Loading state is observed in store and loading spinner is displayed during loading for the user.


To fetch data, this app uses axios. To fetch multiple comics at once we use Promise.all() method. This method returns a single promise object that resolves only when all arguments passed as an array have resolved.


The app uses vue-router in hash mode to navigate between front page / and single comic page that is defined based on comic number e.g. /614. Users can also share single comic pages.

Project setup

Download zip from https://github.com/Zuzze/xkcd-comics by pressing green "Clone or download" button or clone in terminal with next commands

git clone https://github.com/Zuzze/xkcd-comics.git
cd xkcd-comics

start with start.shscript

Make the script executable

chmod +x start.sh

Run the script


This install dependencies and starts the app in browser.

Alternatively you can also run the app with next commands

yarn install
yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Fetches latest comics from xkcd API


Language:Vue 52.1%Language:JavaScript 40.0%Language:CSS 4.3%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:Shell 0.4%