Zeigren / docdoku-plm-docker-swarm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Swarm Stack For DocDokuPLM

Based on docdoku-plm-docker

Current Version: 2.5.6


  • DocDokuPLM using payara/server-full:4.181
  • Nginx Alpine
  • MariaDB 10/latest
  • elasticsearch:6.6.1
  • DocDokuPLM-build using ubuntu:16.04 for building DocDokuPLM


This is designed to be run under Docker Swarm mode, don't know why you can't use secrets with just compose but it is what it is.

I like using Portainer since it makes all the swarm configuration and tinkering easier, but it's not necessary.

I personally use this with Traefik as a reverse proxy, but also not necessary.

You'll need to create these Docker Secrets:

  • YOURDOMAIN.com.crt = The SSL certificate for your domain (you'll need to create/copy this)
  • YOURDOMAIN.com.key = The SSL key for your domain (you'll need to create/copy this)
  • dhparam.pem = Diffie-Hellman parameter (you'll need to create/copy this)
  • docdokuplmsql_root_password = Root password for your SQL database
  • docdokuplmsql_password = DocDokuPLM user password for your SQL database

You'll also need to create these Docker Configs:

  • plm_vhost = The nginx vhost file for DocDokuPLM (template included, simply replace all instances of 'YOURDOMAIN')
  • webapp.properties = template included, simply replace all instances of 'YOURDOMAIN'

Make whatever changes you need to docker-stack.yml (replace all instances of 'YOURDOMAIN').

Run with docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-swarm.yaml docdokuplm

You'll want to uncomment: command: "init && build && deploy" in the build container the first time you run the stack.

Main Repository




Language:Shell 72.4%Language:Dockerfile 27.6%