Youssra Abouelmawahib (Youssra1999)


Geek Repo



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Youssra Abouelmawahib's repositories



This project explores the application of Gaussian processes to estimate unobserved temperature data in Boston. We utilize Gaussian processes to model temperature variations, leveraging historical averages and observations from 2019.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


In this project, we’ll explore the process of developing a powerful tool to monitor inland surface water areas using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and Python. By leveraging geospatial data and advanced analysis techniques, we’ll unlock insights into water dynamics, contributing to environmental research and sustainable resource management.



This study aims to analyze the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Break-even Rate (BER) data over the past decade.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Using sophisticated time series analysis techniques on Mauna Loa Observatory data, we unveil insightful patterns and trends crucial for understanding climate change dynamics. This project showcases our commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry, essential for advancing environmental research and informing policy decisions.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


The Philippine Archipelago is a fascinating multiscale ocean region. Its geometry is complex, with multiple straits, islands, steep shelf-breaks, and coastal features, leading to partially interconnected seas and basins. In this part, we will be studying, understanding, and navigating through the ocean current flows.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


In this project, we will analyze a single-cell RNA-seq dataset, with the goal of unveiling hierarchical structure and discovering important genes. The datasets provided are all different subsets of a larger single-cell RNA-seq dataset, compiled by the Allen Institute.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


This project aims to build a mixture model for collaborative filtering using Gaussian mixtures. The dataset used consists of movie ratings provided by users, extracted from a subset of the Netflix database. Since users have rated only a small fraction of the movies, the dataset is partially filled. The objective is to predict the missing entries .



Curious problem solver passionate about data, programming, and AI. Embracing the 'Data Science and Analytics Virtual Experience Program' to explore BCG X's dynamic team and real-world data challenges. Ready to leverage my skills and delve into the exciting world of data science!

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


The MNIST dataset comprises 60,000 training and 10,000 testing handwritten digits, aiding various image processing systems. Each image, sized 28x28 pixels, was collected from Census Bureau employees and high school students, offering a rich resource for testing diverse methods.



The goal of this project is to design a classifier to use for sentiment analysis of product reviews. Our training set consists of reviews written by Amazon customers for various food products. The reviews, originally given on a 5 point scale, have been adjusted to a +1 or -1 scale, representing a positive or negative review, respectively.



Sharing my Power BI journey & solutions for PwC's virtual experience. Exploring data, driving insights! 📊 #PowerBI #DataAnalysis



📊 Olympic Data Analytics Project 🥇 Explore #DataEngineering, #Azure, #DataAnalytics, and #DataVisualization in the context of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Analyze athletes, medals, and more! 🏅 #DataScience #Olympics #GitHubProject

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Explore COVID-19 trends interactively. This Tableau dashboard visualizes cases, deaths, recoveries, and vaccination data, offering insights into the global pandemic's impact. Stay informed through dynamic data analysis. #COVID19 #DataVisualization
