YiBoWang20 / RL-Knowledge-Checklist

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1. basic concepts:

  • what is reinforcement learning

    • interacting with environment
    • it is active and sequential learning
    • it is goal-directed
    • learn without examples of optimal behavior
    • optimize a reward signal: reward hypothesis -> Any goal can be formalized as the outcome of maximizing a cumulative reward
    • find solutions and adapt online
    • leanring to make decisions from interaction
  • important elements:

    • reward -> A reward Rt is a scalar feedback signal, indicates how well agent is doing at step t — defines the goal
    • return -> G_t = R_t + R_t+1 + ...
    • value -> expected cumulative reward for a state: V = E(R_t + R_t+1 + ... | S = s)
    • policy -> state to action mapping. A policy defines the agent’s behaviour
    • action value -> expected cumulative reward for a state and action pair: Q = E(R_t + R_t+1 + ... | S=s, A = a)
    • agent state -> usually a function mapping (compression) of full sequence of observations of environment, actions, and rewards (history) S_t+1 = f(S_t, A_t, R_t+1, O_t+1). The agent state is often much smaller than the environment state
    • environment state -> internal states, it is usually invisible to the agent
    • fully observable environment -> observation = environment state
  • markov decision processes:

    • current state contains all we need to know from the history
    • p(r,s | St,At) = p(r,s | Ht,At)
  • bellman equation: v_pi(s)=E[Rt+1 + v_pi(St+1)|St =s,At ∼pi(s)]

  • Model: A model predicts what the environment will do next. whats the next state P(s,a,s′)≈p(St+1 =s′ |St =s,At =a), whats the next reward R(s,a)≈E[Rt+1 |St =s,At =a]

  • differnt agent categories:

    • value based - policy based - actor critic
    • model free - model based
  • prediction vs. control:

    • prediction: evaluate the future
    • control: optimize the future
  • learning vs. planning:

    • Learning:The environment is initially unknown and the agent interacts with the environment
    • A model of the environment is given (or learnt) and the agent plans in this model (without external interaction)

2. exploration and exploitation:

  • bandits

    • only have a single environment state. The action dont have long-term effects and cannot change the state. reward is only related to action choice
    • differnt from full RL where reward is related to both state and action and action may change the state
    • different from contextual bandit where reward is related to both states and actions and action donot have any impact of state
  • exploration and exploitation:

    • exploitation: maximize the performance based on current knowledge
    • exploration: increase knowledge
    • We need to gather information to make the best overall decisions and the best long-term strategy may involve short-term sacrifices
  • greedy algorithm:

    • Select action with highest value: At = argmax Qt(a)
  • optimistic initial value

    • start with an value function that are much larger than the true value
  • epsilon-greedy algorithm:

    • 1- epsilon probability to select action with highest value: At = argmax Qt(a)
    • epsilon probability to randomly select an action
  • upper confidence bounds:

    • hoeffdings inequality: p(x - E(x) >= t) <= exp(-2nt2) set p = n-4 -> select action = argmax(mean + sqrt(2logN/n_i))
  • thompson sampling:

    • (likelihood bernoulli)reward is either 1 or 0. then the mean of rewards of each action is beta distribution: update beta(a, b) -> a = a + reward, b = b + 1 - reward
    • assume likelihhood is gaussian distributed. 1 known precision, unknown mean -> how to calculate posterior 2. unknown precision, known mean 3. unknown precision, unknown mean

3. Solving MDPs using dynamic programming (known model):

  • Bellman expectation equation

Alt Text

  • Bellman optimiality equation Alt Text

  • algorithms for evaluation and control Alt Text

4. Monte carlo tree search

  • algorithms
    • selection: select the action with highest score: score = Q + beta * pi(s) / (1 + n)
    • expansion: according to policy pi, randomly select one action
    • evaluation: fast roll-out, select action according to policy pi til the end of game. calculate the value: (v + r) / 2
    • backup: update Q using (v + r) / 2

5. value based learning

  • DQN

    • experience replay
    • prioritized experience replay
    • dueling net: learn a value function plus a advantage. Q = value + advantage - max(advantage); loss = Q_target - Q
    • noisy net:
    • off-policy vs. on-policy
    • double DQN
  • Sarsa

    • difference between Q learning and SARSA: SARSA is to train action value function for a certain policy pi; Q learning is to train optimal Q value function
    • action function estimation is used as critic in actor critic algorithm Alt Text

6. policy based learning

  • Reinforce

  • Reinforce with baseline

  • Actor-Critic

  • Advantage Actor-Critic (A2c)

  • Trust region policy optimization (TRPO)

  • Proximal policy optimization (PPO)

  • entropy regularization

  • Continuious action:

    • deterministic policy gradient (DPG)
    • twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3)
    • Gaussion distribution policy
  • partially observable envirionment

  • imitation learning

7. multi-agent

  • types:

    • fully cooperative
    • fully competetive
    • mixed
    • self-insterested
  • approaches:

    • Decentralized
    • Centralized
    • Centralized training with decentralized execution
