ZombieHarvester / elixir-xlsx_parser_fork

Simple parser for xlsx spreadsheet data in elixir

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Simple parsing of xlsx spreadsheet data. Data can be retrieved or written to csv.


Parsing an .xlsx

{:ok, ret} = XlsxParser.get_sheet_content("/path/to/my.xlsx", 1)

ret will contain a list of {column, row, value}:

[{"A", 1, "a"}, {"A", 2, "c"}, {"B", 1, "two"}]

Writing to CSV

{status, ret} = XlsxParser.write_sheet_content_to_csv("/path/to/my.xlsx", 1, "/path/to/my.csv")

ret will contain the full text written out to /path/to/my.csv


This parser works on documents I have so far encountered. Please verify that it works for your documents before using in production. Log any issues via github.

This package can be installed by adding xlsx_parser to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:xlsx_parser, "~> 0.1.2"}


Simple parser for xlsx spreadsheet data in elixir


Language:Elixir 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%