YufengLii / SUUDataset

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Geometric Structure Semantic Understanding Dataset Toolbox


​Humans have been painting since the days of prehistoric cave painting. Since then, various forms of line drawing have developed, including Egyptian hieroglyphics, medieval etchings, and industrial age prints. Through introspection and experimentation, human artists have learned to express scene information with concise lines to provide striking depictions of shapes and meanings, conveying to people the geometry, function, relationship, etc. of objects in the scene. In addition, neuroscientific studies of the human visual perception system have shown that the human visual system is modular, and through studies of patients with impaired advanced cognitive function, it has been found that shape contours play an important role in the "spatial pathways" of these brains. Partially damaged patients are able to move and manipulate objects normally even if they do not know the meaning of the objects they are manipulating. Building a shape and contour perception module in the robot visual perception system to obtain the concise expression ability of the scene similar to that of an artist, which is very important for robot autonomy and development. ​Different from Edge-like visual representation, appearing in form of image edges, object boundaries and contours, is of great research interest in both computer vision and computer graphics. On the one hand, Edge-like visual representation is a low-level visual behavior, which mainly The low-level mutation of features such as brightness and color is defined, and edge detection is completed by identifying the points with obvious brightness changes in the image, while the structural semantic lines mainly express the contours of objects with obvious changes in geometry. On the other hand, the structural outline is a re-creation of human beings combining their own cognition and the global semantics of the context. The purpose is to a large extent to realize the transmission of information and allow the audience to reproduce the same perception. Edge-like visual representation lacks this An active selection process based on the cognitive background of existing knowledge. ​In order to endow robots with visual perception capabilities similar to human "spatial pathways", we constructed Geometric Structure Semantic Understanding Dataset based on non-realistic rendering technology, which can be used for "structural semantic extraction", "pose estimation", "CAD" Retrieval”, “3D Modeling”, “Robot Active Perception” and other researches.

Download the Crowdsourced and non-Crowdsourced datasets

Dataset Abstract

The NPR algorithms provide deep insight into the geometry and topology of line drawings. By combining NPR and crowdsourcing technology, we realized the semi-automatic generation of structural sketches from CAD models and established the SSU dataset. The development of the dataset includes several processes, including image rendering, model cleaning, NPR sketch generation, contour fusion, correction, and manual crowd-source screening. The original data is obtained from the 3D future dataset, which is a richly-annotated and large-scale repository of 3D furniture shapes in a household scenario. In total, 9,992 unique industrial 3D CAD models were used to generate initial annotation data, with 12 camera intrinsic matrixes. 12x9,992=119,904 sets of initial annotations were generated using the toolset we developed. Subsequently, 5,368 pairs of data that were carefully selected by crowdsourcing from 119,904 pairs of generated annotations, out of which 4,768 images were used for training and the remainder were used for testing. The crowdsourcing screening process was completed by hiring 9 lab classmates. We then used the standard data augmentation procedure to expand the diversity of the training samples.

Datasets Is 2d Edge Aligned? Is 3d geometry Aligned? Annotation data format Is it a parametric line? Data labeling basis Are there multiple objects in a single image? Does it have a corresponding RGB image? Does it have a corresponding 3d mesh model? Real or synthetic datasets Research field originally used
Wireframe X 2d line segments Rgb values X Real 2d wiregframe detection
YorkUrban X 2d line segments Rgb values X Real 2d wiregframe detection
SceneCity partly (linear structure in rgb space) 3d line segments and 2d line segments 3d mesh and viewpoints synthetic 3d wiregframe detection
MegaWireframe partly 3d line segments and 2d line segments 3d line segments and 2d line segments 3d mesh and viewpoints Real 3d wireframe detection
BIPED X bitmap X Rgb values X Real
BSDS500 X bitmap X Rgb values X Real
Contour Drawing roughly X bitmap X human drawings  X Real sketch generation
Sketchy X X bitmap X human drawings   X X Real Sketch-based image retrieval
TU-Berlin X X bitmap X human drawings  X X Real Human sketch recognition
rough sketch benchmark X X bitmap X human drawings  X noise sketch image X Real Sketch Cleanup
QuickDraw X X Vector image X human drawings  X X X synthetic sketch recognition
Style and Abstraction in Portrait Sketching roughly X 2d triangulated face model and bitmap Human artist Portrait drawings   Human face X Real Human face Sketching
Creative Birds and Creative Creatures X X bitmap X human drawings   Birds and Creative Creatures X X synthetic sketches generation
QMUL-Shoe-Chair-V2 X X bitmap X human drawings  QMUL-Shoe-Chair-V2 X synthetic sketches generation
ImageNet-Sketch X X bitmap X human drawings   ✔ X Real sketch recognition
Pro-skectch-3d ✔ (Linear and non-linear structural lines in 3d geometry) Vector image 3d mesh and viewpoints chair synthetic Model retrieval
The Anime Colorization dataset X bitmap X human drawings  anime characters X synthetic sketch generation
SketchyScene X X bitmap X human drawings  X synthetic sketch generation
ours paths 3d mesh and viewpoint(Linear and non-linear structural lines in 3d geometry) synthetic Scene structure parsing


