YuLab-SMU / treeio

:seedling: Base Classes and Functions for Phylogenetic Tree Input and Output

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"elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61 tag not found" when loading an iqtree file

vmkalbskopf opened this issue · comments

That is the error when I try to load an iqtree file in RStudio. If I try to load it in a base R session, I get this:

` *** caught segfault ***
address 0x55e30bb1bd18, cause 'memory not mapped'

1: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
2: lapply(STRING, .treeBuild)
3: read.tree(text = treetext)
4: read.iqtree("~/diversity_proj/trees/MLtreewithParts.iqtree")

and then the R session crashes.
I'm running R ver 4.2.1 and treeio v1.22.0

all I typed was:
tree = read.iqtree('MLtreewithParts.iqtree')
Nothing else is loading in my environment other than treeio.

The .iqtree file produced by IQ-Tree is not readable by read.iqtree; read.iqtree takes a newick file as input. There should be a .treefile file in the folder with ''MLtreewithParts.iqtree'. Try opening that file instead:

tree <- read.iqtree('MLtreewithParts.treefile')

Yup, that was indeed the issue. You can mark this solved.
Perhaps input validation would help future users ;-)