Yuv-Rajd / CropRecomendationAPI

Crop Recommendation Using Machine Learning(KNeighborsClassifier) and OpenWeatherMap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Crop Recommendation using real time temperature and humidity of the given city using weather API ("http://api.openweathermap.org"), machine learning is used to recommend the crops based on temperature and humidity (KNeighborsClassifier)(internship)

packages needs to be downloaded

pip install numpy pip install pandas pip install scipy pip install matplotlib pip install requests pip install Flask

modification required

modification required

in WeatherDataProvider.py on line no :7 Enter your API key
yt video to generate api key

project images

Login Page
username :admin
password :1234

Crop Recommendation Page



Crop Recommendation Using Machine Learning(KNeighborsClassifier) and OpenWeatherMap


Language:HTML 69.4%Language:Python 30.6%