Yash Prajapati's repositories



In this Example show how to Use Arduinojson 6 as Serialization and DeSerialization with Help of Nano and ESP8266 (SoftwareSerial)



This is an example of how to use the ESP32's Wireless capabilities to use UDP to contact the National Time Protocol Server (NTP), with a minor modification to set the DS3231 Real Time Clock. The time is offset from GMT, and my offset is -7 (PDT). The code is broken down into WiFi Setup, NTP lookup to timeClient, and then value adjustment and then push to the Real Time Clock (DS3231).



in the code i create two tasks and assign one task to core 0 and another to core 1. Arduino sketches run on core 1 by default. So, you could write the code for Task2 in the loop() (there was no need to create another task). In this case i create two different tasks for learning purposes.



I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial bus interface connection protocol. It is also called as TWI (two-wire interface) since it uses only two wires for communication. Those two wires are SDA (serial data) and SCL (serial clock). I2C is an acknowledgment-based communication protocol i.e. transmitter checks for an acknowledgment from the receiver after transmitting data to know whether data is received by the receiver successfully. I2Cworks in two modes namely, Master mode Slave mode SDA (serial data) wire is used for data exchange between master and slave devices. SCL (serial clock) is used for the synchronous clock in between master and slave devices. The master device initiates communication with a slave device. The master device requires a slave device address to initiate a conversation with a slave device. The slave device responds to the master device when it is addressed by a master device. NodeMCU has I2C functionality support on its GPIO pins. Due to internal functionality on ESP-12E, we cannot use all its GPIOs for I2C functionality. So, do tests before using any GPIO for I2C applications.



In this code you will learn how to Store data in file systems,append and also Read content to a file on the ESP8266 SPIFFS file system.



SoftwareSerial_Communication between two Device(Arduino nano and ESP8266 Or NOde-MCu)



Restaurant Billing System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (resbilling.py). Talking about the application, the project contains only the admin side. The admin just has to select among the food and drinks items, enter the quantity and click on the total button to view the total price. About System This is a simple GUI based application which is very easy to understand and use. It uses the Tkinter module for the GUI. The user can address the order and view the total receipt of the items which displays receipt number and number of their food/drinks items with the total amount. There’s also an extra calculator feature for the users. Here, the total bill of the customer includes tax and service charges too. The design is so simple that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it.



This code have two function that is SendMessage() and _readSerial(). SendMessage() to send message and _readSerial() to read the answer from SIM800L.



dice simulator it's just game for fun



IoT Based Smart Agriculture & Automatic Irrigation System with ESP8266



this dictionary you can search any word



The haplet is an open source force feedback haptic device that can clip to a tablet or laptop. The goal is to make force feedback devices accessible!
