Zeeshan-2k1 / ShooterGame

A vanilla JS based web 2D game.

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Our savior, Sentinel Seahorse, is on a voyage to outer space. During his journey, he comes across alien fish monsters approaching our beloved Earth to attack. Sentinel Seahorse is all set to take a battle against them. Help him by guiding him in this battle and protecting our Earth.


  • Game time limit is 60s, ie. 1min
  • You need to score at least 300 points to win the game
  • You will provide with 20 ammo initially.
    • Every 300ms 1 ammo is refilled
    • Maximum ammo capacity is 50.
    • Each ammo has 1 live point
  • There are 4 types of alien Fish Monsters
    • Angler: It has 2 live points and gives 2 score points
    • Big Angler: It has 3 live points and gives 3 score points
    • Drone: It has 3 live points and gives 3 score points
    • Lucky: It has 3 live points and gives 15 score points
  • Collision with alien Fish Monster decreases score by 1 point except for Lucky FIsh Monster.
  • Collision with Lucky Fish Monster (shinny body), power ups the Sentinel Seahorse.
  • In powered up mode ammo fills faster than normal mode and max ammo capacity increases.
  • Power up mode lasts for 8 seconds.

For Developers

Build using vanilla javascript. Bundled using webpack.

Code structure

  • src/ : It contains all the required script files.
  • server.js : It hosts prod build file to localhost.
  • webpack.*.js : It contains the bundling rules for each environment
  • src/index.js - It is the main runner fucntion.
  • src/index.html - It is contains the html structure of the webpage
  • src/styles/styles.css - It contains the styles.

Game Components

  • Game - It controls and updates game.
    • It has 6 methods:
      • update: Updates all the game components
      • draw: Draws all the game components
  • Player
    • It has 5 methods:
      • updatePosition: Updates the position and state of the player
      • draw: Draws the player in th canva
      • shootTop: Shoots the projectile, handles the all the projectiles states and ammo states
      • shootDown: Same as shootTop, it should only be called on power up state of the player
      • enterPowerUp: Updates the power up state of the player
  • Enemy
    • It is the base class for all the alien Fish Monsters
    • update: Updates the state and position
    • draw: Draws the component in the canva
      • Angler
      • BigAngler
      • Drone
      • Lucky
  • InputHandler - Handles keyboard input
  • Particles - Handles the falling particles of enemy
    • It has 2 methods:
      • update: Updates the particle's speed, position, rotation and state
      • draw: Draws the particle in the canva
  • Projectile - It resembles the shooting bullet of the player
    • It has 2 methods
      • update: Updates the projecticle's speed, position and state
      • draw: Draws the projecticle in the canva
    • A new projectile instance is pushed to projectiles array property of player
  • Sound - Handles Sound on interaction
    • It has 5 methods:
      • powerUp - sound for power up
      • powerDown - sound for power down
      • explosion - sound on enermy kill
      • shot - sound on projectile fire
      • hit - sound on projectiile hit
  • Layer - Handles the a layer
    • It has 2 methods:
      • update - updates the property of layer
      • draw - draws the layer
    • There are 4 layers which makes the complete background
  • Background - Handles the all the layers and provides the background
    • It has 2 methods:
      • update: Updates the state of each layer
      • draw: Draws the background using layers
    • It uses an array to store all the different layers
  • Ui - Handles the messages
    • It has 1 method
      • draw - Draws the message in the canva element

Note: All draw function takes input context. This context refers to the canva 2D context.


New Ideas

  • Add level up in the game, making it difficult with each level
  • Bring new enemy, feature, interaction.
  • Style the webpage
  • Maintain global highscore

Dev Guide

  • Please add a descriptive commit message
    • add(feat): your message
    • fix(bug/issue): your message
    • update(feat): your message
  • Please a separate branch for each new changes, with well descriptive branch name
    • Use snake case naming for branch
  • Use standard code style


A vanilla JS based web 2D game.


Language:JavaScript 86.1%Language:HTML 9.1%Language:CSS 4.8%