ZachTRice / cumulus-dashboard

Cumulus API Dashboard

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cumulus Dashboard


Code to generate and deploy the dashboard for the Cumulus API.


Wireframes and mocks


The dashboard is populated from the Cumulus API. The dashboard has to point to a working version of the Cumulus API before it is installed and built.

The information needed to configure the dashboard are stored at app/scripts/config/config.js.

The following Environment Variables override the default values in config.js:

Env Name Description
HIDE_PDR whether to hide the PDR menu, default to true
DAAC_NAME e.g. LPDAAC, default to Local
STAGE e.g. UAT, default to development
LABELS gitc or daac localization (defaults to daac)
APIROOT the API URL. This must be set as it defaults to
minCompatibleApiVersion A minimum compatible Cumulus Api version string 'a.b.c'
 $ DAAC_NAME=LPDAAC STAGE=dev HIDE_PDR=false LABELS=daac APIROOT= yarn run serve

Building in Docker

The Cumulus Dashboard can be built inside of a Docker container, without needing to install any local dependencies.

Example of building for the "production" environment:

$ ./bin/build_in_docker production

The compiled files will be placed in the dist directory.

Building locally

The dashboard uses node v8.11. To run the dashboard using node v8.11, install nvm and run nvm use.

yarn is required to install the correct dependencies for the dashboard. To install yarn:

nvm use
npm install -g yarn

To run the dashboard locally:

git clone
cd cumulus-dashboard
nvm use
yarn install
yarn run serve

Building a Specific Dashboard Version

Cumulus-dashboard versions are distributed using tags in github. You can pull a specific version in the following manner:

git clone
cd cumulus-dashboard
git fetch origin ${tagNumber}:refs/tags/${tagNumber}
git checkout ${tagNumber}
nvm use
npm install
npm run serve

Fake API server

For development and testing purposes, you can use a fake API server provided with the dashboard. To use the fake API server, run node fake-api.js in a separate terminal session, then launch the dashboard with:

 $ APIROOT=http://localhost:5001 yarn run serve


Unit Tests

 $ yarn run test

Integration & Validation Tests

For the integration tests to work, you have to launch the fake API and the dashboard first. Run the following commands in separate terminal sessions:

 $ node fake-api.js
 $ APIROOT=http://localhost:5001 yarn run serve

Run the test suite in another terminal:

 $ yarn run validation
 $ yarn run cypress

When the cypress editor opens, click on run all specs.

Deployment Using S3

First build the site

 $ DAAC_NAME=LPDAAC STAGE=production HIDE_PDR=false LABELS=daac APIROOT= yarn run build

Then deploy the dist folder

 $ aws s3 sync dist s3://my-bucket-to-be-used --acl public-read

Running locally in docker

There is a script called bin/ which will build a Docker image that runs the Cumulus Dashboard. It expects that the dashboard has already been built and can be found in the dist directory.

The script takes one optional parameter, the tag that you would like to apply to the generated image.

Example of building and running the project in Docker

$ ./bin/ cumulus-dashboard:production-1
$ docker run -e PORT=8181 -p 8181:8181 cumulus-dashboard:production-1

In this example, the dashboard would be available at http://localhost:8181/

develop vs. master branches

The master branch is the branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest product release. The develop branch is the branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest merged development changes for the next release. The develop branch is the branch where we should branch off.

When the source code in the develop branch reaches a stable point and is ready to be released, all of the changes should be merged back into master and then tagged with a release number.

How to release

1. Checkout develop branch

We will make changes in the develop branch.

2. Update the version number

When changes are ready to be released, the version number must be updated in package.json.

3. Update the minimum version of Cumulus API if necessary

4. Update

Update the Put a header under the 'Unreleased' section with the new version number and the date.

Add a link reference for the github "compare" view at the bottom of the, following the existing pattern. This link reference should create a link in the CHANGELOG's release header to changes in the corresponding release.

5. Create a pull request against the master branch

Create a PR against the master branch. Verify that the Circle CI build for the PR succeeds and then merge to master.

6. Create a git tag for the release

Push a new release tag to Github. The tag should be in the format v1.2.3, where 1.2.3 is the new version.

Create and push a new git tag:

$ git checkout master
$ git tag -a v1.x.x -m "Release 1.x.x"
$ git push origin v1.x.x

7. Add the release to Github

Follow the Github documentation to create a new release for the dashboard using the tag that you just pushed. Make sure to use the content from the CHANGELOG for this release as the description of the release on Github.


Cumulus API Dashboard



Language:JavaScript 88.1%Language:CSS 10.3%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:TypeScript 0.5%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%