Zagoshipda / Dijkstra_visualize

Visualizing Dijkstra's algorithm with various priority queues

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Dijkstra - Visualizing Dijkstra’s algorithm with various priority queues

This program runs Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute single-source shortest paths on a weighted directed graph whose order and edges you specify. It also contains a graph generator tool, if you want to specify a randomly generated graph.

“Dijkstra” supports a several data structures to hold vertex-cost pairs, and several forms of output to report the results, including one that uses the GraphViz dot command to draw the graph in a manner that reveals the paths.

See also msf.


This program is licensed under 0BSD. See LICENSE.

How to Run “Dijkstra”

“Dijkstra” is a Windows program. It is written as a LINQPad query. Currently it works with .NET Core 3.0, .NET Core 3.1, and .NET 5 and uses whichever you have set as the default in LINQPad.

  1. You’ll need to install LINQPad 6 if you don’t have it.
  2. Install GraphViz to get the dot command, so “Dijkstra” can produce nice pictures. On some systems with some ways of installing GraphViz, you may need to run dot -c after installing.
  3. Open dijkstra.linq in LINQPad and run the query. On most screens, output will be easier to read if you arrange panels vertically (Ctrl+F8 toggles this in LINQPad).

See Tips and Other Bugs. You may also be interested in the Usage Guide.


The program’s interface is fairly intuitive, but a few things may be non-obvious:

  • The graph generator dialog box (if you choose to use that) sometimes opens in the background. This is a bug, which I haven’t fully fixed yet.
  • It is not always immediately clear when you need to scroll down to see results. This is an area where the UI might be improved.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm with different priority queues can produce different results. This can happen when two or more different paths from a source exist to the same destination vertices with the same minimal cost. See A note on “consistency”.

Other Bugs

The graph generator has a very serious bug: its user interface is difficult to use, and sometimes entirely unusable, when display scaling (of more than 100%) is used. This makes the graph generator unusable on most ultra HD displays (where at least 200% display scaling is common). This would also be a serious accessibility problem for many users of screens of any resolution.

The output would be much more interesting if it included timings for Dijkstra’s algorithm from each data structure. Troubleshooting dot, especially in corner cases, would be easier if full error output from dot were shown. These two features are implemented on an experimental branch, but would need to be backported.

See Future Directions.


This program has two major goals:

Pretty pictures

The “graph drawing” form of output draws the least-cost paths tree from the source vertex to every other vertex that can be reached from it. (All edges are drawn; edges in the least-cost paths tree are red while unused edges are black.)

This tree is the parents tree that Dijkstra’s algorithm produces, but with edges pointing out from parents instead of into them (i.e., it is the transpose of that tree). This is an illuminating and—in my opinion— pleasing way to view the paths, at least if the graph is not too big.

See Graph drawing.

Demonstration of various priority queues

Besides looking cool, the main point of this program is to demonstrate how Dijkstra’s algorithm can be understood as a class of algorithms parameterized by the choice of priority queue data structure.

See Reading the Code below.

Reading the Code

LINQPad shows the code in a left pane (or an upper pane if panels are arranged horizontally).

Dijkstra’s algorithm is implemented in Graph.ComputeShortestPaths. It uses a priority queue supplied via dependency injection. The priority queue must implement an interface, IPriorityQueue, which exposes priority queue operations useful for implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm.

The priority queue implementations that are available for selection are:

See Choose your priority queue data structure(s) below for further algorithmic details.

“Dijkstra” is currently split into three C# query files, named with .linq suffixes, but all the code mentioned in this section is in the main source code file, dijkstra.linq. (This is to make it easy to quickly read and experiment with the algorithms while re-running the query and seeing the results.)

Usage Guide

Specify the graph

A small graph is specified by default for demonstration purposes. If you like, you can try running Dijkstra’s algorithm on that. You may want to try out different source vertices.

