ZhangHanN1 / SGLFormer

Spiking Global-Local Fusion Transformer

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SGLFormer: Spiking Global-Local-Fusion Transformer with high performance, this is link

Our models achieve SOTA performance on several datasets (eg. 83.73 % on ImageNet, 96.76 % on CIFAR10, 82.26 % on CIFAR100, 82.9% on CIFAR10-DVS) in directly trained SNNs in 2024/03.


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  AUTHOR={Zhang, Han  and Zhou, Chenlin  and Yu, Liutao  and Huang, Liwei  and Ma, Zhengyu  and Fan, Xiaopeng  and Zhou, Huihui  and Tian, Yonghong },
  TITLE={SGLFormer: Spiking Global-Local-Fusion Transformer with high performance},
  JOURNAL={Frontiers in Neuroscience},

Our codes are based on ...

The code will be made public after the paper is published.

Results on ImageNet-1K

Model Resolution T Param. Top-1 Acc
Swin Transformer 224x224 - 88M 83.5
SGLFormer-8-384 224x224 4 16.25M 79.44
SGLFormer-8-512 224x224 4 28.67M 82.28
SGLFormer-8-512* 224x224 4 28.67M 81.93
SGLFormer-8-768* 224x224 4 64.02M 83.73

Results on CIFAR10/CIFAR100

Model T Param. CIFAR10 Top-1 Acc CIFAR100 Top-1 Acc
SGLFormer-4-384 4 8.85/8.88M 96.76 82.26

Results on CIFAR10-DVS/DVS128

Model Dataset T Param. Top-1 Acc
SGLFormer-3-256 CIFAR10 DVS 10 2.48M 82.9
SGLFormer-3-256 CIFAR10 DVS 16 2.58M 82.6
SGLFormer-3-256 DVS 128 10 2.08M 97.2
SGLFormer-3-256 DVS 128 16 2.17M 98.6


timm==0.3.2 for imagenet, timm==0.6.12 for others; cupy==9.6.0; torch==1.10.0; cuda==11.3.1; cudnn==8.2.1; spikingjelly==; pyyaml==5.3.1;

data prepare: ImageNet with the following folder structure, you can extract imagenet by this script.

│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│  │   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......
│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00002138.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......


Spiking Global-Local Fusion Transformer

License:MIT License