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深度强化学习中的技巧(Hacks for training RL systems from John Schulman's lecture at Deep RL Bootcamp (Aug 2017))

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  1. 调试新算法原文
  2. 调试新任务原文
  3. 将一个问题转化为强化学习原文
  4. 复现论文原文
  5. 对于正在进行的训练的一些处理原文
  6. 总的训练策略原文
  7. 策略优化诊断原文
  8. Q-Learning 策略原文
  9. 另一个版本的ppt资源


John Schulman“深度增强学习研究基础”的演讲。(Aug 2017) 以下是参加夏季Deep RL Bootcamp at UC Berkeley时记录下的tricks。  


  1. 使用低维状态空间简化问题。
  • John建议使用类似Pendulum problem的问题。像这样的问题仅有角度和速度两个维度。
  • 首先,这样做方便将目标函数、算法的最终状态以及算法的迭代情况可视化出来。
  • 其次,当出现问题时,更容易将出问题的点直观的表达。(比如目标函数是否够平滑等问题)。    
  1. 构造一个应该起作用的问题来测试你的算法
  • 比如:对于一个分层强化学习算法,你应该构造一个算法可以直观学习到分层的问题。
  • 这样能够轻易地发现那里出了问题。
  • 注意:不要在这样的小问题上过分的尝试。
  1. 放在一个你十分熟悉的环境
  • 随着时间的推移,你将能预估训练所需的时间。
  • 明白你的奖赏是如何变化的,以及类似问题..
  • 能够设定一个基线,以便让你知道相对过去改进了多少。
  • John使用他的hpper robot,因为他知道算法应该学多块,以及哪些行为是异常的。


  1. 简化问题
  • 从简单的开始,直到回到问题。
  • 途径1: 简化特征空间
    • 举例来说,如果你是想从图片(高维空间)中学习,那么你可能先需要处理特征。举个例子:如果你的算法是想标定某个事物的位置,一开始,使用单一的x,y坐标可能会更好。
    • 一旦起步,逐步还原问题直到解决问题。
  • 途径2:简化奖赏函数
    • 简化奖赏函数,这样可以有一个更快的反馈,帮助你知道是不是走偏了。
    • 比如:击中时给robot记一分。这种情况很难学习,因为在开始于奖赏之前有太多的可能。将击中得分改为距离,这样将提升学习速率、更快迭代。



  1. 第一步:将这个问题使用随机策略可视化出来。
  • 看看那些部分吸引了你

  • 如果这个随机策略在某些情况下做了正确的事,那么很大概率,强化学习也可以做到。

    • 策略的更新将会发现这里面的行为,并促使其更像。
  • 如果随机策略永远都做不到,那么强化学习也不可能。    

  1. 确保可观测
  • 确保你能够控制系统,且是通过给agent的、一样的观测环境。
    • 举个例子: 亲自查看处理过图片,以确保你没有移出掉关键信息或者是在某种程度上阻碍算法。  
  1. 确保所有的事物都在合理的尺度
    • 经验法则:
      • 观测环境: 确保均值为0,方差为1.
      • 奖赏: 如果你能控制它,就把他缩放到一个合理的维度。
      • 在所有的数据上都做同样的处理。
  • 检查所有的观测环境以及奖赏,以确保没有特别离奇的异常值。    
  1. 建立一个好的基线,无论在何时看到一个新问题。
  • 一开始并不清楚哪些算法会起作用,所以设定一系列的基线(从其他方法)



  1. 使用比预计更多的样本。
  2. 策略正确,但又不完全正确。
  • 尝试让模型运行更久一点。
  • 调整超参数以达到公开的效果。
  • 如果想让他在所有数据上都奏效,使用更大的batch sizes。
    • 如果batch size太小,噪声将会压过真正有用的信号。
    • 比如: TRPO,John使用了一个特别小的batch size,然后不得不训练10万次迭代。
    • 对于DQN,最好的参数:一万次迭代,10亿左右的缓存存储。



