YottaDB / YDBTest

Mirrored from https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDBTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

YottaDB Test System

All software in this package is part of YottaDB (https://yottadb.com) each file of which identifies its copyright holders. The software is made available to you under the terms of a license. Refer to the LICENSE file for details.

Homepage: https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDB

Documentation: https://yottadb.com/resources/documentation/


Documentation on usage is under development as time permits and will be released from time to time. For the present, please read the shell scripts. The .csh files are shell scripts written for the tcsh shell. There is now a Dockerfile, and that is probably the easiest way to run the test system. The instructions are at the bottom of this README.

Pre-commit hooks

To install the pre-commit hooks, run the following:

ln -s ../../pre-commit .git/hooks


If you receive this package integrated with a YottaDB distribution, the license for your YottaDB regression test suite is that of YottaDB under the terms of its license.

Simple aggregation or bundling of this package with another for distribution does not create a derivative work. To make clear the distinction between this package and another with which it is aggregated or bundled, it suffices to place the package in a separate directory or folder when distributing the aggregate or bundle.

Should you receive this package not integrated with a YottaDB distribution, and missing a COPYING file, you may create a file called COPYING from the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt) and use this package under the terms of that license.


The following binaries are required to run the test system:

  • ksh
  • gawk
  • sed
  • lsof
  • bc
  • sort
  • fuser
  • strace
  • expect
  • eu-elflint
  • ss
  • nc
  • gdb

Currently tcsh is the only supported shell, make sure that tcsh is properly installed and that you can switch to it with the following command:


A symbolic link of tcsh is also needed in the local bin

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/tcsh /usr/local/bin/tcsh

Make a directory to store all YottaDB related files taken from the repository

sudo mkdir /testing

Environment variables

Create or edit the .cshrc file inside your home directory and add the following lines:

set autolist
set backslash_quote
set dextract
set dunique
set filec
set history=10000
set lineedit
set matchbeep=nomatch
set savehist
setenv LC_ALL_C
unset autologout
unset glob

alias s 'source ${HOME}/.cshrc-int'
alias S s

set HOST=$HOST:r
setenv HOST $HOST:r

Create a .cshrc-int file inside the home directory with the following lines.

setenv mailid user@mail.com # Replace with your email here

setenv verno R133
setenv gtm_root /usr/library	# Can be replaced with any directory
setenv gtm_test $gtm_root/gtm_test
setenv ydb_dist $gtm_root/$verno/pro
setenv gtm_dist $ydb_dist
setenv gtm_exe $gtm_dist ; setenv gtmroutines ". $gtm_dist"
setenv gtm_tools $gtm_root/$verno/tools
setenv gtm_inc $gtm_root/$verno/inc
setenv gtm_source $gtm_root/$verno/src
setenv gtm_verno $verno
setenv gtm_ver $gtm_root/$verno
setenv gtm_obj $gtm_exe/obj
setenv gtm_log $gtm_ver/log
setenv gtm_testver T133
setenv gtm_curpro /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r134	# This needs to be set to a current release version of YottaDB
setenv gtm_com ""
setenv gtm_icu_version `ldconfig -p | grep -m1 -F libicuio.so. | cut -d" " -f1 | sed 's/.*libicuio.so.\([a-z]*\)\([0-9\.]*\)/\2.\1/;s/\.$//;'`
setenv tst_dir /testarea1	# Can be replaced with any directory

alias gtmtest $gtm_test/$gtm_testver/com/gtmtest.csh -report on -noencrypt -env eall_noinverse=1 $*

Install YottaDB

Instructions to install YottaDB: https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDB/-/blob/master/README.md

Before installing YottaDB, create a directory to store the build inside $gtm_root:

cd $gtm_root
sudo mkdir $verno ; cd $verno
sudo mkdir dbg pro

Install the pro version in $gtm_root/$verno/pro and the dbg version in $gtm_root/$verno/dbg

