ZloeSabo / puppet-hugo

A Puppet module for managing Hugo.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


A Puppet module for managing Hugo) (A static website engine).

This module installs Hugo using pre-built binaries and does not need external package repositories.


Setup requirements

The hugo module does not automatically create parent directories for the files it manages. Set up any needed directory structures before you start.

What hugo affects


Only install hugo:

include ::hugo

Install executable generate website out of it:

class {'::hugo':
    sites => {
        '/tmp/test' => {
            'target'  => '/tmp/generated',
            'version' => 'someversion'


Class: hugo

class {'::hugo':
    manage_dependencies    => true,
    dependencies_ensure    => 'latest',
    dependencies           => ['tar', 'git'],
    manage_package         => true,
    package_ensure         => 'present',
    installation_directory => '/usr/local/bin',
    version                => '0.20.7',
    owner                  => 'root',
    group                  => 'root',
    mode                   => 'ug=rw,o=r,a=x',
    sites                  => {
        'test.org' => {
            'source' => '/tmp/test',
            'target' => '/tmp/test.org',
            'version' => 'aaa'
        'test2.org' => {
            'source' => '/tmp/test',
            'target' => '/tmp/test2.org',
            'version' => 'bbb'
    compile_defaults       => {
        'hugo_executable' => '/usr/local/bin/hugo',
        'refreshonly'     => true

Class: hugo::packages

class {'::hugo::packages':
    manage_dependencies => true,
    dependencies_ensure => 'latest',
    dependencies        => ['git', 'tar']

Class: hugo::install

class {'::hugo::install':
    manage_package         => true,
    package_ensure         => 'present',
    installation_directory => '/usr/local/bin',
    version                => '0.20.7',
    owner                  => 'root',
    group                  => 'root',
    mode                   => 'ug=rw,o=r,a=x'

Resource: hugo::resource::compile

hugo::resource::compile {'human.test.org':
    target               => '/tmp/human.test.org',
    version              => 'someversion',
    source               => '/tmp/test',
    refreshonly          => true,
    additional_arguments => '',
    hugo_executable      => '/usr/local/bin/hugo'


See metadata.json for supported platforms.


Running tests

gem install bundler
bundle install --path vendor
bundle exec rake test


Please make sure that test cases, syntax and documentation checks are passing.


A Puppet module for managing Hugo.


Language:Ruby 73.9%Language:Puppet 24.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%