ZhangYiJiang / fuck-orbital

An officially unofficial Orbital project that meets the intermediate (Gemini) achivement level, created in one day

Home Page:https://meebleforp.com/projects/fuck-orbital/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Fuck Orbital

An officially unofficial CP3108B ("Orbital") project that meets the intermediate level of achievement, completed in one day.

Goal statement: Create a website where users can say 'fuck you' to Orbital anonymously.

What is this really?

It is, in no particular order a/an-

  • app that allows users to post messages anonymously while still maintaining control over them without having to sign up
  • means to vent my frustration at the Orbital module
  • experiment to see how much work I can be done in one day
  • attempt to use a new authentication method that is more frictionless than traditional username + email
  • way to satisfy my inner twelve year-old, who still finds saying the F-word as many times as possible funny (see: App\Fuck and App\Http\Controllers\FuckController)
  • demo project for Orbital, since it does satisfy all project (though not module) requirements of an intermediate level Orbital project - that is, it implements CRUD on a novel stack and utilizes authentication, admin panel, emails and an API
  • demonstration of how trivial Orbital projects are, even at the 'intermediate' level of achievement (though this is not an attempt at trivializing the module - learning programming is hard, I know, but rather hopefully to inspire actual Orbital projects to be more ambitious)


Because Fuck Orbital

But seriously, why?

Because I'm probably the only person to have ever failed a module before even taking it. After talking to more than two dozen people and not even coming close to finding a partner I realized I ran out of fucks to give. This 'project' was started as a way to vent, because the entire experience has been horribly frustrating from start to finish.

With apologies to Professor Krugman - while the project's goal is farcical, the implementation does attempt to follow industry best practices and uses the same tools professionals do. This project, then, is a serious implementation of a ridiculous idea, which is of course the opposite of what is usual in Orbital.

Design Considerations

  • Users will be authenticated via email. This will allow Fucks to be modified after they are posted via a token sent to their emails. This keeps user authentication frictionless while still maintaining acceptable levels of security and anonymity
  • Names can be attached to Fucks, but kept optional to maintain anonymity
  • An API will be provided to allow Fucks to be consumed by other web applications, at least the ones who wants to give a fuck.

User workflow

  • User enters Fuck, name (optional) and email.
  • Email is sent to user to verify that they want to post the Fuck with a link with a confirmation token
    • Tokens expire after 30 min
  • If the user wants to edit the message, a button on the Fuck will send them a new token that will allow them to do this


Timings are rough. I didn't really use git properly, which is still better than my usual approach of not using git at all for personal projects.

  • 9.30am: Initiate project, first commit
  • 12pm: Creation, retrieval of fucks done
  • 2.30pm: Editing of fucks and UI done
  • 3.45pm: CRUD of fucks done and deployed - milestone 1
  • 5pm: Token authentication done and deployed - milestone 2
  • 8.30pm: Design update
  • 10pm: Watched the announcement of Pokemon Sun and Moon's starters
  • 9am next day: Admin area complete - milestone 3
  • 12pm: API complete - milestone 4


An officially unofficial Orbital project that meets the intermediate (Gemini) achivement level, created in one day



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