Yedomon / Sequencing101

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Tres bon argumentairer pour l'usage de la genomique en matiere de plante. C'est un article de KeyGene dans le blog nanopore

Genome sequencing has become an indispensable tool in plant breeding research, through which genetic variation of individual varieties at nucleotide precision can be revealed. Plant breeding companies use reference genomes to:

  • effectively develop trait-linked markers and discover genes
  • perform comparative genomics to elucidate breeding history
  • dissect the genetic architecture of important traits and link them to haplotypes
  • expand trait discovery approaches beyond SNP-based analysis

The insights obtained using a reference genome enable better and faster selection of important breeding trait values in the breeding process and therefore allow to bring new varieties to the market faster.

Ils ont mis aussi les 4C avec le 4eme C comme etant le cout in contrast avec le computing de PacBio. Tres fun!

Correctness, Completeness, Contiguity and Cost, (also dubbed as the 4C’s) are of main importance with regard to generating reference genomes. High contiguity (i.e. Telomere-to-Telomere) and completeness can already be obtained by isolating High Molecular Weight (HMW) genomic DNA, in combination with (ultra) long Oxford Nanopore sequencing.

Ce qui m'a le plus impressionner c'est le processus de assembly and annotation en une semaine

very impressive


Price Nanopore


Oxford Nanopore Technology: revolutionizing genomics research in plants




Unleashing the Power of HiFi Sequencing - How the Sequel IIe System Empowers Life Scientists


Computing env


Scaffolding explanation

Contigs assembly alone is not enough in this case and we still need scaffolding of the contigs. We use Hi-C for long-range scaffolding and the Bionano optical map for short range scafolding. I will not go in the details here but basically Optical map is crucial for resolving some of the wrong chimeric contigs and it is also very good in ordering and orientating the scaffolds. Hi-C is very good to join contigs to give chromosome size scaffold

Video at this moment checking the final assembly by comparing gap and repeat content using ggplot2 graph

Quality of assemblies

Can use this graph to compare sesamum indicum assemblies from china pangenome for the PhD.

The comparision of chromosome to a high quality reference genome is another way to check and compare genome assemblies. May use this plot to compare Goenbaek and Zhonzhi13 chromosomal scale assemblies in the phD document also

quality of assemblies 2

Just randomly get such an inspiring graph from here showing comparative of pathogen genomes. Can be applied to my fungal genome project case.




Hifi free datasets


PacBio Day | Workshop: Whole Genome Sequencing for De Novo Assembly of Any Organism



Assembly and Validation of Two Gap-free Reference Genomes for Xian/indica Rice Reveals Insights into Plant Centromere Architecture

