Zarzwick / wikioff

Local, simple, easy-to-version wiki.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Wikioff is an offline-first (local) wiki. It is primarily designed to serve as my own state-of-the-art tool for computer graphics, hence some design choices and the overall absence of features (which I like to call simplicity-and-ergonomics-in-a-Vim-environment). It is quite inspired by the static website generator hugo.

It is not designed to support the primary purpose of huge collaborative wikis - use for this the magnificient MediaWiki instead. Neither is it designed for cool dynamic web diagrams and WebGL stuff. The goal is clearly to be able to carry a personnal encyclopedia on a USB key (they still exist, that's right !).

It is made of content files (text), organised under a certain way, assets (images, videos, etc...), tags files, and a metadata file. And that's all. This can be version controlled easily, and the wikioff program generate a pile of html pages out of this. It sounds cheap but I like it.


  1. Initialise a folder containing the wiki (wikioff init)
  2. Create content files (with a specific hierarchy), assets...
  3. Compile (wikioff build)

Content files

Content files are simple text files in a given markup language. My personnal choice on this one is reStructuredText (directives, images, simple, simple, latex-friendly, simple, etc...). They are pandoc-converted to HTML, which will be displayed with some appropriate CSS sheets.

TODO Talk about MathJax/WebGL/etc... support.


Only the first level of hierarchy is meaningful to wikioff. Apart from that the whole structure is completely free (but a standard hierarchy is recommanded, being it only for convention purpose). Content files should be placed in the content/ folder ("a surprise, for sure"), and assets should go to assets/. As an example

├── assets
│   └── images
│       └── cornell-box-some-version.exr
├── content
│   ├── manifold-exploration-path-tracing.rst
│   ├── practical-path-guiding.rst
│   └── volumetric-path-guiding.rst
├── path-guiding.tag
└── mlt.tag

The assets directory can be configured to point outside of the repository, with a relative path, e.g. ../wiki-assets. This can be necessary to avoid overfilling the VCS. This requires:

  1. A convention amongst users (the hard part)

  2. Some other tool for sharing the files, like

    . Git LFS . Nextcloud . Anything else !


Referencing clearly is the biggest advantage of wikis systems. In wikioff case however everything is to be done by hand. This is the biggest drawback brought by simplicity. Here are some details and tips to deal with it without tears.

First and foremost, HTML files will be named exactly the same as their <whatever the markup> counterpart, and be placed in an identical folder structure. Therefore to refer to a file distribution/probability-tree.rst, just refer to distribution/probability-tree.html.

Accessing a subsection is done the usual way by appending #Id_of_the_section. There might be some instabilities at the moment, though. FIXME


Tag files are simple text files whose name are <tag name>.tag, and containing a list of files being part of that tag. Lines starting with # are understood as comments. For instance, publications on path guiding could be listed in

$ cat ../path-guiding.tag
# Path guiding related files, specified by a path relative to the root
# directory. Examples :

# Content files

# Assets

Research engine

At some point I will try to generate a JS script enabling research functionnalities. This can be very practical.

Languages support

The default language is english. Files having an equivalent specified by <language>.<filename> will be made available in the other language as well, e.g.

├── cloud-computing.rst
└──     # Infonuagique mon amour !


Local, simple, easy-to-version wiki.


Language:CSS 100.0%