YasineNifa / LeadManager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Add leads with name, emails and some other informations

  • Authentification

  • Login logout

  • Each user will have their own leads

  • if I create a lead as one user and then login as another I won't be able to see or manage the other's person lead

  • To learn Django and React

  • some documentation :

    • https://www.django-rest-framework.org/
    • https://www.valentinog.com/blog/drf/#Django_REST_with_React_Django_and_React_together
    • http://v1k45.com/blog/modern-django-part-1-setting-up-django-and-react/
  • Make sure, you have Python3 install

  • Install pipenv : pip install pipenv

  • pipenv shell to open a virtual environment for our project

  • Install some packages pipenv install django djangorestframework django-rest-knox

  • Create a django project django-admin startproject leadmanager

  • Create an app python manage.py startapp leads

  • Add the name of the app in the settings file of our project

  • Go to the leads folder, then the models.py file and create a model name Lead

  • Once created go to the terminal and execute python manage.py makemigrations leads then python manage.py migrate

  • Let s now go to the API : REST FRAMEWORK

  • First we create a serializer.py file in the leads folder. It is a file that will allows complex data such as queryset and models instances to be converted to Python data type that can be easily rendered to JSON, XML AND OTHER ....

  • Then we must create api.py file that use viewset that allows us to create a full crud api (create read update and delete) without having to specify explicit methods for the functionality. It is kind like how ruby works
