ZenRay / Python4Fun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


There are some fun exercise done, and those are Python.

Table Of Content:


Convert the image pixel information to char.

1.1 File

├── imgToChar.py
├── result
└── test
    └── dora.png

There are two directors, one is result that stores the result, the other is test that stores the test image file.

1.2 Description

Run the python script file imgToChar.py directly, like python imgToChar.py -f test/dora.png --width 80 --height 80.

Crawl the user's repo information, like repo name and latest update time. Run the crawl project, likes:

cd CrawlWeb
scrapy crawl github

Besides, there is some interactive information.

2.1 Requirements

There are some packages required:

  • scrapy
  • time
  • pandas

Crawl the DouBan Top250 movie, you can run the script, like python douban.py.

Use configuration file to setup logger. There are some default FORMATTERS and HANDLERS configuration conf file that can be parsed with HOCON .

4.1 Requirements

There are some packages required:

  • pyhocon

4.2 Usage Case

There is a example:

import logging
import logging.config

conf = create_logger_conf(log_path="log.log")
logger_conf = {
    "loggerss": {
        "sample": {
            "handlers": ["console", "file"],
            "level": "INFO"

# now can set logger `sample`
sample = logging.getLogger("sample")
sample.info("This is test message")

It’s a customize script(visualize) to display pytorch training progress, which is used the package visdom.

Caution: it does plot line.


  • Line plot
    • Single Line plot
    • Multi-line plot
  • Text plot
  • Image
  • Video

4.1 Tutorial

Right now, it can plot one single line, multi-line on one figure, multi-line on different figure. When plot train and validate result, the train value is forehead.

# import package
from utils import visualize
import numpy as np

# Initialization 
vis = visualize.Visualizer2(report_format="{time}:{epoch}")

# plot train and validate result
for _ in range(4):
    data = {
        "accuracy": [np.random.randint(-20, 3000), np.random.randint(-20, 3000)],
        "f1": [np.random.randint(-200, 150), np.random.randint(-200, 230)]

# plot single result with plot method
for _ in range(4):
  data = np.random.randint(-5, 10)
  vis.plot(data, "accuracy")

# plot single result with multi_plot method
for _ in range(4):
    data = {"accuracy": np.random.randint(-5, 10)}

# plot more result with multi_plot method, like accuracy and f1
for _ in range(4):
    data = {
        "accuracy": np.random.randint(-5, 5),
        "f1": np.random.randint(-5, 4)

Multi-threading example, there are two thread: one is used to extract data item ExtractorThread, the other is predict sentiment item PredictThread. The thread class example:

class NamedThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode, **kwargs):
      	"""Initalize Property"""
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode

    def deal_method(self):
      	"""Deal With Data Item Method"""
        global ITEM_QUEUE, RETRY_TIME
        retry = 0 # retry times
        logger.info(f"Start predict thread")
        while retry <= RETRY_TIME:
                item = ITEM_QUEUE.get(timeout=3)
                text = item["clean_text"]
                tokens = model.prepross(text)
                item["predict"]  = model.predict(tokens) if len(tokens) else (1, 0, 0, 0)

                # write data
                fhandler = FileWriter(self.filename, mode=self.mode)
                with fhandler as writer:
                    writer.write(json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n")

                logger.debug(f"Predict item id is {item['id']}")
                # if get item right, re_initial retry
                retry = 0
            except queue.Empty:
                logger.debug(f"Queue is empty, wait 1 seconds.")
                retry -= 1
        # exhausted RETRY_TIME
        logger.info(f"Data item is exhausted")

    def run(self):
      	"""Overide Method From Thread"""

Compress word information about Weibo. Use regular expression to sub unified token, like:

BOS = "<BOS/>"
EOS = "</EOS>"
UNK = "<UNK>"
FEE = "#FEE"

Caution ⚠️: the regex is not perfect, there are so many things could being done!

There are two functions to deal with string:

# string to unicode
>>> string = "这个是一个测试字符串"
>>> text2unicode(string) # 默认情况是直接得到 16 进制字符串
>>> print("\u8FD9\u4E2A\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6D4B\u8BD5\u5B57\u7B26\u4E32")
>>> print(text2unicode(string), True) # 转换为字节型字符
# unicode to string
>>> string = b'\\u8fd9\\u4e2a\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u6d4b\\u8bd5\\u5b57\\u7b26\\u4e32'
>>> unicode2text(string) # 字节型数据转换
>>> string = '\\u8fd9\\u4e2a\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2a\\u6d4b\\u8bd5\\u5b57\\u7b26\\u4e32'
>>> unicode2text(string) # 字符串型数据转换

使用 Numpy 实现简单的 RNN cell,包含了三个属性: weight_io 是输入到输出权重 $W$weight_ho 是上一个输出 $U$。当个 RNN cell 结构是 $$ \text{result}_i=\text{tanh}(\text{dot}(W, \text{input}i) + \text{dot}(U, \text{hidden}{i-1}) + \text{bias}) $$ 得到的最终结果是把输出整合为一个序列,但实际情况下输出结果长度可以为 1,即只保留序列最后一个输入的结果。

Python 的配置解析,可以分为两种情况:1. 解决 CMD 的方式交互的配置解析,这种主要是在命令行的情况下使用;2. 解决从文件中解析的情况,这种情况主要的目的是从一个配置文件中去解析。

第一种情况下可以使用标准库中的 argparse 解决,第二种的话可以根据情况判断是否需要使用第三方库,第三方库包括 pyhocon(是由谷歌开发完成,集成了多个类型的配置方式,yaml、init、json 等多种类型)。如果不使用第三方库,可以使用标准库中的 configparser 解决。

configparser 解析

configparser 解析的文件是与 Microsoft Windows INI 文件的类似:

ServerAliveInterval = 45
Compression = yes
CompressionLevel = 9
ForwardX11 = yes

User = hg

Port = 50022
ForwardX11 = no

configparser 可以直接解析文件,通过一个 parser 对象可以直接使用 read 等几种方法读取文件或者数据可以达到解析数据的情况。在文件 parse.py 是通过 read 方法读取文件,脚本的数据方式是:

>>> from parse import Config
>>> config = Config("./database.ini")

# 获取 mysql 的配置信息
>>> config.mysql
{'host': '',
 'port': '3306',
 'user': 'root',
 'charset': 'utf8mb4',
 'connect_timeout': '35',
 'database': 'test'}


9.1 OLS

简单线性回归参数变化,方差和残差变化可视化。详情参考 README

通过 Keras 搭建 encoder 和 decoder 模型的方式,将 encoder 的结果作为特征表现的方式


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 72.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 27.5%