This is a ECMAScript-based persistence library, with support for localStorage (
This library is currently under heavy development, and not ready for productive use. For the first release i want to reach the following milestones
- Milestone 1: Completing the documentation
- Milestone 2: Changing the row-storage to an array-based system for performance and filesize optimizing
- Milestone 3: Completing the testsuite powered by mocha
--> Release 1
- Milestone 4: add/select/update/delete functions should be run asynchronous on demand
- Milestone 5: Restore/Store views from/to persistency-controller
- Milestone 6: API for remote synchronization
LocalDataStorage.js is really easy to use. Include the LocalDataStorage.min.js and you can start with the following example.
// initialize the LocalDataStorage object
var db = new LocalDataStorage({id:"users"});
// creating the structure
db.addColumn({name:"id", type:"number", nullable:false});
db.addColumn({name:"givenname", type:"string", nullable:true});
db.addColumn({name:"surname", type:"string", nullable:true});
db.addColumn({name:"mail", type:"string", nullable:false});
//add some rows
var i = 0;
db.addRow({id:++i, givenname:"Peter", surname:"Müller", mail:"testmail." + i + ""});
db.addRow({id:++i, givenname:"Wolfgang", surname:"Weber", mail:"testmail." + i + ""});
db.addRow({id:++i, givenname:"Michael", surname:"Schneider", mail:"doesnotexists." + i + ""});
db.addRow({id:++i, givenname:"Werner", surname:"Fischer", mail:"testmail." + i + ""});
Now we create a database with structure and content, so we can now query:
var results = db.selectRow(function () {
if (this.givenname === "Michael") {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
console.log("Michaels mail-adress is \"" + results[i].mail + "\"");
Oooh! I made a mistake with michaels mail-address. So now we want to update my mistake:
db.update(function () {
if (this.givenname === "Michael") {
return true;
}, {mail:""});
Ok! Now its time to delete data:
db.delete(function () {
if (this.givenname === "Werner") {
return true;