Zendro-dev / zendro-env

CLI tool to create and manage Zendro testing environments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zendro Env

Testing-environment manager utility


This project contains a command-line utility to configure, create, and use Zendro development and testing environments. Its primary purpose was to unify the environment code used for the integration tests in the graphql-server-model-codegen and single-page-app-codegen repositories.

This tool can be used to create an arbitrary number of Zendro graphql-server and single-page-application skeleton projects from their upstream templates, run Zendro code generators, apply patches, and integrate with test-runners.


The tool can be installed via npm globally, as a package.json dependency, or cloned locally. It requires yarn, a properly configured .testenvrc file, and node >= 12.x.

It can be operated in either default or command mode.

Output & Concurrency

The tool will output progress and error messages using a simplified task view. In this view certain tasks will run concurrently whenever possible. This output can be made more verbose using the -v option in the command-line interface, but concurrency will be disabled for the majority of the commands.


To get information about a the available commands, run the either of the following in the terminal.

# Get all available commands, including the default command and its options
zendro-env --help

# Get information about a specific command
zendro-env <command> --help


In default mode (no specified command), the tool will setup the configured environment templates and services, install a shared node_modules folder (using yarn workspaces), run code generators, apply patches, initialize and mount docker containers and volumes, and finally run all tests or only those specified by their names.

zendro-env [testNames...] [options]

  -c, --cleanup                      Remove the full testing environment                   [boolean]
  -C, --soft-cleanup                 Reset docker-compose and delete generated code        [boolean]
  -g, --generate-code                Generate code and apply patches                       [boolean]
  -k, --keep-running                 Keep containers running                               [boolean]
  -t, --run-tests-only               Run tests                                             [boolean]
  -T, --generate-code-and-run-tests  Regenerate code, apply patches, and run tests         [boolean]

Some options will short-circuit the default command steps, running only the parts that are relevant to the specified option(s).

Options that are complementary will run in the appropriate order. When two options are not compatible, the command-line interface will exit and print the conflict.


# run the full circuit, but keep containers alive at the end
zendro-env -k

# generate code and exit the circuit
zendro-env -g

# generate code, apply patches, and run tests, keeping containers alive at the end
zendro-env -Tk

# only run tests and keep containers alive at the end
zendro-env -tk


The CLI provides several commands that can be used to execute functionality in a more modular manner.

  zendro-env branch <name> <remote> <branch>  Checkout a new repository branch.
  zendro-env codegen                          Generate code for a testing environment.
  zendro-env destroy                          Remove a testing environment.
  zendro-env docker                           Manage the docker configuration
  zendro-env setup                            Setup a testing environment workspace.
  zendro-env test [names...]                  Launch a configured test runner

Each command can have options only available to it. By default, commands may be configured to run one or more of their options. In most cases, not specifying an option will still execute the command.


# Install templates, services, and node modules
zendro-env setup

# Only install templates
zendro-env setup --template

# In the "gql-codegen" template, checkout "origin" upstream, "master" branch
# All of its dependent services will also be updated
zendro-env branch gql-codegen origin master

# Check whether configured docker services are ready to accept requests
zendro-env docker --check

# Take down docker containers and volumes
zendro-env docker --down


This tool requires a configuration file named either .testenv.json or .testenvrc. The file should be located in the current working directory, but it will also be found if placed in a parent folder.


This config file is necessary to create the dynamic environment and it is divided in several sections or entries: cwd, env, docker, services, models, patches, templates, and tests.

entry type mandatory description
cwd string YES path to the environment working directory
env Env YES environment variables
docker string YES path to the docker-compose file
services Service[] YES Service definitions
models Model[] YES Model definitions
patches Patch[] YES Patch definitions
templates Template[] YES Template definitions
tests Test[] YES Test definitions


This path is used as an absolute reference for any other paths specified in the file. When using relative paths in any of the other sections, these should be relative to the cwd value.

Note that when referencing the path of a service or template, for example for code generation or patching, their name identifier will be automatically expanded to the correct file system location.


During the execution of some commands, it might be useful to set an environment variable to control parts of its behavior. Setting the variable in this section will make it available to any commands that can use it.

The value of env is an object with any number of key-value pairs, where key is the environment variable name, and its value is the variable value.

interface Env {
  [key: string]: string | number | boolean


The docker-compose file must be defined separately, using the folder structure generated by this tool.


Each template is an upstream Zendro graphql-server, graphql-server-model-codegen, single-page-app, or single-page-app-codegen repository. Multiple copies of the same template url may exist. The are used to generate service instances.

Templates marked as source are not cloned by the tool, and their real location will be used for all operations, including code generation and service resetting.

entry type mandatory description
name string YES unique template identifier
branch string NO template branch (default: master)
url string YES path to .git URL or local folder
source boolean NO whether to use this template as source (url must be a local folder)


Each service represents an instance of a template. Multiple services can point to a single template.

entry type mandatory description
name string YES unique service identifier
template string YES template to use for its creation
codegen string YES associated code-generator
url string NO URL used to check its connection


Each model represents a folder containing Zendro model definitions required for one or more services.

entry type mandatory description
opts string[] NO options to pass to the code-generator
path string YES path to the model definitions folder
target string[] YES target services for which the model definitions apply


Patches are used to dynamically modify code files after creating the service and generating its code.

entry type mandatory description
opts string[] NO options to pass to the patch binary
src string YES path to the .patch file
dest string YES path to the file that should be patched


Tests represent the execution of one or more test-suites, using the specified test runner. Currently only mocha is supported.

entry type mandatory description
name string YES unique test identifier
runner string YES name of the test-runner binary (e.g. mocha)
target string YES path to the tests file to run or folder where .mocharc.json is located


CLI tool to create and manage Zendro testing environments


Language:JavaScript 100.0%