  1. 检查每个超参数的敏感性
  • 如果一个算法太过敏感,那么它可能不太鲁棒,并且不容乐观。
  • 有些时候,某个策略生效,可能仅仅是因为巧合而已,它并不足以推广。
  1. 关注优化过程是否正常的一些指标
  • 变动情况
  • 关注目标函数是否正确
    • 是否预测正确?
    • 它的返回是否正确?
    • 每次的更新有多大?
  • 一些标准的深度神经网络的诊断方法
  1. 有一套能够连续记录代码的系统
  • 有成型的规则
  • 注意过去所作的所有尝试
    • 有些时候,我们关注一个问题,最后却把表现安在了其他问题上。
    • 对于一个问题,很容易过拟合。
  • 有一大推之前时不时测试的基准。
  1. 有时候会觉得系统运行正常,但那不过是一团随机噪声。
  • 例如: 有3套算法处理7个任务,可能会有一个算法看起来能很好地处理所有问题,但实际上,它们不过是一套算法,不同的仅仅是随机种子而已。
  1. 使用不同的随机种子!
  • 运行多次取平均。
  • 在多个种子的基础上运行多次。
    • 如果不这样做,那你很有可能是过拟合了。
  1. 额外的算法修改可能并不重要。
  • 大部分的技巧都是在正则化处理某些对象,或者是在改进你的优化算法。
  • 许多技巧有相同的效果......所以,你可以通过移除它们,来简化你的算法(很关键)。
  1. 简化你的算法
  • 将会取得更好的泛化效果。    
  1. 自动化你的实验
  • 不要整天盯着你的代码吞吐数据。
  • 将实验部署在云端并分析结果。
  • 追踪实验与结果的框架:
    • 大部分使用 iPython notebooks。
    • 数据库对于存储结果来说不是很重要。    


  1. 数据的白化与标准化(一开始就这样做,对所有数据)
  • Obervation:

    • 计算均值与标准差。然后做标准化转变。
    • 对于全体数据(不仅仅是当前的数据)。
      • 至少它减轻了随时间的变化波动情况。
      • 如果不断地改变对象的话,可能会使优化器迷糊。
      • 缩放(仅最近的数据)意味着你的优化器不知道这个情况,训练将会失败。
  • Rewards:

    • 缩放但不要转变对象。
      • 影响agent的存活意愿。
      • 将会改变问题(你想让它存活多久)。
  • Standardize targets

    • 与rewards相同。
  • PCA 白化?

    • 可以起作用。
    • 开始时的时候要看看它是否真的对神经网络起作用。
    • 大规模的缩放(-1000,1000)或者(-0.001,0.001)必然会是学习减缓。
  1. 影响折扣因子的参数
  • 判断分配多少信用
  • 举个例子:如果因子是0.99,那么你将忽略100步以前的事情...意味着你是短视的。
    • 最好是看看对应多少的现实时间。
      • 直觉上的,我们通常在强化学习中离散时间。
      • 换句话说,100步是指3秒前吗?
      • 在这个过程中发生了什么?
  • 如果是用于fx估计的策略更新TD算法,gamma可以选择靠近1(比如0.999)
    • 算法将非常稳健。

    3. 观察问题是否真的能被离散化处理

  • 例如:在一个游戏你做跳帧运动。
    • 作为一个人类,你能控制还是不能控制?
    • 查看随机情况是怎么样的
      • 离散化程度决定了你的随机布朗运动能有多远。
      • 如果连续性地运动,往往模型会走很远。
      • 选择一个起作用的时间离散化分。
  1. 密切关注返回的episode
  • 不仅仅是均值,还包括极大极小值。
    • 最大返回是你的策略能做到的最好程度。
    • 看看你的策略是否工作正常?
  • 查看episode长度(有时比episode reward更为重要)。
    • 在一场游戏中你场场都输,从未赢过,但是episode长度可以告诉你是不是输得越来越慢。
    • 一开始可能看见episode 长度有改进,但reward无反应。


  1. 仔仔细细地观察entropy
  • action层面的entropy
    • 留意状态空间的entropy变化,虽然没有好的计量办法。
  • 如果快速地下降,策略很快便会固定然后失效。
  • 如果没有下降,那么这个策略可能不是很好,因为它是随机的。
  • 通过以下方式补救:
    • KL penalty - 使entropy远离快速下降。
    • 增加 entropy bonus。
  • 如何测量entropy
    • 对于大部分策略,可以采用分析式方法。
      • 对于连续变量,通常使用高斯分布,这样可以通过微分计算entropy。
  1. 观察KL差异
  • 观察KL差异的更新尺度。
  • 例如:
    • 如果KL是0.01,那它是相当小的。 - 如果是10,那它又非常的大。
  1. 通过基线解释variance
  • 查看value function是不是好的预测或者回报。
    • 如果是负数,可能是过拟合了或者是噪声。
      • 可能需要超参数调节。  
  1. 初始化策略
  • 非常重要(比监督学习更重要)。
  • 最后一层取0或者是一个很小的值来最大化entropy。
    • 初始最大化随机exploration。

Q-Learning 策略

  1. 留意replay buffer存储的使用情况。
  • 你可能需要一个非常大的biffer,依代码而定。
  1. 手边常备learing rate表。

  2. 如果收敛很慢或者一开始有一个很慢的启动

  • 保持耐心...DQNs收敛非常慢。

来自Andrej Karpathy的福利:

  1. 一个好的特征能够被俩个框剪捕捉到不同特征。
  • delta向量可以稍稍更改一下,不然难以区分。

Translated by kuhung 2017/08/29


From a talk given by John Schulman titled "The Nuts and Bolts of Deep RL Research" (Aug 2017)
These are tricks written down while attending summer Deep RL Bootcamp at UC Berkeley.

