YipingNUS / dissertation

[M.S. Dissertation] Lightly-Supervised Learning Methods for One-Class Text Classification

Home Page:http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/I17-1055

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*                  README                   *
*                                           *
*    By Supasate Choochaisri                *
*    Department of Computer Engineering     *
*    Faculty of Engineering                 *
*    Chulalongkorn University               *
*    Update: 3 May 2012                     *
*                                           *

  [Ubuntu] (tested with 12.04 Precise)
  sudo apt-get install xetex

  [Windows] (not tested)
  Bundled with MikTeX 2.9 http://miktex.org 
  or TeX Live 2011 http://www.tug.org/texlive/
  [Mac OS X] (not tested)
  Bundled with MacTeX 2011 http://www.tug.org/mactex/2011/

Compilation: *require XeTeX
  [When citations/references are changed.]
  xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 supasate.tex
  bibtex supasate.aux
  xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 supasate.tex
  xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 supasate.tex

  [When citations/references are not changed.]
  xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -synctex=1 supasate.tex

Main files:
  supasate.tex         - parameter settings such as thesis title, author, advisor, committee, chapter files, and bibtex file
  abstractthai.tex     - abstract in Thai: need swath for word segmentation (see wordsegment.sh)
  abstractenglish.tex  - abstract in English
  chapter(1 to n).tex  - main content divided to n chapters
  appendix(1 to m).tex - m appendices
  acknowledgement.tex  - acknowledgement section
  biography.tex        - biography section
  figure/*             - folder for figures
  macros.tex           - for mathematics macros
  ucharclasses.sty     - for automatic language switching
  chula.cls            - Chula latex class file
  chulanat.bst        - Chula bibliography style file

Additional files:
  algorithm.sty, algorithmic.sty - for algorithm pseudocode
  wordsegment.sh                 - for Thai words segmentation in abstract
  compile.sh                     - for compilation when citations/references are not changed 
  compile_ref_changed.sh         - for compilation when citations/references are changed
  editmeta.sh                    - for editing metadata (require exiftool)
  clean.sh                       - for removing all generated files (*.log *.lot *.lof *.aux *.toc *.out *.pdf *.blg  *.pdf_original *.synctex.gz)


[M.S. Dissertation] Lightly-Supervised Learning Methods for One-Class Text Classification



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