Alternatively, you can manually change or replace the graph description with your own:

  1. Put the number of vertices in the graph in order. The vertices will be numbered from 0 to one less than the order of the graph.
  2. Specify your edges. The format is one edge per line, with each edge written as three integers, separated by spaces. The first two integers are the source and destination vertices, respectively, and the third is the weight. All weights must be nonnegative. (Unlike some other algorithms—particularly Bellman-Ford—Dijkstra’s algorithm doesn’t support negative edge weights, even if there are no negative cycles.)

A third option is to randomly generate a graph.

  1. Click Generate a graph… at the top. The Graph Generator window should appear. It may start in the background (this is a bug).
  2. Specify the order (number of vertices), size (number of edges), and range of weights. Or leave them at the defaults. (The defaults generate a graph a little bigger than the one that appears when you first run the program.)
  3. Decide if you want to allow loops (self-edges), if you want to allow parallel edges (edges that share both a source and destination vertex, but may be of different weights), and if you want to insist weights be unique. Adjust the checkboxes accordingly.
  4. If you want high-quality pseudorandom number generation (this uses a cryptographic PRNG, but the results in this application should not be used for anything sensitive), check the box for that.

If a graph with the parameters you’ve specified is possible, then the status line says “OK” and you can click Generate. Otherwise, the status line will tell you what’s wrong. (For example, the size of a graph is at most the square of its order, unless you allow parallel edges.)

The graph generator populates the Order and Edges textareas in the main UI.

Choose your priority queue data structure(s)

Dijkstra’s algorithm has different performance characteristics—including different asymptotic runtimes—depending on what data structure is chosen as the priority queue.

“Dijkstra” currently supports four priority queue implementations. All are enabled by default. To use fewer of them, uncheck some of the Priority queues checkboxes. At least one must be enabled, to run Dijkstra’s algorithm. When more than one used, the program runs Dijkstra’s algorithm separately with each kind of priority queue. Results are reported and compared.

Running Dijkstra’s algorithm with different priority queues does not always find all the same shortest paths. See A note on “consistency” below.

The supported priority queues, and their (amortized) asymptotic worst-case running times for the most relevant operations, are:

Unsorted priority queue

This is a naive priority queue + map implementation. It uses a hash table to store vertex-cost mappings. Except that it uses as hash table rather than an array, it is the priority-queue analogue of selection sort. Runtimes are:

  • O(1) insert (“push”) and decrease-key.
  • O(V) extract-min (“pop”).

Dijkstra’s algorithm does up to O(E) insert or decrease-key operations and O(V) extract-min operations, for a total runtime of O(V2 + E). Assuming no (or few) parallel edges, this is O(V2).

If the graph is also dense, then this is O(E) and such a data structure can be reasonable from a performance perspective, though this implementation has unnecessarily large constants, which I think is because it uses a hash table implemented using linked structures (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary). I implemented this priority queue—and the others—generically, accepting keys of arbitrary type, even though this program only uses integers in a contiguous range starting from a zero. That restriction can be leveraged to implement a straightforward array-based flat-map that should perform better.

This is a poor choice of priority queue for sparse graphs (unless |V| is very small, in which case the asymptotic runtime is unimportant).

Red-black tree

This is a self-balancing binary search tree. Currently it is implemented in terms of System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet, but it should really use a tree multiset instead. Since SortedSet is not a multiset, my comparator breaks ties based on the vertex numbers. This works fine, but it’s inelegant. (It also may affect the results, though not in a way that makes them wrong. See A note on “consistency” below.)

SortedSet is implemented as a red-black tree. When I move to using a multiset, I’ll probably continue using a red-black tree, but I might use an AVL tree, splay tree, or some other self-balancing binary search tree; the name of this option in the UI would then change accordingly. None of this affects asymptotic worst-case runtimes.

Runtimes are:

  • O(log(V)) insert (“push”) and decrease-key.
  • O(log(V)) extract-min (“pop”).

Dijkstra’s algorithm does up to O(E) insert or decrease-key operations and O(V) extract-min operations, for a total runtime of O((V + E) log V).

