Zuniga63 / youtube-top

Reactjs project where users can watch videos, comment, register and upload their own content to the platform

Home Page:https://youtubetopv22.netlify.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is a replica of YouTube App, built using Reactjs, Redux for the state and Redux Thunk for updating the state asynchronously. The client communicates through HTTP requests to an Express RESTful API server that is responsible for serving all the content that is displayed on the screen and the auth.

On this platform, the user can register, view videos that other users have uploaded, upload videos, leave comments and search for content.






Upload Video


About this proyect

This project was built using the SCRUM methodologic with weekly spring, where at the beginning of the week the features to be worked on were socialized and the work was divided to later carry out daily reviews and notify the progress.

The graphic interface was built using a figma design as a base where most of the main components were found and SASS was used for all styles of each component.

Finally, auxiliary libraries were used for the modals, forms and the visualization of the videos.


react react (^18.1.0)
react react-dom (^18.1.0)
react-router-dom react-router-dom (^6.3.0)
react-reduxc react-redux For the state of app(^8.0.1)
redux-thunk redux-thunk middleware for asynchronous state (^2.4.1)
react-player For visualize videos (^2.10.1)
Axios-logo axios For HTTP request (^0.27.2)
mantine_logo mantine we use @mantine/core[Forms, inputs, modals, drawer,...etc], @mantine/dropzone[For upload images and videos] and @mantine/hooks
1280px-Sass_Logo_Color svg sass For the CSS styles (^1.51.0)
swal2-logo sweetalert2 For some notifications (^11.4.19)
tablericons tabler-icons-react (^1.48.1)
react-tostify react-toastify For lite notifications (^9.0.5)
dayjs dayjs For relative times (^1.11.3)

Dev Dependencies

ESLint_logo svg eslint With the rules of Air BnB and prettier(^8.15.0)
prettier prettier (^2.6.2)
🐶 husky ^8.0.1
Cypress cypress (^10.3.0)


  1. Clone this respository.
  2. Run the script npm install
  3. Copy the file .env.example to .env.local with cp .env.example .env.local
  4. Write the Backend URI and Epayco key
  5. Run script npm run dev for excecute locally

Created by

Marco Jefferson Vasquez Andres Felipe Zuñiga Anderson Uribe

Made with contrib.rocks.


Reactjs project where users can watch videos, comment, register and upload their own content to the platform



Language:JavaScript 73.7%Language:SCSS 25.0%Language:HTML 1.2%Language:Shell 0.1%