Tips to debug new algorithm

  1. Simplify the problem by using a low dimensional state space environment.

    • John suggested to use the Pendulum problem because the problem has a 2-D state space (angle of pendulum and velocity).
    • Easy to visualize what the value function looks like and what state the algorithm should be in and how they evolve over time.
    • Easy to visually spot why something isn't working (aka, is the value function smooth enough and so on).
  2. To test if your algorithm is reasonable, construct a problem you know it should work on.

    • Ex: For hierarchical reinforcement learning you'd construct a problem with an OBVIOUS hierarchy it should learn.
    • Can easily see if it's doing the right thing.
    • WARNING: Don't over fit method to your toy problem (realize it's a toy problem).
  3. Familiarize yourself with certain environments you know well.

    • Over time, you'll learn how long the training should take.
    • Know how rewards evolve, etc...
    • Allows you to set a benchmark to see how well you're doing against your past trials.
    • John uses the hopper robot where he knows how fast learning should take, and he can easily spot odd behaviors.

Tips to debug a new task

  1. Simplify the task
    • Start simple until you see signs of life.
    • Approach 1: Simplify the feature space:
      • For example, if you're learning from images (huge dimensional space), then maybe hand engineer features first. Example: If you think your function is trying to approximate a location of something, use the x,y location as features as step 1.
      • Once it starts working, make the problem harder until you solve the full problem.
    • Approach 2: simplify the reward function.
      • Formulate so it can give you FAST feedback to know whether you're doing the right thing or not.
      • Ex: Have reward for robot when it hits the target (+1). Hard to learn because maybe too much happens in between starting and reward. Reformulate as distance to target instead which will increase learning and allow you to iterate faster.

Tips to frame a problem in RL

Maybe it's unclear what the features are and what the reward should be, or if it's feasible at all.

  1. First step: Visualize a random policy acting on this problem.

    • See where it takes you.
    • If random policy on occasion does the right thing, then high chance RL will do the right thing.
      • Policy gradient will find this behavior and make it more likely.
    • If random policy never does the right thing, RL will likely also not.
  2. Make sure observations usable:

    • See if YOU could control the system by using the same observations you give the agent.
      • Example: Look at preprocessed images yourself to make sure you don't remove necessary details or hinder the algorithm in a certain way.
  3. Make sure everything is reasonably scaled.

    • Rule of thumb:
      • Observations: Make everything mean 0, standard deviation 1.
      • Reward: If you control it, then scale it to a reasonable value.
        • Do it across ALL your data so far.
    • Look at all observations and rewards and make sure there aren't crazy outliers.
  4. Have good baseline whenever you see a new problem.

    • It's unclear which algorithm will work, so have a set of baselines (from other methods)
      • Cross entropy method
      • Policy gradient methods
      • Some kind of Q-learning method (checkout OpenAI Baselines as a starter or RLLab

Reproducing papers

Sometimes (often), it's hard to reproduce results from papers. Some tricks to do that:

  1. Use more samples than needed.
  2. Policy right... but not exactly
    • Try to make it work a little bit.
    • Then tweak hyper parameters to get up to the public performance.
    • If want to get it to work at ALL, use bigger batch sizes.
      • If batch size is too small, noisy will overpower signal.
      • Example: TRPO, John was using too tiny of a batch size and had to use 100k time steps.
      • For DQN, best hyperparams: 10k time steps, 1mm frames in replay buffer.

Guidelines on-going training process

Sanity check that your training is going well.

  1. Look at sensitivity of EVERY hyper parameter

    • If algo is too sensitive, then NOT robust and should NOT be happy with it.
    • Sometimes it happens that a method works one way because of funny dynamics but NOT in general.
  2. Look for indicators that the optimization process is healthy.

    • Varies
    • Look at whether value function is accurate.
      • Is it predicting well?
      • Is it predicting returns well?
      • How big are the updates?
    • Standard diagnostics from deep networks
  3. Have a system for continuously benchmarking code.

    • Needs DISCIPLINE.
    • Look at performance across ALL previous problems you tried.
      • Sometimes it'll start working on one problem but mess up performance in others.
      • Easy to over fit on a single problem.
    • Have a battery of benchmarks you run occasionally.
  4. Think your algorithm is working but you're actually seeing random noise.