If the graph has at least as many edges as vertices, this is O(E log V). If the graph is, furthermore, dense, but with no (or few) parallel edges, that can be written as O(V2 log V). If the graph is very sparse, it’s O(V log V).

Binary heap

This is a binary minheap + map data structure. It is the most commonly used data structure for Dijkstra’s algorithm (as well as for Prim’s algorithm), because:

  • Compared to a Fibonacci heap, it has worse asymptotic runtime, but that is a complicated linked data structure, so its constants are larger and a binary heap tends to perform better except for large dense graphs.
  • Compared to a self-balancing BST, it has the same asymptotic runtime, but because traversals and rotations have large constants, the binary minheap—which is implemented using an array even though conceptually it has a tree structure—is faster.

As with the red-black tree detailed above, asymptotic runtimes are:

  • O(log(V)) insert (“push”) and decrease-key.
  • O(log(V)) extract-min (“pop”).

Dijkstra’s algorithm does up to O(E) insert or decrease-key operations and O(V) extract-min operations, for a total runtime of O((V + E) log V).

If the graph has at least as many edges as vertices, this is O(E log V). If the graph is, furthermore, dense, but with no (or few) parallel edges, that can be written as O(V2 log V). If the graph is very sparse, it’s O(V log V).

Fibonacci heap

This is a Fibonacci minheap + map data structure. It provides the best known asymptotic runtime of any data structure for Dijkstra’s algorithm (and the related Prim’s algorithm) in the general case. It is the most commonly (well, least uncommonly) implemented of several data structures with that asymptotic complexity.

  • Compared to a binary heap, the Fibonacci heap has better asymptotic runtime. But the binary minheap is a much simpler data structure that, even though it is conceptually a tree, can be (and in practice always is) implemented as a flat array. So its constants are smaller and it tends to perform better than a Fibonacci heap except for large dense graphs.
  • The Fibonacci heap’s runtime is matched by some other data structures that are even more complex and esoteric, such as a Brodal queue.
  • In special cases—such as integer weights where the maximum cost of any simple path has a strictly limited range—there are other data structures, such as a van Emde Boas tree, with better asymptotic runtime.

The Fibonacci heap’s (amortized) runtimes are:

  • O(1) insert (“push”) and decrease-key.
  • O(log(V)) extract-min (“pop”).

Dijkstra’s algorithm does up to O(E) insert or decrease-key operations and O(V) extract-min operations, for a total runtime of O(E + V log V).

If the graph is dense, but with no (or few) parallel edges, that can be written as O(E) or as O(V2). If the graph is very sparse, it’s O(V log V).

The asymptotic runtime of the Fibonacci heap is thus always at least as good as both an unsorted priority queue and a binary heap, even for the specific cases where each of those works best. So it is strictly better than either in the general case, asymptotically speaking. But its large constants often make it an inferior choice in practice.

Choose your form(s) of output

By default, “Dijkstra” shows output as a “graph drawing,” though a few other forms of output are available. They are controlled by the checkboxes under Output. Any combination may be chosen, though if you uncheck all of them then the program assumes this is a mistake and will refuse to run Dijkstra’s algorithm without reporting any results.

The supported forms of output are:

Parents table

This is a direct representation of the data structure Dijkstra’s algorithm returns: a table showing the best predecessor/parent vertex for getting to each vertex in the graph from the specified source. The source vertex, as well as any vertices that are not reachable from it, have null as their parent vertex.

This is compact. The size of the table is proportional to the order of the graph (the number of vertices). So you may prefer this form of output for large dense graphs.

Edge selection

This is a table of all the edges in the entire graph, including edges that are not on any shortest path from the given source to any other vertex. It contains a Mark field that is true for edges that appear on some shortest path and false for edges that do not. Together these edges make up a tree whose simple paths from the source vertex are all the shortest paths to vertices reachable from the source.

