ZephrFish / PotUtils

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo contains various utilities for manipulating the potfile in hashcat. The first two are for mapping the $HEX[] values to actual words. The second will parse your potfile and output to a wordlist.

Inspired by a few utils that John Carroll initially wrote in Go. I have since rewritten it in Go to accomodate cross-platform execution, the example is in exe but can be compiled for Linux and MacOS too.


  1. pot2words - Reads an input file where each line is separated by ":", and writes the last field of each line to the output file.

  2. hex2words - Reads a potfile where hexadecimal strings are found in the second field of each line, separated by ":", decodes the hexadecimal strings into plain text, and writes the decoded strings to the output file.

  3. both - Runs the pot2words and hex2words modes and writes the combined output to the output file. This mode also removes duplicates from the output.


  • Python
  • Go

Go Build Notes

To build the GoPotUtils project, follow the steps below.


  • Ensure you have Go installed on your system.
  • Open a terminal or PowerShell.
  1. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd /path/to/GoPotUtils
  2. Build the Go binary:

    & 'c:\Program Files\Go\bin\go.exe' build -ldflags="-s -w" -gcflags="all=-trimpath=C:\Path\To\Tools\PotUtils\GoPotUtils" -asmflags="all=-trimpath=C:\Path\To\Tools\PotUtils\GoPotUtils" -o GoPotUtils.exe .\GoPotUtils.go

Go Usage

There are two options for executing this either with long form or short form flags:

  -i, -input string
        Path to the input file
  -m, -mode string
        Conversion mode to use (pot2words, hex2words, both)
  -o, -output string
        Path to the output file
  -t, -threads int
        Number of worker threads to use

Go Example usage:

.\GoPotUtils.exe --mode pot2words --input input.txt --output output.txt --threads 10
.\GoPotUtils.exe --mode hex2words --input potfile.txt --output output.txt --threads 10
.\GoPotUtils.exe --mode both --input input.txt --output output.txt --threads 10
.\GoPotUtils.exe -m pot2words -i input.txt -o output.txt -t 10
.\GoPotUtils.exe -m hex2words -i potfile.txt -o output.txt -t 10
.\GoPotUtils.exe -m both -i input.txt -o output.txt -t 10

Python Usage

python PotUtils.py --mode [MODE] --input [Potfile or path to potfile] --output [OUTPUT_FILE_PATH] --threads <number of threads>

Tested on a 27GB Potfile, and while it takes a wee bit of time with threading, it runs!

27G Potfile


python PotUtils.py --mode pot2words --input input.txt --output output.txt --threads 10
python PotUtils.py --mode hex2words --input potfile.txt --output output.txt --threads 10
python PotUtils.py --mode both --input input.txt --output output.txt --threads 10

When it uses threads in either pot2words or hex2words, the script will create X number of temporary files i.e. 1 per thread, then merge them at the end. When using both mode, it'll do the same but merge all the outputs into one file.



Language:Go 52.5%Language:Python 47.5%