ZTRdiamond / CAINode

Unofficial Character.AI API using Node JS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A lighweight Unofficial Character.AI API using NodeJS, It does not require a puppeteer to interact with c.ai because the interaction is done with websocket and fetch.

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Table of contents


Start installing package using npm by sending this command in your terminal.

npm install cainode

Example usage

// import CAINode from "cainode";  
const CAINode = require("cainode");  
const client = new CAINode();

async function start() {  
  const token = "YOUR_CAI_TOKEN";  
  const login = await client.login(token);  
  if(!login) throw "failed client login!";  
  console.log("Client login:", login);  
  const logout = await client.logout();  
  if(!logout) throw "failed client logout!";  
  console.log("Client logout:", logout);  


Example Character.AI Group Chat Implementation using Discord


Import client from module

// import CAINode from "cainode";  
const CAINode = require("cainode");

const client = new CAINode();  

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Start client initialization with login, make sure your token is valid so that the login session can run properly.

This is the tutorial of how to get C.AI sessionToken

On PC:

  1. Open the Character.AI website in your browser (https://beta.character.ai)
  2. Open the developer tools (F12, Ctrl+Shift+I, or Cmd+J)
  3. Go to the Application tab
  4. Go to the Storage section and click on Local Storage
  5. Look for the char_token key
  6. Open the object, right click on value and copy your session token.


On Mobile:

  1. Open the Character.AI website in your browser (https://beta.character.ai)
  2. Open the URL bar, write javascript: (case sensitive) and paste the following:
(function(){let e=window.localStorage["char_token"];if(!e){alert("You need to log in first!");return;}let t=JSON.parse(e).value;document.documentElement.innerHTML=`<div><i><p>provided by node_characterai - <a href="https://github.com/realcoloride/node_characterai?tab=readme-ov-file#using-an-access-token">click here for more information</a></p></i><p>Here is your session token:</p><input value="${t}" readonly><p><strong>Do not share this with anyone unless you know what you are doing! Those are your personal session token. If stolen or requested by someone you don't trust, they could access your account without your consent; if so, please close the page immediately.</strong></p><button id="copy" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText('${t}'); alert('Copied to clipboard!')">Copy session token to clipboard</button><button onclick="window.location.reload();">Refresh the page</button></div>`;localStorageKey=null;storageInformation=null;t=null;})();
  1. The following page should appear: Access_Token_Mobile
  2. Click the respective buttons to copy your access token or id token to your clipboard.
await client.login("YOUR_CHARACTER_AI_TOKEN");  
Param Require Type Description
Token true String Your character ai token used for client login.

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Logout from the client

await client.logout();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Used for client logout from character ai.

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Get your account information data.

Param Require Type Description
none false null Get user information account.

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Get your account settings information data.

await client.user.settings();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get user settings information.

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Generate avatar image using prompt.

await client.image.generate_avatar(prompt_name);
Param Require Type Description
prompt_name true String Prompt used for generating avatar image.

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Generate image using prompt.

await client.image.generate_image(prompt_name);
Param Require Type Description
prompt_name true String Prompt used for generating AI image.

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Create your personality for your character.

await client.persona.create(name, description);
Param Require Type Description
name true String Your persona name
description true String Description of your personality, this section is used to describe yourself so that your AI character knows who you are.

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Set your default personality specifically.

await client.persona.set_default(external_persona_id);
Param Require Type Description
external_persona_id true String External personality id that you have.

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Get all your personality data.

await client.persona.list();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get all your personality data.

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Get your personality information.

await client.persona.info(external_persona_id);
Param Require Type Description
external_persona_id true String External personality id that you have.

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Update your personality specifically.

await client.persona.update(external_persona_id, name, description);
Param Require Type Description
external_persona_id true String External personality id that you have.
name true String Your new personality name.
description true String Your new personality detail.

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Used for deleting your personality spesifically.

await client.persona.delete(external_persona_id);
Param Require Type Description
external_persona_id true String External personality id that you have.

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Set a custom personality for your character specifically.

await client.persona.set_character(character_id, external_persona_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String A character id that you want to set a custom personality.
external_persona_id true String Your personality id that you use to let AI characters know who you are.

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Get the list of characters displayed by the character.ai server.

await client.explore.featured();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get all featured data.

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Get a list of characters recommended by the character.ai server.

await client.explore.for_you();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get all for you data.

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Get the list of characters from the character category exploration.

await client.explore.character_categories();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get all character categories data.

