ZhuJingquan / SharpLink

a c# version of burstlink, which is much more stable and powerful.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SharpLink is a socket proxy. It can bind other computer's port to local port. You can directly access your local port to communicate with other computers. This software is based on Tox project

So why it is useful? You can use it to play LAN games with your friends. SSH to your office computer from home, and many many things that used to be possible only in LANs.

##Compile ###Linux

  1. Install toxcore, the instruction can be found here
  2. Install MonoDevelop
    sudo apt-get install mono-complete
  3. Compile, you have to set build type to Debug POSIX or Release POSIX to build it. If you are facing with errors of dll not match, you have to reinstall depent libraries.

###Windows clone this project

git clone https://github.com/randoms/SharpLink
git checkout master

If you simply want to use it, you do not need to compile it. It is already compiled in dist folder. SharpLink.exe is the execute. Be careful, the .dll files in disk folder are also needed.

How to compile

open SharpLink.sln with visual studio. You can compile it with visual studio.

##Usage For example if computer B wants to connect to computer A's port 3128. But computer A and computer B are not in the same LAN. A is connected to the Internet via a router. First run server program on computer A


A file named 'server.log' will be created in current folder. File contents would be

ID: C519671087E6E2A2EE24AE681CD1D494F8F2D2727A2E8380A1567C62F339D44E1DD28E8AF571
Server listening on 51311
From Server 51311:tox is connected.

Record the long string after ID:. This is the ID of computer A. We will use it later.

Run the following command on computer B

SharpLink 9990 C519671087E6E2A2EE24AE681CD1D494F8F2D2727A2E8380A1567C62F339D44E1DD28E8AF571 3128

The long string above is computer A's ID. 9990 is computer B's local port. is the ip address computer B want to connect with via computer A. 3128 is the port computer B want to connect. After running that, a filed named 'client.log' will be created in your current folder.

If connected successfully, file contents would be

ID: D2D336CA480D19ED7C1EBD90F4500863EE2577853C1CEF7AEC3141D509A0F042110249C1CE47
Server listening on 50895
Waiting socket
From Server 50895:tox is connected.
Waiting socket

You can now connect to you local port 9990, it feels as if you have connected to computer A's port 3128. Be careful it may takes up to one minute to start a connection.

Command format

SharpLink local_port target_id target_ip target_port

local_port  local port
target_id   target computer's ID, the long string in terminal output
target_ip   the IP address you want target computer to connect with. If you just want to connect with target computer, then it would be
target_port target port you want to connect

If you run SharpLink without any parameters, it will be running in server mode.

How this is achieved

In fact this process is simple. We create a socket both on local computer and remote computer. The two socket communicate via tox. And it seems as if we have binded the remote computer's port to local port.

##Licence You are free to do anything...

SharpLink 简单来说就是一个端口代理软件。它能够把任意远程电脑的端口映射到本地端口。这样你就可以通过直接连接本地端口来和远程的电脑通信。这是一个p2p软件所以连接速度要比vpn之类的快很多。这个软件是建立在Tox项目之上的。

有什么用? 有很多用处,你可以利用这个和不同局域网的人玩局域网游戏。远程控制不在同一个局域网内的电脑。连接不在同一个局域网的ftp服务器。总之,几乎所有被局域网限制的应用都可用这个来解除限制。




  1. 安装toxcore,这里有详细的安装方法
  2. 安装MonoDevelop,打开IDE之后编译.注意要把变异类型设置成Debug POSIX 或者 Release POSIX版本.



git clone https://github.com/randoms/SharpLink
git checkout master

如果只是使用的话是可以不用编译的。在 dist 文件夹中有已经编译好的文件,其中SharpLink.exe是最终的程序. 注意dist文件夹中的dll文件也是必须的,如果想要在其他地方使用一定要带上dll文件。


用 visual studio 打开SharpLink.sln, 点击visual studio 内的编译就行了。

##使用方法 现在假如B电脑想要连接到A电脑的3128端口,但是A和B并不在一个局域网中,A经过路由器连接到互联网中。 首先在A电脑上运行服务端程序



ID: C519671087E6E2A2EE24AE681CD1D494F8F2D2727A2E8380A1567C62F339D44E1DD28E8AF571
Server listening on 51311
From Server 51311:tox is connected.



SharpLink 9990 C519671087E6E2A2EE24AE681CD1D494F8F2D2727A2E8380A1567C62F339D44E1DD28E8AF571 3128

中间一长串就是A的ID, 9990 代表本地端口, 是B想要A连接的IP,3128是B想要A连接的端口。整个的效果就是A把自己的3128端口映射到B的9990端口上.


ID: D2D336CA480D19ED7C1EBD90F4500863EE2577853C1CEF7AEC3141D509A0F042110249C1CE47
Server listening on 50895
Waiting socket
From Server 50895:tox is connected.
Waiting socket



SharpLink local_port target_id target_ip target_port

local_port  本地端口
target_id   目标电脑的ID,就是执行服务端程序后显示的那一长串字符
target_ip   想要目标电脑映射的IP,如果是目标电脑自身,那就是127.0.0.1
target_port 想要映射的目标端口



##软件许可 You are free to do anything...


a c# version of burstlink, which is much more stable and powerful.


Language:C# 100.0%