YatingPan / Object_Detector_ChestIma

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Object Detector for Chest Imagenome Dataset

This repository contains the processing and training scripts for an object detector based on Faster R-CNN, specifically for the Chest Imagenome dataset.


The object detector is trained, evaluated, and tested on the Chest Imagenome dataset. The dataset comprises 29 anatomical regions extracted from the MIMIC-CXR image dataset for object detection.


To use this repository, ensure the following datasets are prepared:

  1. Chest Imagenome: Utilize the scene graph folder of the silver datasets, which contains JSON files detailing 29 anatomical regions with bbox coordinates and attributes.
  2. MIMIC-CXR JPG Dataset: Provides images for the Chest Imagenome.
  3. MIMIC-CXR Reports Dataset: Generates train, test, and validation datasets for subsequent vision-language model frameworks.

Data Processing

Scripts under object_detector/src/dataset are used for processing and creating datasets:

Constants and Faulty Data Identification

  • constants.py: Stores 29 regions defined by the Chest Imagenome dataset and images to be ignored due to detection failure.
  • identify_faulty_data.py: Detects faulty bounding boxes (bboxes) in the Chest Imagenome dataset. Outputs include faulty_bbox_coordinates.csv and faulty_bbox_names.csv for bboxes with incorrect dimensions or labels.

Dataset Statistics and Creation

  • compute_stats_dataset.py: Counts data in the Chest Imagenome dataset, like the proportion of abnormal bboxes, correspondence between bboxes and phrases, etc.
  • create_dataset_new.py: Generates CSV files for train, validation, and test datasets, excluding detected faulty bboxes. The train dataset CSV includes subject_id, study_id, image_id, path, bbox_coordinates, bbox_labels, bbox_phrases, bbox_phrases_exists, and bbox_is_abnormal. Validation and test datasets also include the corresponding report.

Object Detector Based on Faster R-CNN

Scripts in object_detector/src/object_detector are based on PyTorch's Faster R-CNN with modifications for the Chest Imagenome dataset:

  • image_list.py: Adjusted to handle the consistent image size of the MIMIC-CXR JPG images.
  • image_dataset.py: Resize image size to 512×512 for customized anchors.
  • rpn.py and roi_heads.py: Modified to add loss calculation during evaluation.
  • object_detector.py: Tailored for the Chest Imagenome dataset.
    • Uses a ResNet50 model pre-trained on chest x-rays.
    • Accepts grayscale images (1 channels instead of 3).
    • The backbone ends before the final two layers (AdaptiveAvgPool2d and Linear) of the standard ResNet50, focusing only on feature extraction.
    • Expects tensors of shape [batch_size, 1, H, W], where H and W are typically 512.
  • training_script_object_detector.py: Script for training and evaluating the object detector. Outputs include a "runs" folder for saving checkpoints.


  1. Set up the paths for the dataset and training output checkpoints in object_detector/src/path_datasets_and_weights.py.
  2. Follow the instructions in each script under the object_detector/src/dataset and object_detector/src/object_detector directories.



Language:Python 100.0%