Z4ck404 / prometheus-alertmanager-k8s

Examples for setting up monitoring and alerting using Prometheus and Alertmanager.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository contains the following examples for setting up monitoring and alerting using Prometheus and Alertmanager.


The PrometheusRule defines a set of rules for Prometheus to evaluate and generate alerts. It is configured with the following specifications:

Name: z4ck404-alerts
Namespace: monitoring
    Name: blackbox.alerts
        Alert: backbox probe check failed!
        Expression: probe_success != 1
        For: 2 minutes
            severity: warning
            namespace: monitoring
            summary: BlackBox probe check failed. Service might be down
            description: 'Target {{{{}} printf "%v" $labels.target {{}}}} probe is down.'

This rule is used to monitor and generate alerts when the specified BlackBox probe check fails.


The AlertmanagerConfig specifies the configuration for Alertmanager, which handles the routing and dispatching of alerts. The configuration includes:

Name: z4ck404-alertmanagerconfig
    Group By: ['alertname', 'job']
    Group Wait: 10 seconds
    Group Interval: 5 minutes
    Repeat Interval: 12 hours
    Continue: true
        Name: severity
        Match Type: "="
        Value: "warning"
    Receiver: slack
    Name: slack
        Slack Configs:
            Channel: #alerts
            API URL:
                Key: slack_webhook
                Name: alertmanager-slack-notification
            Send Resolved: true
            Title: Conditional title based on firing or resolved status
            Text: Conditional text based on firing or resolved status and alert details
            Footer: "z4ck404-alertmanager"

This configuration sets up Alertmanager to route alerts based on the severity level, and sends them to a Slack channel using the specified webhook URL.


The Secret named alertmanager-slack-notification is used to store sensitive information, such as the Slack webhook URL, securely. The secret is of type Opaque and contains the following data:

slack_webhook: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Make sure to configure the slack_webhook with your actual Slack webhook URL to enable alert notifications to Slack.

Please refer to the individual files in this repository for more details and configuration options.


Examples for setting up monitoring and alerting using Prometheus and Alertmanager.