The size of this table is proportional to the size (the number of edges) of the graph. I included this because it represents an intermediate form of the data, used to generate the other two forms of output detailed below; but I kept it in, since it can occasionally be useful or interesting even outside debugging, and because LINQPad allows it (like other tables) to be exported for use in other applications.

DOT code

This is DOT code describing a graph on which the tree of all shortest paths from the source will be shown with its edges in red. That is, this is a machine-readable (and fairly human-readable) description of the graph that graph drawing actually draws.

This does not include geometric information about where or how vertices, edges, and their labels should be drawn. GraphViz’s dot command generates that automatically from this. (It’s possible to include such information in DOT code, but “Dijkstra” doesn’t and wouldn’t benefit from doing so.)

Graph drawing

This draws the graph, with edges of the tree of all least-cost paths from the source vertex to all other reachable vertices colored red to distinguish them (from other edges, colored black).

As mentioned above, this least-cost paths tree is effectively what Dijkstra’s algorithm emits—though it really emits a parents tree, which the least-cost paths tree transposes.

To find a shortest path from the source vertex to any other vertex, follow red edges from the source to the destination. If the destination is reachable from the source, there is exactly one simple path along red edges from the source to the destination, and that path is one of the shortest paths. (There may be more than one shortest path from the source to the destination, and if so, different implementations may yield different results, but within each result, there will be only one path shown in red edges from the source to each reachable destination.) If the destination is not reachable from the source, then no such path is shown, with red edges or otherwise.

The image is generated as an SVG and dumped into the results panel. It is created by feeding generated DOT code to the dot command. That command is part of GraphViz. It is not necessary to enable DOT code output; if the checkbox for DOT code is unchecked, it will still be generated behind the scenes to produce the graph drawing.

For graphs with hundreds of vertices and thousands of edges, the resulting image may take up a lot of visual space. For even larger graphs, dot may take a very long time to run. So you might decide to uncheck Graph drawing in such cases. The work done by dot to lay out a graph is, by far, the most computationally intensive part of “Dijkstra”’s functionality. (Future Directions mentions a possible way graph-drawing performance might be improved in a later version.)

Run the computation

“Dijkstra”’s interface has Run and Clear buttons under where you specify the graph and make priority queue and output choices.

Click Run to run Dijkstra’s algorithm on the input. The algorithm is then run separately with each kind of priority queue selected. Identical results are grouped together and all groups are shown. Usually there is just one group; that is, usually Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the same shortest paths with any of the priority queue data structures implemented in this program. But sometimes the results are different.

If you attempt to generate a graph drawing showing the result of Dijkstra’s algorithm on a graph with thousands of edges or more, it may take some time. “Dijkstra” doesn’t currently support reliable cancellation of external commands, but you can terminate the dot process (dot.exe in the Task Manager).

The Run button that is part of “Dijkstra”’s interface should not be confused with the ▶ (“Run” / F5) button that is part of LINQPad’s own interface and is used to run or re-run queries such as the “Dijkstra” program itself.

Clicking Clear clears the output and keeps (technically, redraws) your graph description, source vertex choice, and choices of priority queues and forms of output.

A note on “consistency”

Most of the time, the results will be the same with all priority queues. But this is not guaranteed—many graphs have more than one choice of shortest path from a source vertex to one or more destination vertices. So if the results are reported as not being “consistent,” that doesn’t necessarily mean there is a bug or other problem.

If you want to deliberately try and create a situation where different priority queue data structures will yield different results, I suggest making a dense graph with many duplicate edge weights (though it can happen even in sparse but redundant graphs with unique weights).

The factors that determine which shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm will find, when there is more than one possible choice, are at least as related to small implementation details of the priority queues as they are to larger differences. For example, two binary minheap implementations could make different choices as to which child in the heap to pick in the sift-down operation when their values (costs so far) are equal. This affects what vertex is likely to be extracted sooner, and thus which paths are likely to be found first and preferred. It is the difference between < and <= (or > and >=) in a place where either happens to be fully acceptable.