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Get character vote information.

await client.character.votes(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String The character id you are aiming for.

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Get character vote information in array.

await client.character.votes_array(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String The character id you are aiming for.

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Used for vote the character.

await client.character.vote(character_id, vote);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String The character id you are aiming for.
vote true Boolean Character vote options, true = like, false = dislike, and null = cancel

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Search for a character by name or query.

await client.character.search(name);
Param Require Type Description
name true String Search queries to find characters.

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Search character by name and suggested by Character.AI Server

await client.character.search_suggest(name);
Param Require Type Description
name true String Character name query.

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Get detailed information about characters.

await client.character.info(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String Your character id.

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Get a list of recent chat activity

await client.character.recent_list();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Get recent character chats.

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Connect client to character chat

await client.character.connect(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String Your character id.

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Disconnecting client from character chat

await client.character.disconnect();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Disconnecting client from character chat.

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Send message to character.

await client.character.send_message(message, manual_turn, image_url);
Param Require Type Description
message true String Message content.
manual_turn false Boolean If the value of manual_turn is set to true then the message that the client receives must be generated with character.generate_turn() so that the message is obtained by the client.
image_url false String The image content that the character will see, must be a url and not a file type or a file with a type other than image.

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Generating message response from character.

await client.character.generate_turn();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Generate message response

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Regenerate character message.

await client.character.generate_turn_candidate(turn_id);
Param Require Type Description
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.

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Reset the conversation between you and the character.

await client.character.reset_conversation();
Param Require Type Description
none false null none

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Delete character message.

await client.character.delete_message(turn_id);
Param Require Type Description
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.

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Edit the character message.

await client.character.edit_message(candidate_id, turn_id, new_message);
Param Require Type Description
candidate_id true String
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.
new_message true String New character message

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Get all list available group chat in account.

await client.group_chat.list();
Param Require Type Description
none false null none

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Connecting to chat room by the room_id, btw you can't connect the chat room before you create it.

await client.group_chat.connect(room_id);
Param Require Type Description
room_id true String Your chat room id.

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Disconnecting from chat room by the room_id.

await client.group_chat.disconnect(room_id);
Param Require Type Description
room_id true String Your chat room id.

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Create a custom room chat.

await client.group_chat.create(title_room, character_id);
Param Require Type Description
title_room true String Your custom title room name.
character_id true String Your character id will be added to the chat room.

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Delete chat room.

await client.group_chat.delete(room_id);
Param Require Type Description
room_id true String Your chat room id.

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Rename chat room.

await client.group_chat.rename(new_name, room_id);
Param Require Type Description
new_name true String New name for your chat room.
room_id true String Your chat room id.

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Joining chat room using invite code.

await client.group_chat.join_group_invite(invite_code);
Param Require Type Description
invite_code true String The chat room miinvite code.

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Add a character with character_id to the chat room.

await client.group_chat.char_add(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String Character id to be added to the chat room.

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Remove a character with character_id from the chat room.

await client.group_chat.char_remove(character_id);
Param Require Type Description
character_id true String Character id to be removed from the chat room.

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Send message to character in chat room.

await client.character.send_message(message, image_url);
Param Require Type Description
message true String Message content.
image_url false String The image content that the character will see, must be a url and not a file type or a file with a type other than image.

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Generating message response character from chat room.

await client.group_chat.generate_turn();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Generate message response

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Regenerate character message.

await client.group_chat.generate_turn_candidate(turn_id);
Param Require Type Description
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.

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Reset conversation in chat room.

await client.group_chat.reset_conversation();
Param Require Type Description
none false null Reset conversation.

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Delete character message.

await client.group_chat.delete_message(turn_id);
Param Require Type Description
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.

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Edit character message in chat room.

awit client.group_chat.edit_message(candidate_id, turn_id, new_message);
Param Require Type Description
candidate_id true String
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.
new_message true String New character message

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Select the turn of character chat by yourself.

await client.group_chat.select_turn(turn_id);
Param Require Type Description
turn_id true String turn_id or message_id from the character.

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Get a history chat from group or single chat.

await client.chat.history_chat_turns(chat_id);
Param Require Type Description
chat_id true String Group chat or single chat ID.

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Feel free to open the issue, I hope this documentation can help you maximally and make it easier for you to use this package.

Documentation written by ZTRdiamond


Unofficial Character.AI API using Node JS


Language:JavaScript 100.0%