Ziqi-Yang / .emacs.d

My personal emacs configurations.

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Meow Emacs

Note: the configuration is meant to be used for myself, you'd better only copy/paste the only part you want.


  1. Basic

    sudo pacman -S ripgrep
       # for plantum-mode, zoxide.el, 
       sudo pacman -S plantuml zoxide  
  2. language servers: check lsp-bridge and eglot-server-programs variable
    Also note that some programs have optional dependencies, which can be viewed by pacman -Qi.
    To use jdtls, java-17 environment is needed, which can be achieved by the following code:

    sudo pacman -S jdk17-openjdk # jdtls needs at least jdk17
    sudo archlinux-java set java-17-openjdk # set jdk17 as default jdk
  3. jinx, for reference:

    sudo pacman -S enchant hunspell hunspell-en_us pkgconf
  4. dictd

    # note: change the dictionary order in /etc/dict/dictd.conf
    sudo pacman -S dictd
    gfw paru -S dict-gcide dict-moby-thesaurus dict-wn dict-foldoc dict-devils
    sudo systemctl enable --now dictd
  5. wakatime

  6. mail

    # msmtp: send mail; offlineimap: imap receive email; mu: index email and provide mu4e package for email
    sudo pacman -S msmtp offlineimap
    paru -S mu
    # (optional) python-pysocks is required for offlineiamp to support proxy, but now I use `dae` to achieve transparent proxy
  7. citre

    sudo pacman -S ctags global # ctags and gtags(needed for finding reference)
  8. apheleia(formatter): check apheleia-mode-alist and apheleia-formatters variables


The dictionary file en_US-large.dic in dicts directory is stolen from /usr/share/hunspell/en_US-large.dic with

sed 's/\/.*//' en_US-large.dic > en_US-large_mod.dic

Other Awesome Emacs Configurations

  1. Protesilaos Stavrou

  2. Likhon-baRoy/.emacs.d

  3. emacs-from-scratch - daviwil

  4. 面向产品经理的Emacs系列教程配套配置文件


My personal emacs configurations.


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%