Zuoqiu-Yingyi / widget-brython-editor

一个简单可离线运行的的 Brython 编辑器挂件 | A sample, offline-running widget of Brython Editor.

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Brython 编辑器挂件 | widget-brython-editor

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一个简单可离线运行的的 Brython 编辑器挂件
A sample, offline-running widget of Brython Editor.

现已上架思源笔记社区集市, 如果您喜欢本主题, 欢迎为本项目点亮一个⭐!
It is now on the shelves of the Siyuan Notes Community Bazaar. If you like this theme, welcome to light up ⭐ for this project!


preview-relative preview-location


  • 离线使用 Ace 编辑器编辑 Python 脚本
    Edit Python scripts offline using the Ace editor.
  • 离线使用 Brython 库运行 Python 脚本
    Edit and run Python scripts offline using the Brython library.
  • 顶部菜单栏 | Top menu bar
    • 文件菜单 | File menu
      • 加载文档 | Reload
        • 从块属性加载代码与运行结果
          Load the code with the run results from the block attribute.
      • 保存文档 | Save
        • 保存代码与运行结果至块属性
          Save the code with the run results to the block attribute.
    • 编辑菜单 | Editor menu
      • 清空编辑器 | Clear editor
        • 将编辑器中的代码全部清空
          Empty all the code in the editor.
      • 清空输出面板 | Clear output panel
        • 将输出面板中的内容全部清空
          Empty all the contents of the output panel.
      • 自动换行 | Wrap long code
        • 打开/关闭长代码自动换行
          Enable/Disable long code wraps.
    • 设置菜单 | Setting menu
      • 语言 | Language
        • 切换界面语言(简体中文/英文)
          Switch interface languages(Chinese Simplified/English).
      • 编辑器主题 | Editor Theme
        • 切换编辑器主题
          Switch editor themes.
      • 输出面板主题 | Output Panel Theme
        • 切换输出面板主题
          Switch output panel themes.
      • 字号 | Font size
        • 切换编辑器与输出面板字号
          Switch the font sizes of editor and output panel.
    • 运行菜单 | Run menu
      • ▶ 运行代码 | ▶ Run code
        • 运行编辑器中的代码
          Run the code in the editor.
      • Python
        • 在输出面板中显示 Python 运行结果与输出
          Displays the run results and outputs of Python in the output panel
      • JavaScript
        • 显示 Python -> JavaScript 的翻译结果
          Displays the translation of Python -> JavaScript
      • 分享 | Share code
        • 生成一个用于分享当前编辑器中代码的链接并写入剪贴板
          Generate a link to share the code in the editor and write the link to the clipboard.
    • 调试 | Debug
    • 输出面板 | Output panel
      • 折叠/展开输出面板
        Fold/Unfold the output panel.
    • 打开本地文件 | Open the local file
      • 使用文件选择对话框选择本地代码文件导入编辑器
        Use the file selection dialog box to select the local code file import editor.
    • 保存为本地文件 | Save as a local file
      • 将编辑器中的代码保存为本地文件
        Save the code in the editor as a local file.
  • 自动保存/加载用户设置
    Automatically save/load user settings.

开始 | START

自动 | AUTO

该挂件已在思源笔记社区集市上架, 可直接在集市中安装
The widget has been put on the shelves at SiYuan community bazaar and can be installed directly in the Bazaar.


  1. Releases 中下载发行包, 解压后放到思源笔记<工作空间>/data/widgets/ 目录下
    Download the release package in Releases, unzip it and place it in the <workspace>/data/widgets/ directory of SiYuan Note
  2. 在笔记中创建一个 IFrame 块, 地址填 /widgets/widget-brython-editor 即可
    Create an IFrame block in your notes with the address filled in /widgets/widget-brython-editor






一个简单可离线运行的的 Brython 编辑器挂件 | A sample, offline-running widget of Brython Editor.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 97.8%Language:Python 1.5%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:HTML 0.2%