ZXShady / bigint

BigInt math library for C++

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Big Integer Library for C++ 11 and above

bigint is a C++ library which can handle very very very Big Integers. It can do the factorial of 1000000... (given enough time) it can go very big it can do pow(15,1351)...

How to use it?

#include "zxshady/bigint/bigint.hpp"     // with proper file path and link bigint.cpp

Declaring and Intializing Variables.

Declartion is done like making object of bigint class. Intialization can be done by passing String or Integer (including extended) types at Object creation.

bigint a("1538901385913857893173895103987501387");     // big integer initialization with String
bigint b(std::string("-351901380593"));        // big integer initialization with String
bigint c(956486133);                                    // big integer intialization with Integer
bigint d = 129084091248;

// bigint e = "1209841092" // error the string constructor is explicit to prevent unnecesary conversions
// bigint f = std::string("12091204"); // same as above
std::string str = "hi 123";
bigint g(str.c_str() + 3,str.c_str() + str.size()); //range constructor constructs begining at "123"
bigint h(str.c_str()+3,3) // starts at str.c_str()+3 then reads next 3 characters

// bigint i = nullptr; // error usage of deleted constructor (bigint::bigint(nullptr)= delete)
bigint j{}; // fastest way to initialize to zero
bigint k; // fastest way to initialize to zero
//bigint l(); // silent error it is a function declaration
bigint m{0} // is slower than two above
bigint o{"0xDeAdBeEf"}; // 3735928559
bigint p("0B1101"); // 13
bigint q(static_cast<__int128>(1e30)); // extended integers

str = "ff";
bigint r(str.begin(),str.end(),bigint::base::hex)
str = "1111'1110'0001";
bigint s(str.begin(),str.end(),bigint::base::bin,'\'') // seperator
str = "0xff'ff'ff'ff";
bigint t(str.begin(),str.end(),'\'') // seperator
bigint u("0o70"); // octal

avaible operators

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Modulo
  5. Division
  6. Increment
  7. Decrement
  8. !
  9. bool
  10. Unary Plus
  11. Unary Minus
zxshady::bigint a= 12,b = 941830318,c{"10984019384143130598013958"};

  *(int*)0; // suicide
c += 12; // same as c = c + 12; but it might be faster to use +=
c /= 5;
c -= bigint("0000983109813409810948109384"); // will ignore leading zeroes
c %= 2;
--c; // way faster than c -= 1
c--; // post-fix version is [[nodiscard]] might get warning or error
++c; // way faster than c += 1
c++;  // post-fix version is [[nodiscard]] might get warning or error
c/= 0; // throws std::invalid_arguement
c%= 0;// same as above;
if(!c && !a && b) goto hell;// operator bool to check for non-zero and operator! to check for zero
// it is faster than using c == 0 and b != 0
a = -b; // unary minus returns a copy and flips its sign;
a = +b; // DOES NOT DO abs(b) it just returns a copy...

Member Functions

note if a member function for a specific algrothim or function you want is provided then note that it is faster to use than manual implementation

1. bool is_even() const noexcept; // faster than a % 2 == 0
2. bool is_odd() const noexcept; // faster than a % 2 == 1
3. bool is_prime() const noexcept; // slow basic implementation :(
4. void flip_sign() noexcept; // flips the sign faster than a = -a
5. void set_positive() noexcept; // makes the number positive faster than a = abs(a)
6. void set_negative() noexcept; // makes the number negative faster than a = a >= 0 ? -a : a;
7. void set_sign(bool negative); noexcept // sets the sign
8. void reverse(); // reverses the number NOTE: slow function
9. void zero(); // sets the number to 0 faster than a = 0
10. bigint& half(); // halves the number way faster than a /= 2 returns *this for chaining effect
10. bigint& double_(); doubles the number way faster than a *= 2 returns *this for chaning
11. bool is_pow_of_10() const noexcept;
12. bool is_pow_of_2() const noexcept;
13. std::string to_string() const;
14. std::size_t digit_count() const noexcept;
15. std::size_t bit_count() const noexcept;
16. int compare(const bigint& that) const noexcept // a memcpy like function
// returns
// a number *< 0* if *this < that
// a *0* if *this == that    
// a number *> 0* if *this > that