1. Render

In the rendering part, rgb images and depth maps are generated according to the Mesh model and texture files. The original 3D future dataset provides a rendering script based on blender. The internal and external parameters of the camera are converted and output in the cv coordinate system, so that all operations on the same set of data are based on the same camera parameters.

  • Install and set up blender and python environment, refer to 3D-FUTURE-ToolBox

  • After installation, use the following command

    bash ./src/render_image/render_model.sh

    will render the example model in the ./demodata/3d_future folder, and save the result in the ./demodata/Rendered folder.

2. Transfrom and Clean Mesh

Rotate and translate the mesh model according to the external parameters of the camera, and use the meshlab script to preprocess the mesh, so that the topological model of the model satisfies the manifold mathematically, and prepares for the contour generation of the non-photorealistic rendering algorithm.

  • Under the ./src/transfrom_model_with_extrinsic folder, we provide C++ code to rotate and translate the 3D model according to the camera extrinsic parameters, and a python script to implement batch processing. The camera parameters used for rendering are saved in the ./configs/camera_intrinsic_extrinsic folder.

    ./src/transfrom_model_with_extrinsic/build/TransformOBJ normalized_model.obj ./configs/camera_intrinsic_extrinsic/model_000.txt normalized_model_transformed.obj
    python TransformModel.py
  • Under the ./src/clean_obj folder, Based on meshlab, we provide a python script to make the model topologically satisfy the manifold.

    # in ./src/clean_obj run
    python objClear.py

3. Generate Contour SVG

Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) is an area of computer graphics that focuses on enabling a wide variety of expressive styles for digital art, in contrast to traditional computer graphics, which focuses on photorealism. NPR is inspired by other artistic modes such as painting, drawing, technical illustration, and animated cartoons. NPR has appeared in movies and video games in the form of cel-shaded animation (also known as "toon" shading) as well as in scientific visualization, architectural illustration and experimental animation. We have modified two open source non-photorealistic rendering methods ( trianglemesh Syndraw ) to suit our needs.

  • First, According to the trianglemesh and Syndraw webpage introduction to install the corresponding dependencies, our modified code Versions are stored under ./src/calculate_pv_pd and ./src/calculate_contour respectively.
  1. Use the script we provided, The generated SVG initial annotations are saved in the ./demodata/structure_contours/ folder.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/lib
    export QTDIR=/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/bin
    # in ./src/calculate_contour run:
    python generateContour.py
  2. step by step procedure

  • Second, calculate pv pd with X server. in ./src/calculate_pv_pd/build, try run

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/lib
    export QTDIR=/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/bin
    ./gen_view_image " + InputMeshPath + " " + OutJPGpath
    ./gen_view_image test_000.obj  test_000.jpg

    or, calculate pv pd without X server, in my case, use in docker.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/lib
    export QTDIR=/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Qt5.14.2/5.14.2/gcc_64/bin
    xvfb-run ./gen_view_image test_000.obj test_000.jpg

    The successful execution of the above code will generate pd1.txt, pd2.txt, pv1.txt, pv2.txt in the folder, and the generated files will be used as the input for the next execution. Make sure to copy them to ./src/ during single-step testing. calculate_contour/SynDraw/build folder.

  • Third, Refer to the following command to generate the corresponding Contour according to the mesh; the model here should use the model after Transfrom and cleaned to ensure the consistency with Blender rendering; Camera internal parameters and Contour parameter configuration reference: ./configs/ . Try following code in ./src/calculate_contour/SynDraw/build

    ./SynDraw -p ../../../configs/npr_contour_parameter/contour.properties xxx.obj xxx.svg
    ./SynDraw -p ../../../configs/npr_contour_parameter/contour.properties test_000.obj 11.svg

4. Refine

  • Refine the generated annotations according to the depth edge, normal vector map, and line segment overlap, connectivity, etc.

    # In ./src/postprocess run
    python refine3.py

References and Acknowledgments

LINE DRAWINGS FROM 3D MODELS:A TUTORIAL trianglemesh Syndraw 3D-FUTURE-ToolBox VectorGraphRenderer



Language:Makefile 48.4%Language:C++ 38.9%Language:Python 6.6%Language:CMake 2.9%Language:C 2.8%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:QMake 0.2%Language:TypeScript 0.0%