You-sha / Data-Science-Experience

Scraping Data Science jobs, performing EDA, building a regression model and productionizing it.

Repository from Github https://github.comYou-sha/Data-Science-ExperienceRepository from Github https://github.comYou-sha/Data-Science-Experience

Data Science Experience Predictor: Project Overview

  • Created a tool that predicts average experience required for a data science position (MAE: ~2 years), to help prospective applicants find and apply to relevant and attainable positions.
  • Scraped over 70 pages from Naukri using Python, BeautifulSoup and Selenium.
  • Engineered features from the tags provided by the company on their job postings to quantify the value that companies put on the most popular skills in the field.
  • Optimized Linear, Lasso and Random Forest regressors with GridSearchCV to attain the best performing model.
  • Built a client facing API using Flask.

Code and resources

Python version: 3.11

Packages: Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Flask, Json, Pickle

Web Framework Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Scraper Article:

Flask Productionization:

Web Scraper

I learnt the basics of building a scraper from the article mentioned above and modified it to scrape all 78 pages of data science job postings. The following features were scraped:

  • Job URL
  • Job title
  • Number of reviews
  • Company rating
  • Company name
  • Experience required
  • Salary
  • Location
  • Days since posted
  • Tags

Data Cleaning

After scraping the data, it required cleaning so that it could provide insights and be usable for the model. I made the following changes and created the following features:

  • Simplified job column.
  • Added a column stating the seniority of the position.
  • Added a column stating whether salary is mentioned or not.
  • Parsed the numeric data out of 'Number of reviews' column.
  • Parsed out min and max experience and created an average experience required column.
  • Created columns for job state.
  • Made new columns for skills mentioned in the tags.
  • Made a column for the top 20 companies with the most job postings.

Exploratory Data Analysis

I analysed the distributions of the data and the value counts for the categorical columns. And made a WordCloud for the most frequent keywords appearing in the job tags. Below are a few highlights from the EDA:

Model Building

I transformed the categorical features to dummy variables. I used 3-fold Cross Validation for performance evaluation.

I built three different models and evaluated them using Mean Absolute Error, as it is relatively easy to interpret, and outliers aren't such an issue here.

The models I tried:

  • Multivariate Linear Regression - Model baseline.
  • Lasso Regression - Since Lasso Regression is normalized, it could be useful here as the data is sparse due to the many categorical variables.
  • Random Forest - This should be good because of the sparsity as well. Plus, RFs tend to have relatively decent performance on most data.

Model Performance

Lasso Regression performed the best on this data.

  • Lasso Regression MAE: 2.14
  • Random Forest Regressor MAE: 2.21
  • Multivariate Linear Regression MAE: 2.37

Lasso Regression Residuals:


I built a flask API endpoint that was hosted on a local server by following the tutorial provided in the reference. The API endpoint takes in a request with a list of values from a job listing and returns an estimated value for average experience.


Scraping Data Science jobs, performing EDA, building a regression model and productionizing it.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.4%Language:Python 1.6%