17. int signless_compare(const bigint& that) // same as above but compares as if they were abs(*this).compare(abs(that));
// faster than using abs method
18. void swap(bigint& that) noexcept; 
19. bool signless_NAME(const bigint& that) // NAME could be lt,gt,lteq,gteq
// compares as abs values

Static Functions

    static bigint pow10(unsigned long long exponent); // gives bigint with [exponent] trailing zeroes
    static bigint rand(std::size_t digits = 1000); // random bigint [with default = 1000]

IO Functions

It can be formatted like any other integer e.g (print in hex ,show base ,show pos) etc.

bigint value = 0xff;
std::cout << std::oct << value; // 377
std::cout << std::dec << std::showpos << value; // +255
std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << std::showpos << value; // +0xff
std::cout << std::uppercase << value; // 0XFF

bigint x;
std::cin >> x; // enter a number
std::cout << x; // output it!

Accessor Functions

bigint x = 123;
// 3 is the first digit
// 1 is the last digit
std::cout << x.front(); // 3
std::cout << x.back(); // 1

// range-based for
for(int digit : x) {
    std::cout << digit << ' '; // prints 3 2 1

// iterators
const auto end = x.end();
for(auto iter = x.begin();iter != end;++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << ' '; // prints 3 2 1
// reverse iterators
const auto rend = x.rend();
for(auto iter = x.rbegin();iter != rend;++iter) {
    *iter = 4;
    std::cout << *iter << ' '; // prints 4 4 4
x = 123;
// const-iterators
const auto cend = x.cend();
for(auto iter = x.cbegin();iter != cend;++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << ' '; // prints 3 2 1
// const-reverse iterators
const auto crend = x.crend();
for(auto iter = x.crbegin();iter != crend;++iter) {
    std::cout << *iter << ' '; // prints 1 2 3

x = 100000;
// note auto&& since this container act's like vector<bool>
for(auto&& Value : x) {
   Value = 5;
std::cout << x; // x = 55555

x = 123;

bigint::reference first = x[0]; // returns bigint::reference;
// auto first = x[0]; // also works but i wouldnt recommend this since people might think it is a copy...
// auto&& first = x[0]; // recommended or first version (bigint::reference); 
first = 1;
// x = 121

Overloaded Functions

Use following functions with no namespace and ADL will find them automaticly

bigint abs(bigint x); // abs function
bigint fac(bigint x);// factorial function
bigint pow(bigint base,unsigned long long exponent);
bigint sqrt(const bigint& x);
bigint gcd(bigint a, bigint b); // greatest commmon denomator
bigint lcm(const bigint& a, const bigint& b);

unsigned long long log2(bigint x);
unsigned long long log10(const bigint& x);
unsigned long long log(const bigint& x, unsigned long long base);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const bigint& bignum); // output operator
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istream, bigint& bignum); // input operator

User Defined Literals

using namespace zxshady::literals::bigint_literals; // or zxshady::bigint_literals;
auto val = "120948190380984093810948190348813409813571980709795748758798"_big;

// to bring all of them at once use
using namespace zxshady::literals;

Relational Operators

Conditionals can be used as it is done with general integer types variables. Supports : > , < , >= , <= , == , !=

bigint a = 12;
if(a > 12) {
    cout << "a is greater than 12" << std::endl;
} else {
    cout << "a is smaller than 12" << std::endl;
// using yoda notation (yikes)
if(12 != a) {
    cout << "a is not equal to 12" << std::endl;
} else {
    cout << "a is equal to 12" << std::endl;        

converting to integral types using to method

bigint x = 21982014;
auto val = x.to<int>();// will throw std::range_error if cannot fit inside int;
// using unsigned types will just ignore the sign...
auto val = x.to<unsigned int>();// will throw std::range_error if cannot fit inside unsigned int;

// there is also bigint::non_throwing_to<Integral>() which returns a type of zxshady::result<Integeral,std::errc> and is noexcept
zxshady::result<int> val = x.non_throwing_to<int>();
if(val.ec == std::errc()){ // or use if(val) it has convversion to bool
  // can use val.res;
} else {
    if(val.ec == std::errc::result_out_of_range){
    // format harddrive


BigInt math library for C++

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%