Ytseboy / df-lnp-arch

A Dwarf Fortress Lazy Newb PAck installer for pacman-based system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Overview :

df-lnp-arch is an installer of the Dwarf Fortress Lazy Newb Pack for the Arch Linux/Manjaro users. It is freely inspired by the df-lnp-installer.

Warning :

This is not a stable installer and there can be bugs, do not use it with important saves.

Included mods :

  • Lazy Newb Pack for Linux 0.5.3-SNAPSHOT-20130822-1652
  • DF Hack 0.34.11-r3
  • Falconne's DFHack UI Plugins v0.36
  • SoundSense r42 (app only)
  • Dwarf Therapist last version (splintermind, pulled and built from source)
  • A Darf Therapist guide by ResMar
  • And of course Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11
  • If someone want a graphic pack, simply open a issue

Installation :

  1. Clone the git repository with git clone git://
  2. Go to the cloned directory with cd df-lnp-arch
  3. Create the package with makepkg, wait a little until all is downloaded and compiled.
  4. Install the package with sudo pacman -U df-lnp-arch-version_of_package.tar.xz
  5. Follow the prompts.
  6. Once DF is installed, enter the DF folder and run ./startlnp.
  7. Start the SoundSense r42 utility from the Utilities tab.
  8. Click the "Pack Update" tab.
  9. Click "Start Automatic Update".
  10. Get a Dwarven Ale; it's going to be a while.
  11. Once finished, close SoundSense, and muck about with LNP as normal.

Update :

  1. Update your git repository with git pull .
  2. Recreate a package with makepkg.
  3. Install the package with sudo pacman -U df-lnp-arch-new_version.tar.xz


A Dwarf Fortress Lazy Newb PAck installer for pacman-based system