Yousuf-Ejaz / proshop

An E-commerce application with its backend built on NodeJS and Frontend on React.

Home Page:

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Proshop: An E-Commerce Web Application

🚧 Technology Stack

  • Server Enviornment - NodeJS
  • Framework - ExpressJS
  • Frontend - ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vite
  • UI/UX - BootStrap
  • State management - Redux
  • Database - MongoDB
  • Cloud database service - MongoDB Atlas
  • Authorizatiion - JWT
  • Upload image - Multer
  • Frontend Deployment - Vercel
  • Backend Deployment - Render

⬇️ Installation

  • First, fork this repository 🍴 and follow the given instructions:
# clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone `git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/proshop.git`

# navigate to the project's directory and install all the relevant dev-dependencies
$ yarn
$ cd frontend && yarn
$ cd backend && yarn

# create a MongoDB Atlas instance and obtain the MongoDB URI
# Create a developer account at Paypal and obtain PayPal Account ID
# choose a random JWT secret
# create a .env file with the following fields according to the knowledge obtained
# use the seeder script to populate the cloud database
$ yarn data:import

# Start application
$ yarn dev

# Make requests on http://localhost:PORT/ from Postman


On the home page you can view all the products available along with their ratings and prices.

For Regular Users

  1. Register/ Login
  2. Update Profile
  3. View Products on the HomePage
  4. View Detailed description upon clicking on the specific product from the database.
  5. Decide upon the quantity of the product and add it to the cart.
  6. View the cart to know the total Amount alongside the tax and discount breakdown.
  7. Decide upon the quantity and the price of the items in the cart and proceed to checkout.
  8. Enter your shipping details.
  9. Enter your method of payment.
  10. Place your order.
  11. An oder will be created against your profile which you can view in your profile.
  12. Use paypal to pay your order.
  13. You can also edit your profile and change your password.

For Admins

  1. All the above mentioned functionalities.
  2. An admin can remove a user from the database.
  3. An admin can change the user's details except their password.
  4. An admin can add products to the avalable list of product on the homepage.
  5. An admin can alter the details of a product.

Project Structure

I structured the application based on MVC Architecture. MVC stands for Model, View and Controller. This application presents a clear demarcation between the Model, View and Controller logics:

  1. The Model logic is managed by Redux and Redux toolkit. Redux store decides what data the app should contain according to the current state. If the state of this data changes, then the View is notified. It is Implemented and managed using Store, Reducers, Constants and Actions.
  2. The View logic is handled using BootStrap Elements. It renders elements using React and by monitoring the changes in the Model logic or the store state.
  3. The Controller contains the implemtation and logic to all the routes which ultimately updates the model and/or view in response to input from the users of the app.

🔨 API Endpoints


GET /api/products Fetch all products Public
GET /api/products/:id Fetch single product Public
DELETE /api/products/:id Delete a product Private/Admin
POST /api/products Create a product Private/Admin
PUT /api/products/:id Update a product Private/Admin


POST /api/users/login Auth User and get token Public
POST /api/users Register User Public
GET /api/users/profile Get user profile Private
PUT /api/users/profile Update user profile Private
GET /api/users Get All users Private/Admin
DELETE /api/users/:id Delete a user Private/Admin
GET /api/users/:id Get user by Id Private/Admin
PUT /api/users/profile Update user by Id Private/Admin


POST /api/orders Create new Order Private
GET /api/orders/:id Get order by ID Private
GET /api/orders/:id/pay Update order to paid Private
GET /api/orders/myorders Update logged in user orders Private


POST /api/upload Upload an Image Private

[Failed Tasks]

  • The upload functionality broke upon bringing into production.
  • The state of the payment completion is not updated upon payment.

[Pending Tasks]

  • Unit Tests

Additional Features to be added later:

  • Product Carousel
  • Reviews for users
  • Search within the homepage
  • Pagination for the homepage
  • Filers for price, category, brand etc.


An E-commerce application with its backend built on NodeJS and Frontend on React.


Language:JavaScript 99.1%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:CSS 0.2%