Zakru / pasta-to-cfg

Convert some good Italian pasta into CS:GO etc. compatible CFG files

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comZakru/pasta-to-cfgRepository from Github https://github.comZakru/pasta-to-cfg

Pasta to CFG

This simple web application converts any long text into a file compatible with Source engine games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This file can then be used to output the entire text into the in-game chat in several messages.


  1. Enter your text in the first text area (alternatively use the button below to use text from a file on your device)
  2. Set the command name you wish to use in the corresponding text field
  3. Copy the text in the second text area and save it to a file inside your game's cfg directory
  4. Execute the file from within the game

There is now a command with your given name. When called repeatedly, your text will be output into the game chat.

Note: If called too rapidly, the game server will most likely throttle the messages, resulting in some lines going missing.


Convert some good Italian pasta into CS:GO etc. compatible CFG files

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 58.1%Language:HTML 35.2%Language:CSS 6.7%