ZiranLi / FoodTracker1

Building an UI and working with table views. Passed 13 test cases

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FoodTracker1 (EC601 HW2 part 1)

Building an UI and working with table views. Following the instructions on Apple tutorial.(https://developer.apple.com/library/content/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Resources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015214-CH15-SW1)

2017/12/07 update

Unit Test for hw2 part 1

Check out the test cases:https://github.com/ZiranLi/FoodTracker1/blob/master/Test%20Case%20Sheet.xlsx

A screenshot of my onw test cases running black box testing: Alt text

For hw2 part 2

my hw2 part 2 is an iOS application, however, I need to create an Apple developer account to generate .ipa file which will spend like 100$. So I get authorized from Zulin Liu https://github.com/liuzulin/EC601_HW2/tree/master/HW2_Unit_Test and using his android application.  

Test by Amazon AWS test farm

Alt text

Running on different devices:

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

as can seen from above,this android application passed all test cases.


Building an UI and working with table views. Passed 13 test cases


Language:Swift 100.0%