Yardenrsk / PsychometryReceiverCV

A side project to easily get and annotate questions and answers to the PsychometryBot project DB using computer vision and pdf parsing

Repository from Github https://github.comYardenrsk/PsychometryReceiverCVRepository from Github https://github.comYardenrsk/PsychometryReceiverCV


An automation that creates a DB of math questions and answers to the PsychomteryBot. Instead of cropping each question's picture (and there's a lot) and adding answers manually, I decided to develop this automation which runs over a list of pdf urls and locating the questions using OpenCV.

How Does It Work?

In the "source" csv file, I listed any of the math pdf files from "HighQ.com" and looped over the list using Pandas. For each file, I converted the file type from PDF to JPEG and detected the seperating lines between the questions using OpenCV. Afterwards, save each questions (the area between to lines) with a uniqe name and relevant folder. For the answers, I used regex to detect the answer number of each question in the answers PDF and added it to the "result" file.

In order to assure that there are no errors (and I've had some..), I created the "control" file to check mismatches between the amount of answers and questions.

An example of the question extraction process:

alt text


A side project to easily get and annotate questions and answers to the PsychometryBot project DB using computer vision and pdf parsing


Language:Python 100.0%