Yusadolat / simple-profile-app

This is a simple HTML and NodeJs app that gets containerized whenever a push is made to the main branch

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Simple Profile

This is a simple HTML, NodeJs and MongoDB app that gets containerized whenever a push is made to the main branch

This demo app shows a simple pet profile app set up using

  • index.html with pure js and css styles
  • nodejs backend with express module
  • mongodb for data storage
All components are docker-based

To start the application

Step 1: Run the below command:

docker-compose up

make sure you are in the root directory containing the docker-compose file

Step 2: Access the mongo-express UI on port localhost:8081, create a new database my-db and create a new collection pets in the database my-db

Step 3: You can now access the app on localhost:3000


This is a simple HTML and NodeJs app that gets containerized whenever a push is made to the main branch


Language:HTML 60.2%Language:JavaScript 29.7%Language:Dockerfile 10.1%