Getting the YDBTest repository

Go into $gtm_root and create the gtm_test directory where the files for the test repository will be stored

cd $gtm_root
sudo mkdir gtm_test ; cd gtm_test
sudo mkdir T133

Create a simple script within the testing directory that will sync files to the specified test version

$ cat testing/synctest
#!/usr/bin/tcsh -f
if ("" == "$1") then
        echo "missing Test directory to sync"
        exit 1
if (! -e $gtm_test/$1) then
        echo "Test library $gtm_test/$1 does not exist"
        exit 1
sudo rsync -av --delete /testing/YDBTest/ $gtm_test/$1 # Change to wherever YDBTest repository is stored

Get a clone of the YDBTest repository:

git clone https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDBTest.git

Before syncing the test repository, the system log file is not needed to run tests locally, any reference to it should be commented out or removed

cat testing/YDBTest/com/check_setup_dependencies.csh
# make sure system log file is readable
#set syslog_file=`$grep -v '^#' $gtm_test_serverconf_file | $tst_awk '$1 == "'$hostn'" {print $8}'`
#if ("" == $syslog_file) then
#	echo "TEST-E-UTILITY problem getting system log file for $hostn from $gtm_test_serverconf_file ;"
#	@ error++
#	if (! -r $syslog_file) then
#		echo "TEST-E-UTILITY $syslog_file is not readable ;"
#		@ error++
#	endif

Now the test repository can be synced

../synctest T133

Setting up the build

Make sure to switch to tcsh. If you recently created or edited your .cshrc file, make sure you start a new tcsh shell. Then run the following command to set the environment variables in your .cshrc-int file:


Create and run a build.csh file in the parent directory of your local YDB repository.

if (! -d $gtm_dist/obj) then
        set sudostr = "sudo mkdir $gtm_dist/obj"
        @ status1 = $status
if ($status1) then
        echo "BUILDREL_IMAGE_COMMON-E-SUDOFAIL : $sudostr failed with status = $status1. Exiting..."
        exit -1
cp -pa YDB/cmake/*.a $gtm_obj/

if (! -d $gtm_ver/tools) then
        set sudostr = "sudo mkdir $gtm_ver/tools"
        @ status1 = $status
        if ($status1) then
                echo "BUILDREL_IMAGE_COMMON-E-SUDOFAIL : $sudostr failed with status = $status1. Exiting..."
                exit -1
set sudostr = "sudo chown $user.gtc $gtm_ver/tools"
cp -pa YDB/sr_unix/*.awk $gtm_tools/
cp -pa YDB/sr_unix/*.csh $gtm_tools/
cp -pa YDB/sr_linux/*.csh $gtm_tools/
rm -f $gtm_ver/tools/setactive{,1}.csh

# This may need to be `uname -i` instead depending upon your machine or you can hardcode
# it to x86_64, aarch64, armv6l or armv7l as appropriate. This is needed to ensure that
# the correct assembly code is used to build YottaDB.
set machtype=`uname -m`
foreach ext (c s msg h si)
        if (($ext == "h") || ($ext == "si")) then
                set dir = "inc"
                set dir = "src"
        if (! -d $gtm_ver/$dir) then
                set sudostr = "sudo mkdir $gtm_ver/$dir"
                @ status1 = $status
                if ($status1) then
                        echo "BUILDREL_IMAGE_COMMON-E-SUDOFAIL : $sudostr failed with status = $status1. Exiting..."
                        exit -1
        set sudostr = "sudo chown $user.gtc $gtm_ver/$dir"
        @ status1 = $status
        if ($status1) then
                echo "BUILDREL_IMAGE_COMMON-E-SUDOFAIL : $sudostr failed with status = $status1. Exiting..."
                exit -1
        cp -pa YDB/sr_port/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_port_cm/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_unix/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_unix_cm/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_unix_gnp/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        if (${machtype} == "x86_64") then
                cp -pa YDB/sr_x86_regs/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_${machtype}/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/
        cp -pa YDB/sr_linux/*.$ext $gtm_ver/$dir/

