ZhikangNiu / pre-train-dockerfile

An Intro to set up your Speech Docker environment and debug using VSCode

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An Intro to set up your Docker environment and debug using VSCode

Created by zym22 on 2021.12.20

Based on SJTU-XLANCE Servers & Speech Pre-train Docker as examples.

Set up VSCode Remote

  1. Download extensions in VSCode.


  1. Set up config of multi-jumps. (For you need a jumping machine to get access the GPUs.)
# local at ~/.ssh/config
Host gauss
    HostName 202.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Port 5566
    User zym22
Host date
    HostName 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # ProxyJump gauss
    ProxyCommand ssh -A gauss -W %h:%p
    User zym22
  1. Connect to the Server such as date.


Set up Docker environment

Before take steps in this section, make sure your terminal is like zym22@date:~$.

  1. Set up Docker environment in zym22@date:~$.
docker pull zym22/pre-train:latest 
docker run -it --runtime=nvidia --name myDocker \ # choose a name
    --mount src=/mnt/xlancefs/home/zym22/data,target=/data/zym22,type=bind \ # access to your src
    # -v /mnt/xlancefs/home/zym22:/home/zym22 \
    -p 8023:22 \ # choose a port
    --ipc=host    # host shares memory with the container
    zym22/pre-train:latest /bin/bash
docker start myDocker
docker exec -it myDocker /bin/bash
  1. Set up Docker environment in root@myDocker:~$.
passwd root
apt update
apt install -y openssh-server
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# edit here
Port 22                     #Enabling Port 22
PermitRootLogin yes         #Allow root user to log in using ssh
RSAAuthentication yes       #Enabling RSA Authentication 
PubkeyAuthentication yes    #Enable public-private key pairing Authentication
# wq
service ssh restart
  1. Verify that port mapping is correct.
zym22@date:~$ docker port myDocker 22
  1. Edit local config at ~/.ssh/config.
# local at ~/.ssh/config
Host gauss
    HostName 202.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Port 5566
    User zym22
Host date
    HostName 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # ProxyJump gauss
    ProxyCommand ssh -A gauss -W %h:%p
    User zym22
Host myDocker
    HostName 192.xxx.xxx.xxx # same as date
    Port 8023
    # ProxyJump gauss
    ProxyCommand ssh -A gauss -W %h:%p
    User root
  1. Connect to the Docker.


Debug using VSCode

Before take steps in this section, make sure your terminal is like root@myDocker:~$

  1. Create a launch.json in .vscode folder.
# launch.json
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
        {// python -m debugpy --listen 5678 --wait-for-client main.py args
            "name": "Python: attach local",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "env": {
                "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "1" //edit
            "connect": {
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 5678 //edit

  1. Run a python file and block.
pip install debugpy
python -m debugpy --listen 5678 --wait-for-client main.py args
# An example to debug wav2vec2.0 using fairseq.
python -m debugpy --listen 5678 --wait-for-client ../miniconda3/envs/espnet/bin/fairseq-hydra-train task.data=examples/wav2vec/manifest --config-dir examples/wav2vec/config/pretraining --config-name wav2vec2_test_librispeech
  1. Start debugging mode.



About the Speech Pre-train Docker (Latest tag: 20220218)

A docker for Speech, compatible with Kaldi, Espnet and Fairseq.

Basic environment:

  • ubuntu=16.04
  • cudnn=7 cuda=10.2
  • python=3.8 torch=1.10.0 torchaudio=0.10.0
  • condaenv=espnet

Basic Directory structure:

- root
	- miniconda3
	- .bashrc
	- .profile
- data
	- zym22
	- xc095
- espnet
- fairseq -> espnet/tools/fairseq
- kaldi -> espnet/tools/kaldi


An Intro to set up your Speech Docker environment and debug using VSCode


Language:Dockerfile 88.7%Language:Shell 11.3%