YarikTH / BTree

A general-purpose STL-like C++20 B-Tree

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This library implements a general-purpose header-only STL-like B-Tree in C++, including supports for using it for memory-mapped disk files and fixed-size allocators.

A B-Tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. Unlike other self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is well suited for storage systems that read and write relatively large blocks of data, such as databases and file systems. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-tree)

Just like ordered associative containers in the C++ standard library, key-value pairs can be supported and duplicates can be allowed.

There are four specialized B-Tree classes: frozenca::BTreeSet, frozenca::BTreeMultiSet, frozenca::BTreeMap and frozenca::BTreeMultiMap, which corresponds to std::set, std::multiset, std::map and std::multimap respectively.

How to use

This library is header-only, so no additional setup process is required beyond including the headers.

Target OS/Compiler version

This library aggressively uses C++20 features, and verified to work in gcc 11.2 and MSVC 19.32.

POSIX and Windows operating systems are supported in order to use the memory-mapped disk file interface.

There are currently no plans to support C++17 and earlier.

Example usages

Usage is very similar to the C++ standard library ordered associative containers (i.e. std::set and its friends)

#include "fc_btree.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  namespace fc = frozenca;
  fc::BTreeSet<int> btree;
  // 1 2 3 4 5
  std::cout << btree << '\n';
  fc::BTreeMap<std::string, int> strtree;

  strtree["asd"] = 3;
  strtree["a"] = 6;
  strtree["bbb"] = 9;
  strtree["asdf"] = 8;
  std::cout << strtree << '\n';

  strtree["asdf"] = 333;
  // 333
  std::cout << strtree["asdf"] << '\n';

  strtree.emplace("asdfgh", 200);
  std::cout << btree << '\n';

You can refer more example usages in test/unittest.cpp.

Users can specify a fanout parameter for B-tree.

The default value is 2, where a B-Tree boils down to an 2-3-4 tree: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2%E2%80%933%E2%80%934_tree)

It is recommended to users to choose a fanout parameter suitable to their usages, instead of using the default value.

  // btree with fanout 4
  fc::BTreeSet<int, 4> btree;

Supported operations

Other than regular operations supported by std::set and its friends (lower_bound(), upper_bound(), equal_range() and etc), the following operations are supported:

tree.kth(std::ptrdiff_t k) : Returns the k-th element in the tree as 0-based index. Time complexity: O(log n)

tree.order(const_iterator_type iter) : Returns the rank of the element in the iterator in the tree as 0-based index. Time complexity: O(log n)

tree.enumerate(const key_type& a, const key_type& b) : Range query. Returns the range of values for their key in [a, b]. Time complexity: O(log n)

frozenca::join(Tree&& tree1, value_type val, Tree&& tree2) : Joins two trees to a single tree. The largest key in tree1 should be less than or equal to the key of val and the smallest key in tree2 should be greater than or equal to the key of val. Time complexity: O(1 + diff_height)

frozenca::split(Tree&& tree, value_type val) : Splits a tree to two trees, so that the first tree contains keys less than the key of val, and the second tree contains keys greater than the key of val. Time complexity: O(log n)


Currently, thread safety is not guaranteed. Lock-free support is the first TODO, but contributions are welcome if you're interested.

Disk B-Tree

You can use a specialized variant that utilizes memory-mapped disk files and an associated fixed-size allocator. You have to include fc_disk_btree.h, fc_disk_fixed_alloc.h and fc_mmfile.h to use it.

For this variant, key-value pairs are supported, but duplicates are not supported (but you can easily adjust it to support it manually).

For this variant, supported types have stricter type constraints: it should satisfy std::trivially_copyable_v, and its alignment should at least be the alignment of the pointer type in the machine (for both key type and value type for key-value pairs). This variant has a larger default fanout, 64.

The following code initializes a frozenca::DiskBTree, which generates a memory-mapped disk file database.bin and uses it, with an initial byte size of 32 megabytes. If the third argument is true, it will destroy the existing file and create a new one (default is false). You can't extend the pool size of the memory-mapped disk file once you initialized (doing so invalidates all pointers in the associated allocator).

fc::DiskBTree<std::int64_t, 128> btree("database.bin", 1UL << 25UL, true);


Using a performance test code (test/perftest.cpp) that insert/retrieve/erase 10 million std::int64_t in random order, I see the following results in my machine (gcc 11.2-O3):

Balanced tree test
Warming up complete...
frozenca::DiskBTreeSet test
Time to insert 10000000 elements: 5165.81 ms
Time to lookup 10000000 elements: 4784.74 ms
Time to erase 10000000 elements: 6180.8 ms
std::set test
Time to insert 10000000 elements: 12889.7 ms
Time to lookup 10000000 elements: 15527.5 ms
Time to erase 10000000 elements: 18128.5 ms


This library is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (LICENSE-Apache2-LLVM or https://llvm.org/foundation/relicensing/LICENSE.txt)


A general-purpose STL-like C++20 B-Tree

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:C++ 100.0%