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QA Engineer Take-Home Assessment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EventHub QA Engineer Take-Home Assessment

Here we have a simple ToDo app, but a few things are broken or not quite right. Please complete the following tasks:

  1. Watch this Business Requirements Video to see how the application should work.
  2. Based on the video above, list all bugs and issues found in a markdown file called The file should have the following format:
# Title: Simple one-liner describing the issue
## Severity: Low | Medium | High
## Description:
Terse description of the issue along with simple steps to reproduce (1.,2.,3., etc)
## Proposed Solution:
What is the expected behavior? How should the feature look?
  1. Fix three of the found issues and note which issues you fixed in Hint: If you handle any problems with coloration, don't worry about the specific color. Just find a similar color that looks good.
  2. Add instructions on how to test two of your solutions in Use whatever format makes sense to you.
  3. Submit a PR that includes your bug fixes and file.

Running the App

The app is built with JSX and compiled at runtime for a lighter and more fun code reading experience. As stated in the link, JSX is not mandatory.

To run the app, spin up an HTTP server (e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer) and visit http://localhost/.../myexample/.

This sample application was originally written by the developers at ToDoMVC. The following are notes from their developers. Feel free to read on for fun or to help you along the way, but otherwise, the rest of this document can be ignored.

From the Devs @ ToDoMVC

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Its core principles are declarative code, efficiency, and flexibility. Simply specify what your component looks like and React will keep it up-to-date when the underlying data changes.

React -

Learning React

The React getting started documentation is a great way to get started.

Here are some links you may find helpful:

Articles and guides from the community:

Get help from other React users:

If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please let us know.


QA Engineer Take-Home Assessment


Language:JavaScript 61.7%Language:CSS 33.6%Language:HTML 4.8%