Yusuf-R / MINALEX_dev

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MINALEX Todo Flask App

Task Manager App Logo

Overview new

The Todo Flask App is a powerful task management tool designed to streamline your daily activities and enhance productivity. It provides a convenient, one-stop solution for users to organize tasks, discuss concerns, prioritize tasks, find quick resolutions to their pending to-do items and achieve their goals before due dates. Whether you're looking to organize your daily activities or keep track of project-related tasks, this app has you covered.

From this project, users can get a feel of what the web application is all about by having a "Logged Out Experience" and the routes that can be assessed by the user or customer includes:

  • The landing page
  • The Add new task tab
  • The Review and edit task tab

Key Features

  • Efficient Task Management:** Seamlessly organize and prioritize your tasks for enhanced productivity.
  • Collaborative Environment:** Foster collaboration by discussing tasks and sharing updates with team members.
  • Swift Resolutions:** Quickly resolve pending issues and tasks to stay on top of your commitments.
  • User-Friendly Interface:** Intuitive design for a seamless and enjoyable task management experience.
  • Performs CRUD Operations:** Add new tasks,Read/list all tasks, update task details, and mark tasks as complete and can delete tasks.
  • Prioritization:** Prioritize tasks by choosing between high, medium and low in that section.
  • Persistence:** Your tasks are stored persistently, so you can access them across sessions and ensure to meet up with the due dates.

How It Works

  1. Task Creation: Easily create and manage tasks with just a few clicks.

  2. Discussion Forum: Engage in discussions with team members to get insights and updates on tasks.

  3. Prioritization: Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.

  4. Task Relegation: Assigning task to individual or teams.

  5. Task Completion: Mark tasks as complete when they are done.


Some of the tools used for software development of this app are:

  • Flask: A web framework for Python that simplifies the development of web applications.

  • SQLite3 Module: A built-in Python module providing an interface to SQLite databases.

  • HTML: HyperText Markup Language, used for structuring and presenting content on the web.

  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, used for styling and layout of web pages.

  • Jinja: Jinja2, a template engine for Python, commonly used with Flask to generate dynamic content.

  • SQLite Team Viewer: A tool for viewing and managing SQLite databases.

  • DataGrip App: An integrated development environment (IDE) for working with databases, including SQLite.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Clone the repository and install dependencies.

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/MINALEX.git

Install virtual Environment

sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install virtualenv -y

Creating a Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv portfolio

Activating the virtual Environment

on a unix based operating system

source portfolio/bin/activate (portfolio) /home/nerd $

on a windows based operating system

portfolio\Scripts\activate.bat (portfolio) C:\Users\nerd>

Deactivating a Virtual Environment

(portfolio) /home/nerd $ deactivate


We have saved the dependencies in a file named requirement.txt

(portfolio) /home/nerd $ pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • blinker==1.7.0
  • click==8.1.7
  • flask==3.0.0
  • greenlet==3.0.2
  • importlib-metadata==7.0.0
  • itsdangerous==2.1.2
  • Jinja2==3.1.2
  • MarkupSafe==2.1.3
  • typing-extensions==4.9.0
  • werkzeug==3.0.1
  • zipp==3.17.0


(portfolio) /home/nerd $ pip install -r requirements.txt


To run MINALEX Task Manager application using command line, do the following:

Step One

(portfolio) /home/nerd $ python app.py


Step Two

(portfolio) /home/nerd $ FLASK_APP=app.py (portfolio) /home/nerd $ FLASK_DEBUG=1 (portfolio) /home/nerd $ flask run

Both will give you the output:

  • Serving Flask app 'app'
  • Debug mode: on WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Running on all addresses (
  • Running on
  • Running on Press CTRL+C to quit
  • Restarting with stat
  • Debugger is active!
  • Debugger PIN: 659-121-357


Christiana Aghara - GitHub / Gmail

License Public Domain. No copy write protection



Language:HTML 51.0%Language:CSS 24.0%Language:Python 22.4%Language:JavaScript 2.7%