Create output directory

Before the test system can be run, the output needs to be stored in an output directory. Create an output directory with the proper permissions:

mkdir /testarea1	# The name of this directory should be the same as whatever $tst_dir is set to
cd /testarea1 ; sudo mkdir $user
sudo chown -R $user.gtc $user

Running a test

To run a test make sure that the shell is tcsh and source .cshrc-int with s

Run a test by using gtmtest. The following arguments are needed to run the gtmtest properly:

  1. -s: Calls a specific test version's gtmtest.csh
  2. -t: Tells the test system to run a specific test
  3. -st: An optional argument that will run a specific subtest
  4. -replic: An optional argument that runs the test with replication turned on

An example of how to run the test system

gtmtest -s T133 -t basic
gtmtest -s T133 -t basic -replic

Other useful arguments

  1. -keep: If a test passes, files related to the test will not be deleted
  2. -nozip: Leaves files unzipped in the output directory
  3. -num_runs: Using this qualifier followed by an integer will run the test for a specified number of times
  4. -h: Prints out all valid arguments and a description of what they do
  5. -E_ALL: Runs all tests (may take a long time to run all tests). When running an E_ALL, the -t argument is optional
  6. -env gtm_test_nomultihost=1: Disables all multi-system tests. Highly recommended if you run an E_ALL without support for multi-system tests.
  7. -stdout: Prints the output directly to stdout.
    1. -stdout 0: doesn't print any extra information
    2. -stdout 1: prints each subtest result
    3. -stdout 2: prints diff file for each failed subtest
    4. -stdout 3: prints verbose output; default


Currently not all tests will run properly on the local test system. For example none of the Go tests will run without the YDBGo repository and multi-system tests will not work without setting up a multi-system environment.

Using the Test System with Docker

The file docker/Dockerfile is used to build the test system and YDB for each commit. Normally, you don't need to use it to build the test system, but can simply pull registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest:

docker pull registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest

To build, you need to build from YDBTest root folder, not the docker folder. In this example, we tag our built image to be called "registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest" (but any name would work).

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest .

This will build the test system with the latest master of YottaDB.

To run, you can do something like this (replacing <local directory> with a suitable directory. <local directory> is where the artifacts will be stored on your host when docker is finished running the test):

docker run --init -it -v <local directory>:/testarea1/ --rm registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest -t r200

The arguments after "ydbtest" are regular gtmtest.csh arguments. If you do not pass any arguments, you will get the output of gtmtest.csh -h.

To run against a copy of YDBTest on your file system, you can do this; the volume (-v) argument left hand side is the full path of the YDBTest git repository, the right hand side of the colon is a fixed path that is known by the docker scripts which you must not change:

docker run --init -it -v <local directory>:/testarea1/ -v <full path to YDBTest>:/YDBTest --rm registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest -t r200

To debug problems, instead of passing gtmtest.csh arguments, pass either -shell to go to the gtmtest user id in a way so that you are ready to run tests, or -rootshell to log-in as root. If you log-in using -shell, you will be given instructions on how to a run a test. You can do that and start debugging from there.

docker run --init -it -v <local directory>:/testarea1/ --rm registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest -shell
docker run --init -it -v <local directory>:/testarea1/ --rm registry.gitlab.com/yottadb/db/ydbtest -rootshell

To build this image with a custom version of YottaDB, clone https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDB.git, and then run the following:

cd YDB
docker build -f Dockerfile-test -t ydbtest2 .
docker run --init -it -v <local directory>:/testarea1/ --rm ydbtest2 -t r200


Mirrored from https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDBTest



Language:M 45.9%Language:Shell 37.2%Language:C 8.2%Language:Go 5.8%Language:Awk 1.0%Language:Java 0.7%Language:Batchfile 0.3%Language:Rust 0.2%Language:Python 0.2%Language:PLSQL 0.2%Language:DIGITAL Command Language 0.1%Language:Logos 0.0%Language:MATLAB 0.0%Language:XC 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:sed 0.0%Language:Perl 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%Language:Mathematica 0.0%Language:Mercury 0.0%