So if you notice a difference between (for example) results from a binary minheap and a Fibonacci heap, you’d have to look in detail at how they came about before assuming the difference is conceptually illuminating.

Although different results with different priority queues do not indicate a bug, and none of the instances in which I have produced this have been bugs, that of course does not ensure my implementations are bug-free.


CLRS authors

I’d like to thank Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Although the code of the Fibonacci heap implementation in this program is not copied or directly translated from any preexisting code, it is nonetheless strongly informed by, and to some extent based on, the description of Fibonacci heaps in Chapter 19 of their famous book Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition), including the very instructive pseudocode therein.

(On the book’s official website, a few chapters are currently available for download, including a chapter on Fibonacci heaps, which relies on the preceding chapter on binomial heaps. I hope that may be helpful—but it’s not quite what I used. Although I used the 3rd edition, and that website features the 3rd edition, I believe those PDF chapters are actually from the 2nd edition. The preface to the 3rd edition says, “We removed two chapters that were rarely taught: binomial heaps and sorting networks.… The treatment of Fibonacci heaps no longer relies on binomial heaps as a precursor.”)

Jelani Nelson

The other source I found very helpful in learning about Fibonacci heaps was Advanced Algorithms (COMPSCI 224), Lecture 6. I’m thankful to Jelani Nelson, who taught that course and delivered the lecture shown in that video.

GraphViz authors

“Dijkstra” is significantly more useful, and much more fun, in the presence of GraphViz, whose dot command it uses to generate graph drawings. My thanks go to the authors/contributors of GraphViz, as listed in the project’s Credits page.

Future Directions

See also Other Bugs above.

Graph generator redesign

At minimum, the accessibility bug where the graph generator dialog doesn’t look right, and can even be utterly unusable, with > 100% display scaling, should be fixed before this program can be considered of beta or stable (rather than alpha) quality and before it should be recommended for widespread use.

The basic layout is fine, but the implementation of that layout must be redone. A detailed prototype that could be turned into an improved version is present on the graph-generator branch, in the file layout-scratch.linq. Note that the graph generator implemented in generator.linq does not (yet) carry that modified design, even on that branch.

(A more extensive redesign/reimplementation could perhaps be done later, to use a cross-platform toolkit rather than Windows Forms. This would lift one impediment to making “Dijkstra” cross-platform, though its dependency on LINQPad would still need to be addressed.)

More responsive user interface

The interface sometimes becomes unresponsive for a short time when dealing with large graphs. This main cause seems to be the interaction between “Dijkstra” and LINQPad itself (since the program’s graphical interface elements, except for the graph generator dialog, appear in the LINQPad results panel, and are thus actually rendered by LINQPad, via either the WebBrowser or WebView2 control).

The main work I’ve done to try and eliminate that lag is on the async branch. I refactored much of the overall design of the code (though not most of the lower-level details) and also made some parts asynchronous. This produced some improvement, but there was still sometimes some lag.

On that branch, I also added two other features:

  • Each run of Dijkstra’s algorithm is benchmarked, and the time it took to run is reported in a table that appears above any of the results.
  • The dot runner reports when dot exited indicating failure and shows the full text written to the standard error stream.

The first of these features is quite nice and should really always have been present. The second is less important but still handy. They are written in such a way as to depend on other changes on this branch, but they could be backported even if those other changes are not retained/used.

I will probably not use this asynchronous approach. It didn’t eliminate the lag, but a simpler approach did: making the Run button do all its work on a worker thread on the managed thread pool, instead of on the UI thread. Unlike the graph generator, which uses Windows Forms and must make any changes shown in its own UI on the UI thread, all of the output (including any errors) from running Dijkstra’s algorithm and reporting the results is being marshaled across a process boundary to LINQPad to be displayed, which is done in a thread-safe fashion.

