Zigazou / deadlink

Deadlink finder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DeadLink is a dead link checker written in Haskell.

Building deadlink

DeadLink has been written in Haskell and is compiled with GHC 7.10. It is meant to be run under Linux.

It requires Curl and SQLite3 development libraries. Using Debian:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsqlite3-dev

To build deadlink:

git clone https://github.com/Zigazou/deadlink.git
cd deadlink
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal build

The deadlink executable is created in dist/build/deadlink.


First deadlink needs an SQLite3 database.

To create a database named deadlink.db:

deadlink create deadlink.db

This script creates an empty SQLite3 database structured for deadlink. The use of a SQLite3 database has benefits:

  • deadlink can be stopped and resumed at any time without losing links,
  • the database can be queried with standard SQL statements,
  • the database consists of one file which can be copied or saved for later use.

Once the database has been created, you can run deadlink:

deadlink crawl <dbname> <base URL>

For example:

deadlink crawl example.com.db http://www.example.com/

Everytime deadlink needs to be resumed, it requires the same base URL to be specified.

Querying the database

Manual query

The deadlink database is a SQLite3 database. Querying it is as simple as running:

sqlite3 deadlink.db

Here’s the database schema:

Database schema

The http and curl tables are helpers to convert codes to human name.

Query examples:

-- Get number of links in the database
FROM   link;

-- Get number of links that have been checked or parsed
FROM   link
WHERE  checkdate IS NOT NULL
OR     parsedate IS NOT NULL;

-- Get number of links which returned a 404 HTTP code
FROM   link
WHERE  httpcode = 404;

-- Get dead links and the pages on which they have been found
SELECT url, parenturl
FROM   link, parent
WHERE  httpcode IN (0, 404)
AND    childurl = url;

The code is prepopulated with HTTP codes and their descriptions ready to be used in your queries.


The deadlinkstat.bash script contains more examples of how to query the database:

deadlinkstat.bash deadlink.db

Its output looks like:

Statistics for http://www.example.com/

- Links: 24
- External links: 10
- HTML pages: 12
- Checked links: 24
- Most used dead links:
  - http://www.example.org/
- HTTP codes:
  - 200 OK: 21
  - 301 Moved Permanently: 1
  - 302 Moved Temporarily: 2
- Content types:
  - [unknown]: 4
  - application/javascript: 1
  - application/pdf: 4
  - image/x-icon: 1
  - text/css: 2
  - text/html: 9
  - text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1: 1
  - text/html; charset=UTF-8: 1
  - text/html; charset=utf-8: 1


The deadlinklist.bash script list all dead links in a deadlink database:

deadlinklist.bash deadlink.db

Outputs looks like:

https://unknownhost.example.com (CURL error, Could not resolve host)
https://timeout.example.com (CURL error, Operation timeout)
https://::www::example.com (CURL error, URL malformat)
https://www.example.com/foobar (Not Found, OK)


To avoid infinite recursion, deadlink is limited to 15 iterations.

deadlink will take a lot of time for large sites. This is because deadlink does only one HTTP query at a time in order to be light on web servers.

deadlink user agent is "Zigazou's DeadLink finder".

deadlink uses cURL for every HTTP related action. Therefore, it supports proxy settings via the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables.

Writes to the database are done after 50 links checked/parsed. If deadlink is stopped, there is potentially a maximum of 50 links that will need to be checked again.

deadlink will check every links found on HTML pages but only HTML pages belonging to the base URL will be parsed.

Everytime deadlink needs to be resumed, it requires the same base URL to be specified.

Opening a Deadlink database while deadlink is working, even if it’s only for reading, can avoid deadlink to update it.

Reserved top-level and second-level domain name like example.com or localhost are considered dead links.

Date and time of checking are recorded as UTC.


Deadlink finder

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Haskell 96.9%Language:Shell 3.1%