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Wrong initial flip-flop state

rfuest opened this issue · comments

I've just started playing with Yosys/nextpnr on a Tang Nano 9K and encountered an issue which I couldn't explain. And I'm unsure if I did something wrong or this is a bug or current limitation of the open source toolchain. The same design works as expected when synthesized with the vendor tools.

The minimized example which triggers the issue is simply turning on an LED when the corresponding button is pressed. Both the LEDs and buttons are active low on the Tang Nano 9K. The only difference between led1 and led2 is that the internal state is inverted.

With the vendor tools led1 and led2 are off after the bitstream is loaded and can be turned on with their corresponding button. But with the open source toolchain led1 is already turned on after the bitstream is loaded, without any button presses. led2 works as expected.

I did also run a post synthesis simulation and both buttons worked as expected in the simulation.

Source files


module top (
    input clk,
    input button1,
    input button2,
    output [5:0] leds

reg led1 = 1'b0;
reg led2 = 1'b1;

always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (button1 == 1'b0)
        led1 <= 1'b1;

    if (button2 == 1'b0)
        led2 <= 1'b0;

assign leds = { led2, button2, 2'b11, button1, !led1 };



IO_LOC "leds[5]" 16;
IO_LOC "leds[4]" 15;
IO_LOC "leds[3]" 14;
IO_LOC "leds[2]" 13;
IO_LOC "leds[1]" 11;
IO_LOC "leds[0]" 10;

IO_LOC "button1" 4;
IO_LOC "button2" 3;

IO_LOC "clk" 52;

Commands used to synthesize the design

yosys -p "read_verilog top.v; synth_gowin -json top.json"
nextpnr-gowin --family GW1N-9C --device "GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5" --cst top.cst --json top.json --write top_pnr.json
gowin_pack --device GW1N-9C -o top.fs top_pnr.json
openFPGALoader top.fs



Yes, the phenomenon is confirmed.
I should only note that "initial state" is a deceptive phrase: there is no such concept for flip-flops in the binary image.
As a matter of fact, everything ends even before the data is sent to nextpnr - at the yosys level, the flip-flop type is selected so that it is initially in the desired state.
Unfortunately, my competence is not enough at this level.

Thanks for the info. Can this problem be related to the NODFFE problem? I didn't immediately find any explanation what the known problem with DFFE is, but I could track my issue back to the DFFE:

If I replace DFFE with DFFRE (with RESET = 0) in the Yosys output my design works as expected. Connecting all inputs of a DFFE to 0 produces a 1 output in the open source toolchan and a 0 using the vendor tools. The same experiment with a DFFRE did produce the expected 0 output with both toolchains.

The "NODFFE" error is called so conventionally because specifying the --nodffe key when calling yosys (synth_gowin --nodffe) fixes the problem.

But it does not define the nature of the error itself.

Your case is good in the sense that it is very small in size and I think I'll spend today on experiments with INIT.

Here it turned out to be a reaction to a global reset.
Too bad, NODFF remains a mystery, but you can fix a couple lines in gowin_pack.py and see if that solves the problem :)

PR: #176


Thanks a lot, I've tried the new version of gowin_pack and it works much better now. It did not only fix the basic design in this issue, but also seems to have fixed a more complex design, which I was working on when I noticed the problem.