That approach is now on the master branch (as well as the fonts and graph-generator branches). But I think the refactor itself in async may be worth keeping. I think the best approach for further work is to reexamine the code and decide if that is the case and, if so, to keep the overall design but convert the asynchronous methods to be ordinary synchronous methods instead, or otherwise rewrite them in such a way as not to dispatch work to threads on the managed thread pool (no Task.Run). The master branch and async branch (or whatever branch implements these further changes—perhaps it will be called sync) could then be merged.

Another consideration is that, since LINQPad 6.14.10, the results panel is often rendered with WebView2/Edge rather than WebBrowser/IE. It might be that there is less drop in responsiveness when WebView2 is used. Initial testing makes me suspect that, but I am far from sure. If so, then it may or may not be worthwhile to fix the lag, depending on how many users have the WebView2 runtime. I am not sure if LINQPad ships and installs it at this point or not, but I believe Microsoft Edge will eventually supply it on all Windows 10 systems.

There there disadvantages to making the Run button do its work on the managed thread pool, mainly that detailed error reporting is made more complicated. The no-threadpool branch does this work on the main thread (and synchronously).

Faster Edges textarea population

LINQPad displays results in an embedded web browser: WebBrowser/IE or WebView2/Edge. When the graph generator populates the Edges textarea with edges for a very large graph, this takes a long time—far longer than actually generating them takes, even when the high quality PRNG option is turned on.

Furthermore, interacting with the panel is slower after that, at least with WebBrowser/IE, and with enough edges, LINQPad refuses to redraw the interface when the Clear button (next to “Run’ in the “Dijkstra”) is clicked. I haven’t worked on this problem, but some redesign should probably be done to fix it.

When WebView2/Edge is used, a mitigation—which would also be a feature improvement in other ways—may be to use a different text-box web control. Perhaps Monaco (the editing control Visual Studio Code uses) could be used here.

Better fonts

The contents of the Order, Edges, and Source input textareas—or at least Edges—is effectively code. The contents of the DOT code output textarea is literally code in the DOT language. So the stylistic case for these to be rendered in a monospaced font is fairly strong.

The fonts branch has such a change, but I’m not convinced it looks better, currently. The text also takes up more vertical space, which has the effect of making the UI slightly less pleasant and moderately less intuitive.


It may be valuable to add a second kind of graph drawing output, produced by the Microsoft Automated Graph Layout library. MSAGL is very good at laying out large graphs quickly. I think this would make visualization feasible for results on large inputs that currently would take too long with dot.

Unit Tests

I don’t have unit tests for the priority queue implementations. This would be nice, especially for the Fibonacci heap, since that data structure is quite complicated and easy to get wrong. I don’t think it has bugs that cause it to be incorrect. But not thinking so isn’t enough.

The self-balancing BST should be a multiset

The red-black tree priority queue should be implemented as a multiset. There are multiset implementations available via NuGet, but it might be better to implement it for this purpose and have keys map to key-value node references (as in the Fibonacci heap implementation).

Other Priority Queues

Although there’s not really ever any good reason to use a Binomial heap for Dijkstra’s algorithm, it’s conceptually relevant to understanding the Fibonacci heap, so perhaps a binomial heap implementation should be included.

It would be good to have a d-ary heap, where the degree d is adjusted per-run based on the graph’s order and size. Like a binary heap, this can be implemented in a flat array even though it is conceptually a tree. I believe that can produce performance that rivals or exceeds that of a Fibonacci heap, for any graph.

I’m curious about Leonardo heaps. This is the priority queue analogue of smoothsort. I think Dijkstra’s algorithm with a Leonardo heap would have the same worst-case asymptotic runtimes as with a binary heap. But elements in a Leonardo heap tend to move around less in the array, during the routines that restore the heap invariant. So operations are sometimes faster—at the expense of being more complicated to implement—at least when used in smoothsort. Perhaps a Leonardo heap would also be faster, on average, than a binary heap, for Dijkstra’s algorithm.


It would be nice to include a Bellman-Ford implementation for comparison.


Visualizing Dijkstra's algorithm with various priority queues

License:BSD Zero Clause License


Language:C# 100.0%