    • Example: Graph of 7 tasks with 3 algorithms and looks like 1 algorithm might be doing best on all problems, but turns out they're all the same algorithm with DIFFERENT random seeds.
  5. Try different random seeds!!

    • Run multiple times and average.
    • Run multiple tasks on multiple seeds.
      • If not, you're likely to over fit.
  6. Additional algorithm modifications might be unnecessary.

    • Most tricks are ACTUALLY normalizing something in some way or improving your optimization.
    • A lot of tricks also have the same effect... So you can remove some of them and SIMPLIFY your algorithm (VERY KEY).
  7. Simplify your algorithm

    • Will generalize better
  8. Automate your experiments

    • Don't spend your whole day watching your code spit out numbers.
    • Launch experiments on cloud services and analyze results.
    • Frameworks to track experiments and results:
      • Mostly uses iPython notebooks.
      • DBs seem unnecessary to store results.

General training strategies

  1. Whiten and standardize data (for ALL seen data since the beginning).

    • Observations:

      • Do it by computing a running mean and standard deviation. Then z-transform everything.
      • Over ALL data seen (not just the recent data).
        • At least it'll scale down over time how fast it's changing.
        • Might trip up the optimizer if you keep changing the objective.
        • Rescaling (by using recent data) means your optimizer probably didn't know about that and performance will collapse.
    • Rewards:

      • Scale and DON'T shift.
        • Affects agent's will to live.
        • Will change the problem (aka, how long you want it to survive).
    • Standardize targets:

      • Same way as rewards.
    • PCA Whitening?

      • Could help.
      • Starting to see if it actually helps with neural nets.
      • Huge scales (-1000, 1000) or (-0.001, 0.001) certainly makes learning slow.
  2. Parameters that inform discount factors.

    • Determines how far you're giving credit assignment.
    • Ex: if factor is 0.99, then you're ignoring what happened 100 steps ago... Means you're shortsighted.
      • Better to look at how that corresponds to real time
        • Intuition, in RL we're usually discretizing time.
        • aka: are those 100 steps 3 seconds of actual time?
        • what happens during that time?
    • If TD methods for policy gradient of Value fx estimation, gamma can be close to 1 (like 0.999)
      • Algo becomes very stable.
  3. Look to see that problem can actually be solved in the discretized level.

    • Example: In game if you're doing frame skip.
      • As a human, can you control it or is it impossible?
      • Look at what random exploration looks like
        • Discretization determines how far your browning motion goes.
        • If do many actions in a row, then tend to explore further.
        • Choose your time discretization in a way that works.
  4. Look at episode returns closely.

    • Not just mean, look at min and max.
      • The max return is something your policy can hone in pretty well.
      • Is your policy ever doing the right thing??
    • Look at episode length (sometimes more informative than episode reward).
      • if on game you might be losing every time so you might never win, but... episode length can tell you if you're losing SLOWER.
      • Might see a episode length improvement in the beginning but maybe not reward.

Policy gradient diagnostics

  1. Look at entropy really carefully

    • Entropy in ACTION space
      • Care more about entropy in state space, but don't have good methods for calculating that.
    • If going down too fast, then policy becoming deterministic and will not explore.
    • If NOT going down, then policy won't be good because it is really random.
    • Can fix by:
      • KL penalty
        • Keep entropy from decreasing too quickly.
      • Add entropy bonus.
    • How to measure entropy.
      • For most policies can compute entropy analytically.
        • If continuous usually using a Gaussian so can compute differential entropy.
  2. Look at KL divergence

    • Look at size of updates in terms of KL divergence.
    • example:
      • If KL is .01 then very small.
      • If 10 then too much.
  3. Baseline explained variance.

    • See if value function is actually a good predictor or a reward.
      • if negative it might be over fitting or noisy.
        • Likely need to tune hyper parameters
  4. Initialize policy

    • Very important (more so than in supervised learning).
    • Zero or tiny final layer to maximize entropy
      • Maximize random exploration in the beginning

Q-Learning Strategies

  1. Be careful about replay buffer memory usage.

    • You might need a huge buffer, so adapt code accordingly.
  2. Play with learning rate schedule.

  3. If converges slowly or has slow warm-up period in the beginning

    • Be patient... DQN converges VERY slowly.

Bonus from Andrej Karpathy:

  1. A good feature can be to take the difference between two frames.
    • This delta vector can highlight slight state changes otherwise difficult to distinguish.


深度强化学习中的技巧(Hacks for training RL systems from John Schulman's lecture at Deep RL Bootcamp (Aug 2017))