Yogesh Patel (YogeshPateliOS)


Geek Repo

Company:iOS Developer | Youtuber

Location:Ontario, Canada

Home Page:https://www.youtube.com/c/YogeshPateliOS

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yogesh Patel's repositories


iOS(Video):- introduction Of SQLite Database And Crud Operation Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber //////////////// Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogeshpatel4me/ Twitter. https://twitter.com/yogeshpatel4me Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yogeshpatel4me Github. https://github.com/yogeshpatel4me Pinterest. https://in.pinterest.com/yogeshp614/objective-c-ios-development-in-hindi/ Quora. https://www.quora.com/profile/Yogesh-Patel-343 StackOverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/story/yogeshpatel4me Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Blog :- https://yogeshpatel4me.blogspot.in Thank You so much For Watching Video !!!



Video:- Introduction of Display Image Using Url In Objective C Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh/



iOS(Video):- introduction Of Validation in TextField in Objective C Latest 2017(Hindi). In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Follow Me On:- Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogeshpatelios/ Twitter. https://twitter.com/yogeshpatelios Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh Google+(Objetive-C(Collection)) https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/EkWsIE Github. https://github.com/yogeshpatelios Pinterest. https://in.pinterest.com/yogeshpatelios/objective-c-ios-development-in-hindi/ Quora. https://www.quora.com/profile/Yogesh-Patel-343 StackOverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/users/8201581/yogesh-patel?tab=profile Blogger :- https://yogeshpatelios.blogspot.in/ Stumbleupon :- https://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/yogeshpatelios Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Blog :- https://yogeshpatelsite.wordpress.com/ Website :- https://yogeshpatel4me.000webhostapp.com/ Thank You so much For Watching Video !!!



Video:-Objective C:- How To Falling Images Latest 2017(Hindi). In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



protocol and delegate






json swift4 decode



In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Introduction Of How Create And Display Sidebar Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



iOS(Video):- introduction Of Expanding And Collapse TableViewCell Row in Objective C latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber //////////////// Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogeshpatel4me/ Twitter. https://twitter.com/yogeshpatel4me Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yogeshpatel4me Github. https://github.com/yogeshpatel4me Pinterest. https://in.pinterest.com/yogeshp614/objective-c-ios-development-in-hindi/ Quora. https://www.quora.com/profile/Yogesh-Patel-343 StackOverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/story/yogeshpatel4me Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Blog :- https://yogeshpatel4me.blogspot.in Thank You so much For Watching Video !!!



iOS(Video):- How to Add App icon in iOS And XCode Latest 2017(Hindi). Latest 2017(Hindi). In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber //////////////// Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogeshpatel4me/ Twitter. https://twitter.com/yogeshpatel4me Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yogeshpatel4me Github. https://github.com/yogeshpatel4me Pinterest. https://in.pinterest.com/yogeshp614/objective-c-ios-development-in-hindi/ Quora. https://www.quora.com/profile/Yogesh-Patel-343 StackOverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/story/yogeshpatel4me Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Blog :- https://yogeshpatel4me.blogspot.in Thank You so much For Watching Video !!!



iOS :-Introduction Of GIF And Image Animation in Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber FaceBook :- https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh/



Video:- An Introduction Of Create And Display PDF in Objective-C Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Video:- An Introduction Of ) in Video Player(AvVideoPlayer) Objective-C Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Source Code :- An Introduction Of ) in Audio Player(AvAudioPlayer) Objective-C Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Source Code :- An Introduction Of PageView Controller in Image Slider Objective-C Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Video:- Introduction of UIActionSheet In Objective C Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh/



Source Code :-This tutorial covers creating alerts using the Objective-C By Yogesh Patel. An introduction to using the UIAlertView in Objective-C. For Source-Code Click on it :- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yogeshpatel4me/yogeshpatel4me.github.io/master/uialertview.html In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



iOS(Video):- introduction Of Navigation Controller in Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber //////////////// Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogeshpatel4me/ Twitter. https://twitter.com/yogeshpatel4me Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yogeshpatel4me Github. https://github.com/yogeshpatel4me Pinterest. https://in.pinterest.com/yogeshp614/objective-c-ios-development-in-hindi/ Quora. https://www.quora.com/profile/Yogesh-Patel-343 StackOverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/story/yogeshpatel4me Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Blog :- https://yogeshpatel4me.blogspot.in Expand And Collapsing Thank You so much For Watching Video !!!



Video:- Objective C:- How To Create And Used UISwipeGesture Latest 2017(Hindi). In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



iOS(Video):- introduction Of Create And Used With Tag in Objective C Latest 2017(Hindi). In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



Video :- How to create Heart (Star) Rating with UIButton in Hindi Latest 2017. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



iOS :- Introduction Of Local Notification in Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber. FaceBook :- https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh/



Video:- Introduction of Animation In Objective c Hindi. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/Objyogesh/



Source Code:- An Introduction Of Image Slider (Segue) in Objective-C Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



In Ievent management This Are The module A There Such As Seminar, VIP Conference, Conference, Birthday party, Decoration, Guest-Management, Wedding-Event, catering Management. It Is Simple And Beautiful Interface UI Design And Cover the all module ..in Objective- C.



Video:- Introduction Of Display(Add) Scrollview in Objective C Latest 2017 Hindi By Yogesh Patel. In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber



How to Create And Display Stop Watch Latest 2017(Hindi).In this Channel I'll teach most of the objective C programming language in Multiple videos. Must Go to MyChannel Enjoy the Videos And Don't Forget To Subscribe My Channel :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtOhkUpvgvZcFWntgW0VMw?view_as=subscriber
