ZetaMap / moreCommands

This mindustry plugin add more commands (+40) for players, admins, and server.

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moreCommands Plugin

/!\This plugin need java 12 or greater./!\ To download java 12, follow steps here or greater version here.

Player Commands

  • /ut [filter|username...] The name of the unit.
  • /vnw [number] Vote for sending a New Wave.
  • /maps [page] List all maps on server.
  • /info-all [ID|username...] Get all player informations.
  • /rtv [mapName...] Rock the vote to change map.
  • /rainbow [filter|ID|username...] RAINBOW!!
  • /msg <ID|username> <message...> Send a private message to a player.
  • /help [page|filter] Recreate /help to display only commands related to your rank.
  • /effect [list|name|id] [page|ID|username...] Gives you a particle effect.
  • /r <message...> Reply to the last private message received.
  • /lobby Switch to lobby server.
  • /switch <list|name...> Switch to another server.
  • /report <player> [reason...] Report a player to staff.

Admin Commands

  • /team [~|teamname|list|vanish] [filter|username...] Change team.
  • /kick <filter|ID|username> [reason...] Kick a person by name or ID.
  • /pardon <ID> Pardon a votekicked player by ID and allow them to join again.
  • /ban <filter|username|ID> [reason...] Ban a person.
  • /unban <ID> Unban a person.
  • /players <help|searchFilter> [page] Display the list of players.
  • /kill [filter|username...] Kill a player.
  • /tp <filter|name|x,y> [~|to_name|x,y...] Teleport to a location or player.
  • /core [small|medium|big] [teamName] Build a core at your location.
  • /chat [on|off] Enabled/disabled the chat.
  • /spawn <unit> [count] [filter|x,y|username] [teamName|~...] Spawn a unit.
  • /godmode [filter|username...] [God]: I'm divine!
  • /mute <filter|username|ID> [reason...] Mute a person by name or ID.
  • /unmute <filter|username|ID...> Unmute a person by name or ID.
  • /reset <filter|username|ID...> Resets a player's game data (rainbow, GodMode, muted, ...).
  • /freeze <filter|username|ID...> Freeze a player.
  • /reports <list|ok> [id] Control the reports list

Server Commands

  • auto-pause Pause the game if no one is connected.
  • chat [on|off] Enabled/disabled the chat.
  • nice-welcome Nice welcome for me.
  • commands <list|commandName> [on|off] Enable/Disable a command. /!\Requires server restart to apply changes.
  • clear-map [y|n] Kill all units and destroy all blocks except cores, on the current map.
  • gamemode [name] Change the gamemode of the current map.
  • blacklist <list|add|remove|clear> <name|ip> [value...] Players using a nickname or ip in the blacklist cannot connect. Use this plugin instead.
  • anti-vpn [on|off|token] [your_token] Anti VPN service.
  • filters <help|on|off> Enabled/disabled filters.
  • effect <list|on|off> [id|name] Enabled/disabled a particles effect.
  • switch <help|list|add|remove|clear> [name] [ip] [onlyAdmin] Configure the list of servers in the switch.
  • tag <help|arg0> [ID|] [tagName...] Configure the tag system.
  • ban <list|add|remove|reset> [type-id|ip] [ID|IP] [reason...] List all banned IP/ID or ban/unban an ID/IP.
  • alogs [on|off|reset] [y|n] Configure admins logs.
  • fillitems [team|all] [items...] Fill the core with the selected item.
  • warn [ID] [message...] Display a pop-up message to warn the player.
  • reports <list|ok|clear> [id] Control the reports list
  • reset [ID] Reset all data of the player (ips, names, ban, ...).


Open an issue if you have a suggestion.


Prebuild releases can be found here

Building a Jar

You have just run build.bat and the plugin will compile automatically.


Simply place the output jar from the step above in your server's config/mods directory and restart the server. List your currently installed plugins by running the mods command.

Thanks to...

J-VdS - TeamPlugin
Phinner - BetterCommands
Shadow53 - MindustryAdminPlugin
mayli - RockTheVotePlugin
OceanPandorum - PandorumPlugin
Mindurka - spawnUnit


This mindustry plugin add more commands (+40) for players, admins, and server.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 99.9%Language:Batchfile 0.1%