YimengL / AuctionBase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Database for checking the Ebay historic data. Final Project for Stanford course: Introduction to Database (CS 145)

Technologies and tools used: Python, SQLite, Flask, Bootstrap.

Author: Yimeng Li
Website: http://yimengli.me/

Part 1.A: Examine the XML data files (Finished)

Using Given DTD file to validate the xml data.

$ xmllint --valid --noout items-*.xml
Part 1.B: Design your relational schema (Finished)
  • Users(User_ID, Rating, Location, Country)
  • Items(Item_ID, Seller_ID, Name, Buy_Price, First_Bid, Currently, Number_of_Bids, Started, Ends, Description)
  • Categories(Item_ID, Category)
  • Bids(Item_ID, User_ID, Time, Amount)
Part 1.C: Write a data transformation program (Finished)
  • Finish parser.py. Use Command:
python parser.py data/items-*.xml

to generate bids.dat, items.dat, users.dat, categories.dat.

  • Use unix tool to eliminate duplicates.
$ sort bids.dat | uniq > bids_uniq.dat
$ sort items.dat | uniq > items_uniq.dat
$ sort users.dat | uniq > users_uniq.dat
$ sort categories.dat | uniq > categories_uniq.dat
Part 1.D: Load your data into SQLite (Finished)
  • Create the auctionbase.sqlite database using
$ sqlite3 auctionbase.sqlite
  • Finish create.sql, drop.sql and load.txt to automate the table creation and data bulk-loading processes.

  • By running the

$ sqlite3 auctionbase.sqlite < create.sql
$ sqlite3 auctionbase.sqlite < load.txt

The data would be imported from bids_uniq.dat, items_uniq.dat, users_uniq.dat, categories_uniq.dat to auctionbase.sqlite.

Part 1.E: Test your SQLite database (Finished)

Finish several SQL queries to verify the correctness of above steps. Example:

$ sqlite3 auctionbase.sqlite < db/query7.sql

Part 2.A: Current Time (Finished)

Create CurrentTime table: time.sql, and load it into auctionbase.sqlite database.

sqlite3 auctionbase.sqlite < time.sql
Part 2.B: Constraints and Triggers (paused)

Part 3 Web Application
  • Install flask and peewee & Run simple hello app.
  • Translate the original create.sql to models.py
Require Functionality
  • Registration/Login/Logout/Personal Profile
  • Ability to manually change the "current time". (FINISHED)
  • Ability for auction users to enter bids on open auctions. (FINISHED)
  • Ability to browse auction of interest based on the following input parameters: (FINISHED)
    • item ID
    • category
    • item description
    • price
    • open/closed status
  • Ability to view all relevant information pertaining to a single auction. This should be displayed on an individual webpage, and it should display all of the information in your database pertaining to that particular item. In particular, this page should include: (FINISHED)
    • the auction's open/close status
    • the acution's bids. You should also display all relevant information for each bid, including:
      • the name of bidder
      • the time of the bid
      • the price of the bid
    • if the auction is closed, it should display the winner of the auction
  • Check all the constraints
  • Support Pagination (FINISHED)
  • Host on Digital Ocean (FINISHED)
  • Friendly UI
  • Support place items



Language:Python 65.5%Language:HTML 32.3%Language:CSS 2.2%